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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. Ha!

    I was checking the "new content" and noticed that you were the most recent post, and thought "I hope I am about to see another teenager".

    You just made my evening.

    Well technically, making a throw that caromed off of two defending players before scoring a point (luck, not skill) was what made my evening.

    This is the cherry on top.

    This one seems less realistic, than the fluttershy pic, but still amusing. The idea that TS thinks chewing gum is rebellious is fun! The idea that she might engage in "F*** Celestia" graffiti...is shocking. To say the least.

    Actually she's tagging over "F*** Celstia" XD Notice how Celestia's cutie mark and her own are the most recently layered tags? She wasn't a very GOOD punk.

  2. Ok, time to drop a little knowledge bomb here.

    All melee weps besides the scout's and those with firing speed modifiers have a delay of .25 secs from when you click to when they hit. This doesn't sound like much, but it makes the difference, especially with scouts. Also, with melee speed MATTERS. There's a reason the demo speeds up as he collects heads and has longer ranged weps. When you first start training melee I recommend the medic, since he does full melee damage and has +10% speed. Use the solemn vow so you can see which enemies are weak enough that you'll be able to take them out. Pyro is also good because it's got the highest health of any class that moves at 100% speed.

    Also, just randomly swinging is a bad idea, since you aren't likely to hit anything. Wait until you have your cross-hairs on the enemy, THEN attack. That way more attacks will hit.

    Finally, just get a feel for the range of your wep. During setup time on a map, face a way and slowly move back and forth swinging your wep until you find the furthest possible range you'll still hit at. Then repeat somewhere else. After a while you should have your range down.

    OMG thank you so much Chippy-Sensi~

  3. Welcome to canterlot! You're actually the second furry to join up with us today!

    Too bad about your old forum though. Thankfully we have a lot of really nice RP helpstaff and admins to keep things tasetfull here!

    Also I can not stress this enough... Graphics tablets are SO MUCH FUN! At least I find mine super fun. I hope when/if you get yours you have a blast using it!

  4. Twilight wasn’t always a geek. Back in her early to mid teens, she was a bit of a trouble maker. The stress of her advanced studies, the distance from her parents, and the lack of any real parental figure made her a bit of a punk. Most of her teachers were too afraid of the fact that she was Celestia’s protege to really discipline her. And of course between Raising the Sun and Moon, Ruling an entire nation, and headmistressing a School… Celestia just didn’t have much time to set Twi straight until she was a little older.


    • Like 3
  5. It doesn't have a meaning.

    It started with a friend saying like "hey I bet you can't say nggatchkupupupebe" and I had some trouble saying it then I told him I bet you can't say hypernevakustiskadiafragmakontravibrationer and he couldn't and so I remember the first work as "pnukupupupupebe" and from there it turned into "pnukup"

    Tell me if I'm going too fast.

    Can you say Fibbleaspercontortionalitationismderfobniark?

  6. Aww. '3'

    That reminds me of an mlp comic series on DA called Dash Academy. It takes place in RD's flight school/high school years. Fluttershy has braces in that comic too. :3

    I actually follow Dash Academy on DA! Though I had forgotten about her braces as it's been a while since I've seen it. It probably effected my head canon at some point though.

  7. Welcome to Canterlot! If you're lucky, you can probably find someone willing to draw Applepanoble over in the Request area of the Creativity forum! Just remember to ask nicely, and not get upset if the person you requested decides not to do it or ends up dropping the project! Requests are requests after all.

    We actually have a thread or two regarding the furry community over in the 18+ section! There's plenty of mixed feelings, but you're not going to be turned away or harassed for it here! (If you do get harassed, do NOT hesitate to tell someone! The devs here are very good about handling harassment). I'm no furry myself, but I do love you guys and really enjoy the art your community puts out!

    Hope you enjoy your stay here, and have fun over in the RP area!

    [edit] Gosh I use way too many exclamation marks.

  8. I'm doing a fun little comprehension project! Draw the MLP cast in their teen years. So far this is just a comprehensive exercise and an excuse to draw the cast with alternate hair styles. I may story it out somewhere down the road if this project doesn't flop like my usual ones do!

    I AM open to ideas if people have particularly interesting head canons, by the way.

    First up we have Fluttershy's papa trying to get her to smile after getting new braces.


    • Like 5
  9. Sooooo I discovered something yesterday!

    I have a really strong reaction to Dark chocolate, specifically 70%+ cocoa Dark Chocolate.

    Like, omg it is SOOOOOOOO goood but it puts me in a REALLY um... awkward mood.

    I got a hold of some the other day from a free trade store, and I just wanted to grab the nearest human being and make out with it. I was all sorts of tingly.

  10. Welcome aboard! Rosewind pretty much covered it, but you need to do the minimum 3 responses in the introduction thread before you can start posting images or participating in other forums.

    You can also link to your DA in your profile, or even your signature!

  11. School? Well shoot, don't remind me! XD

    School school school school!

    It's really not that bad. Once you're out of it for a while, you start to want to go back (or at least I do). There's something magical about being in a huge building with hundreds of peers to interact with in a casual environment while you learn the wonders of the world. Kids take school WAY for granted (I know I did!).

    Also you can TOTALLY put pony posters all over the halls! I wish I still had high school when I discovered ponies, I would have so done that.

  12. A great way to practice melee fighting is to go to a 24 hour Degroot Keep server and play for a few hours. And don't play as Sniper/Medic, that's cheating. Alternatively, instead of shooting someone when they're close, try instead melee attacking them. Eventually you'll get a feel for how far/close you have to be to hit them.

    And, naturally, find a weapon that fits your play style best. Some weapons are better for fighting in melee range than others, as well as your entire load out can effect it. After you get the hang of it, you'll be meleeing your way to victory!

    Also, since apparently we're post trades, I'm selling a Strange Tribalman's Shiv, S. Market Gardner, and a dirty Wingstick if anyone wants any of those. And you know how I said I was Knight Captain Korok before? I lied. I changed it to Velvet Remedy (mostly as a joke, but I think I'll leave it as that for a while)

    oh yeah! I'll have to try that.

  13. Oh wow. I wish I could channel surf to MLP!

    Also I love your typing 'voice', it's really refreshing to see folks throw in personality into their typing! Will you be heading for the RP area? (I'm pretty sure that's what most new people come for)

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