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Everything posted by CloudShimmers

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time debut the same year and month as my birth. It was the first game I played, and too this day I have about 5 copies of it.
  2. Cloud nuzzled her back and closed his eyes, "Of course you can captain." He pulled her close, obviously happy.
  3. Cloud smiled at her, "My crew are bound to find some rumor to get exited about, they're like that." He stretched out and put a hoof around Harla, "As for my current plan? Well you did just interrupt my nap. So I was pondering wether or not to finish it."
  4. The first question, the question that must never be answered! The question you've been running from your entire life!

  5. Xy! I can be you buddy to play DayZ with! Also, yay, I'm so glad you're here!
  6. Cloud crawled next to her, "I managed to swipe a meremares pearl, that sold for a hefty price." He brushed a few stray hairs out of her face. "What about you? Rumour has it you're carrying a pretty large amount of treasure."
  7. "I think you know the answer to that already," Cloud smiled in regards to her question about love. "Have you ever thought about sailing away with me, captain?" He asked, "Fly off and become the greates pirates in the world?" He was taken back by the kiss, as usual, but kissed back. "Do you honestly want me to let you go, with an attitude like that? Because it would be so hard to do." He pulled her closer. "Can't you stay, only for a few days? Give your crew a scare and just relax?" He asked honestly.
  8. (its fine Star ) Cloud was smarter than to fall for her tricks... right? Then why was he blushing? "Uh, well Harla I'm afraid-" 'afraid that I actually like you more than you like me?' He thought. "Afraid that if you really snuck in here just to seduce me, you'll have to do a better job." He knew his face was turning red. Cloud looked out the window at where the sun was, it was almost time for his crew to return, so he could play along with Harla's trick. "Why should I let you go Harla?" He stuck his sword into dresser behind her. "After all, you're much more valuable to me than any amount of treasure." He leaned a little closer to her, "But, if you decided to stay for a while, I'm sure your crew can get along just fine."
  9. Cloud woke up to the sound of crashing bottles. He lifted his head and saw Captain Harla Quin in his room, bottles in hand, and near his dresser. He sat up and looked at her, "This obviously isn't a dream, or else you'd be dressed more... nevermind." He sighed, "Harla, you know I can't just let you sneak in here and try to take my treasure." He stood up and picked up his sword. "So are you gonna hand over your weapons, or will I have to coerce you outa them?" He winked at her.
  10. Cloud himself was actually quite sleepy, he climbed back aboard his ship and went into the captain's cabin. It wasn't to special, just a big room with a large bed in it. It had a desk and a few chests filled with charts and gold, but that was it. He dove onto the fluffy bed and started to fall asleep.
  11. The port was in sight! Cloud gave the order to start a descension. The Storm lowered itself as it approached the port, knowing full well that Colt's Cove was one of its usual ports. The small skyport that the port had was only large enough for about three ships at a time, and the Storm had a spot reserved. Several members of Cloud's pegasus crew jumped onto the deck with fastening ropes. The best part of ruling the skies, whas that you never had to get your 'sea legs', you were always prepared to go from land to air, no matter what! Cloud himself emerged from his ship, and sent his crew with there pay into town. They were all aware of Cloud's number one rule; No killing unless absolutely necissary. And they knew what would happen if they broke it; they'd have to duel their captain in arial combat. Luckily his crew were smart, and every time they took a prisoner he or she was treated with as much respect as the crew. Half the time the prisoners were released at the next port, but the other half? Well, how do you suppose Cloud got his crew?
  12. I would love to be a part of this, Ria sounds like an awesome character!
  13. Cloud's ears started burning, 'Harla must be thinking about me again.' He smirked, 'well I'll have to give her a little kiss next time I see her.' He started laughing. The Storm was twenty minutes out of Colt's Cove.'
  14. Its supposed to be my avatar pic. I just really want it like this for my B-day.
  15. To anypony looking to the sky, they would see what looked like a solitary black cloud in the air. But as it turned out, the cloud was actually a large oblong balloon with a ship tethered to it. With sails on its sides; The Storm was one of the few ships able to manuver quiclky in the air. And who would mann the helm this vessel? None other than the young captain Cloud Shimmers. The Captain called to his crew. "We'll be in Colt's Cove before nightfall!" This good news was echoed with a cheer. 'Hopefully before Harla' Cloud smirked slightly.
  16. So the premise of this RP would be somple: Living your lives in a neighborhood. Of course there would be some trouble; Gossips and Cheaters and whatever else you can think of. So post here if you're interested ^^. We'll establish rules and apps and things later.
  17. I shall be captain of a sky crew! Status: The legend begins! Name: Cloud Shimmers Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Viridian Coat Color: Deep Blue Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Golden mane and tail (General appearance): Cloud is tall and semi muscular. (Cutiemark): A cyclone being struck by a neon Blue Lightning bolt (Ship description): Captain Cloud's airship; The Storm is small but fast. It uses a large balloon and sails to float and soar through the sky. (like a sloop of war) (Weapons/Fighting style): Despite his youth, Cloud is quite the swordsman! He uses a sword of a different era; a katana. He carries a flintlock pistol as well, but its mostly just for show (Lifelong dream as a pirate/whatever they are): Cloud wants the fame of being a pirate; while he does like the sparkle of gold, he likes stricking fear in his enemies more. (History): Cloud's parents were killed at a young age, when he was a young(er) stallion he joined a crew. The captain was cruel and he lead a mutiny. The Storm is the original ship with the ballon fastened a few other modifications added. (Personality): Cloud respects his crew and will make sure they are happy before anything. He runs a tight ship, but allows for the crew to have freedom. Cloud is clever and smart, he knows quite a bit of how the world works.
  18. Squee! So many apps! Hurray for Fluttershy! oh and Rainbow Dash and especialy Derpy.
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