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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. Okay I need some help, cause there's something I'm just not getting...

    I'm like the only person who can't seem to melee properly in TF2. What am I doing wrong?!

    Everyone is always faster, gets around behind me, and hits me before I'm even in range. Meanwhile it feels like I have to be right there to hit them, and even then it doesn't seem to do anything!

    I recently came into possession of a Strange Equalizer, but I'm feeling VERY unequal on the melee battlefield. Any tips?

  2. Thread bump!

    Also my good buddy Joey just gave me a Strange Black Box and a Strange Equilizer for about 10 spare weapons I never use that he wanted (the guy never plays soldier, and insisted I take them).

    Sooo I'm going to be doing that for a little while today! Anyone wana join me on some TF2? Steam is Kryptchild, and I'll probably be doing some Dustbowl!

  3. I thought I'd just do as you say because I don't want haters D;

    Thanks for all the welcomes, I didn't know I'd get so many


    Okay, now I'm off to read the rules before I do something stupid.

    It's fine! No hatters here. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get in trouble right out of the gate or something.

  4. I played this game on my friends flat screen one night...

    I gave up to my fate after 3 pages ._. I paniced after I got a glance and screamed and started running... then I just turned around and let him take me :<

    I cried a little... I'm such a wuss! :scream:

  5. If the codes to your website project are stolen, I suggest you remove the link from your post.

    Also to be on the safe side I suggest choosing a different avatar. These forums are family friendly, and I doubt RD smoking a doobie would be considered appropriate.

    Those things aside, welcome!

  6. Your link is broken hun, might wana check that.

    Also in my opinion Pinkie Pie's hair is pretty easy to draw, just do a bunch of loops and hoops with a hook at the end. Then color it pink!

    Rarity's hair is the bane of my existence. I flat out gave up and came up with my own style for her hair.

  7. Welcome to Canterlot!

    I've never really understood what people have against EQD! I use it all the time. Sure the Drawfriends are a little biased, but it's hard to give budding artists attention when there are HUNDREDS of them.

    It's simply too hard to keep track of- Whoops! There I go on a tangent again. Maybe I should make a thread about that...

    Anyway welcome!

  8. Good friends make friends watch MLP at least once~

    I'm pretty sure we don't have any snakes here, unless you go into the dangerous adventure areas of the RP forum!

    Welcome to Canterlot! Do you plan on producing any fan music? We've got a music section in the creativity thread if you're feeling confident enough to share with us!

  9. Oh god I love food way too much for my own good.

    I'm a HUGE pasta advocate myself, and I run off of a high carb low protein diet. My favorite food of all time though if I had to pick ONE would probably be fresh steamed artichoke! That stuff is just... oh god it's delicious! Dip the leaf in a little melted butter with pepper~

    For dessert I'd have to say Devils Food or Key-Lime Pie. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but when I spoil myself I reach for the classy stuff.

    My drink of choice would probably be a nice dark Rum with Coke. I tend to be a bit of a blabbermouth when I drink though, so I don't indulge TOO often!

  10. I'm incredibly new to MLP:FiM though I probably won't go overboard with it I'll keep it on my constant list of Fandom XD

    You say that nooow~

    Just you wait... we all said that at some point, but once you hit stage 2 there's no turning back. The infection has already set in, just a matter of time! BWAHAHAHAHA-*cough**cough*

    Also welcome to Canterlot!

  11. Holy WOW you lead an interesting life! Knitting AND Bees?! Getting tired just thinking about it.

    Glad to have you with us Mari! Also glad to hear we've got some brony colts in germination! How old was your charge when you were foal sitting?

    (Teehee... still tickles me to talk like that!)

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