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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. I got my blindbags as follows:

    Step 1: Walk into walmart

    Step 2: Went to the toy isle

    Step 3: Looked for the MLP section, found the blindbag box.

    Step 4: Did some math to see how many blindbags I could afford

    Step 5: Moved a few from box 2 to box 1 (17 in total)

    Step 6: Take full display box

    Step 7: Walk around walmart for half an hour with display box looking for my ride.

    Step 8: walk around walmart for ANOTHER half hour with display box while my ride does grocery shopping.

    Step 9: go to checkout and buy 17 blindbags, say "I'm keeping the box" to the six foot tall cute guy at the register

    Step 10: Go home and rip open blind bags with my friend!

    I'm the worlds most shameless person though, but honestly it's not as bad as you think it is. What impact on your life will receiving a strange look from someone you'll never see again have?

    Store clerks aren't paid to tell customers what they should and shouldn't buy. They can actually get fired if they do!

  2. I have a confession... I'm not made entirely of love and cute and kissu~kissu~ <3 <3

    I do have one single hate inside me... :sniff:

    I absolutely hate Snips with a firey passion. I literally mute the volume and look away whenever that squat nosed, miss colored eyebrowed, nasely pigpony appears on screen. Snails is totally adorable, but for some reason Snips specifically fills me with a gnawing, writhing ire. The contempt I feel for that colt is boundless.

    And it's too bad, cause I love his voice actor!

    Love and tolerate my butt... I'm so ashamed of myself. :wail::scream::cry::sad:

  3. I'd honestly be surprised if a brony hater even knew about this website, let alone was determined enough to put up a farce long enough to attack it.

    Honestly the only brony hate I see now a days are in mixed community forums, youtube comments, and the occasional TF2 server deadbeat... But I think they're more mad at being dominated by someone with a Rarity icon than bronies in general.

    Maybe I've just been lucky, but the hate seems to be dieing out.

    • Like 1
  4. I've got one brony friend, but he has no internet, so his involvement is pretty minimal at best. He does like to make cutie mark stencils for tagging! He's such a little trouble maker~

    He's less into the show, but loves the art and the music. I do get the feeling a lot of his involvement with brony stuff is mainly because I'm into it.

  5. Request Livestream in 20 minutes!


    You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Naturally I can do more tumblr style sketches than I can regular.

    All requests will be sketches, and I’ll pick out three or four that I really like to color later in the week. You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or line art in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality).

    Will draw:

    -Shipping (Yaoi, Yuri, or hetero (booooring))


    -Headcanon behavior




    Will not draw:



    -Gratuitous violence.

    Hope to see you there~

  6. Hiya~

    Tomorrow at about 2:00 PM I'll be starting an open request stream to go well into the evening! Bring your OTPs, your OCs (no alicorns), and your headcanons!

    You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality). Naturally I can do more tumblr style sketches than I can regular.

    I'll of course be a LITTLE picky about what I draw, since I probably won't get to absolutely everyone. I also may combine ideas, I dunno yet!

    All requests will be sketches, and I'll pick out three or four that I really like to color later in the week. You can request either full sketches (will take more time and look better) or sketches in my tumblr style (great practice! Will be faster, probably cuter, but a little lower quality).

    Will post an announcement twenty minutes before I start up (or right away if I run late).

    Hope to see you there~


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