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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. I joined the herd at the beginning of November 2011. I'd known about the show since it first hit /co/ back during my 4chan days, however. I just never payed any attention to it, passed it off as a trolling fad. I was rather impressed however with some of the actual fan art that popped up from time to time, but thought nothing of it past "hm, that's kinda pretty".

  2. I have to apologies to the folks who were waiting and any new hopefulls, but I'm closing off the avatar requests for now. I may pick this back up again the next time I get a new style or hit artists block, but for now Pharm's Blog along with classes and my own very sporadic artistic trends makes maintaining requests pretty much impossible.

    I'm sorry for being so unpredictable about this and dropping it without warning. I opened this request to help practice basic pony heads and shapes, and get a better handle on Sai. I've still got a long ways to go, but I'd say I have made some headway at least, and in no small part thanks to you guys!

    Again, sorry for people I didn't get to, I need to work on not making a habit of biting off more than I can chew with projects.

    For now, this thread is Closed

    Thank you for stopping by, for helping me get better, and being patient with me! <3

  3. I actually haven't used in in a while, but I could do some pretty good animations, and some programming that could be useful for games. But I'm really rusty now, I'm going to have to learn everything all over again... But making stuff for this community may actually keep me in Flash. My main problem was that I couldn't really think of anything to make, I kinda need people to tell what to make... Once I get good at it again, I'll definitely ask for requests for projects to work for. :)

    No, I don't have a DA, but that will probably change. ;-)

    I'd be TOTALLY happy to help give you ideas for projects and provide some concept art. Once you make yourself a DA page look me up (I use Kryptchild for like, everything!). I wana see what you're made of!

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  4. I've decided I'm gana make this thread to post when I'm doing livestreams, in case anyone wants to come either learn from what I'm doing, give me advice on what I'm doing wrong, or just poke fun at me!

    So come, talk, and be merry!

    Starting stream in a few minutes. Coloring Guilty Belle and then drawing more Sweetie being adorbs.


  5. I've actually come up with two of my own. I'm sure someone somewhere some time has said something similer, but I like to think I came up with them.

    "The people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind."

    "Madness is knowing with all of your heart that you are right, when everyone tells you that you are wrong."

    One that I particularly like that I think Einstein said was

    "If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we would be so simple we couldn't."

  6. Just out of curiosity, what are some weapons y'all have named?

    I have:

    Strange Southern Hospitality: "The Moron Detector"

    The Eyelander: "The Knight Captain's Blade"

    Frontier Justice: "YOU DO NOT! HURT! MY! FRIENDS!"

    Just my beloved Strange Grenade Launcher: 'Kindness'

    Also count me in on a Canterlot TF2 party! I'm game for any evening except for friday before 9:40 pm central. I'd be late if it's on a Friday night.

  7. Astoundingly no, and I stride around public with a Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy T-shirts and the Pinkie Pie McDonalds toy hanging at my hip like a keychain on a bi-daily basis!

    Heck I walk laps around down town in my city for exercise, blatantly wearing pony gear. Not ONE person even bats an eye at it! Not even a mean look or a nod! NOTHING!

    It's kinda frustrating actually... I hate how boring my town is.

  8. Hooray for thinking! Welcome to Canterlot Twisted! Do you do instrumental as well or just vocal work? I hear Voice Acting is great practice for musicians. I think there's a few people looking for voice actors somewhere in the forums for a project.

    I don't do voice work, so I've only seen it in passing when it's the top thread. It should be either in Creativity or Entertainment.

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