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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. My mom and younger brother conspired to surprise me with a Pinkie Pie birthday cake for my 21st birthday. I'm tickled they knew she's my favorite.


    She was made with fresh strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream, strawberry icing, and half a bottle of Bacardi Rum.

    • Like 6
  2. has anyone heard of the coke machines with tons of flavours and it's touch screen?

    YES! I love those!

    They're actually directly connected to the Coke a cola marketing research department. They tally which combinations are used the most in what areas and plan to use the information for which flavor combinations to sell to what areas.

  3. Mine was a McDonalds clerk when I was hunting for the McDonalds toys back in May(or was it march?).

    It was like my 3rd run and no-one up till that point had any idea what a brony was. I asked the Casheer which colors of the girls toys they had, and he said.

    "Do you want AJ or Rarity?"

    AJ was the one I was missing, so I got that, we brohoofed, I had food, and I went on the rest of my daily errands. Now that I think about it I probably should have gotten his name and number. *sigh*

  4. I had no idea Andrew W. K. was a brony; now I can somewhat stand that horrible Destroy Build Destroy show!

    Naw, the show will always be horrible and a bad idea. Andrew atleast made it somewhat entertaining with all his screaming. But the premise was just pretty stupid. It was basically Cartoon network trying to copy Mythbusters.

  5. So we've already got Tara Strong, John De Lancie, Gabe Newell, Commander Sheppard, Anthony Bourdane (sorta), Steven Colbert (also sorta), Deadmau5 (for like, a day), and now Andrew W.K is going full brony!

    I think all we're missing now is Batman and we'll be able to take on Dark Side AND Dr. Doom!

    I mean... we've got like some of the coolest people ever behind us! This was a good day, I think I'm gana go out and buy another Andrew W.K. CD later as tribute.

  6. Who is Andrew W.K.?

    Andrew W.K. is a heavy metal / hard rock musician and vocal artist. After his music tours he went into a career in motivational speaking and he's been on several TV shows. He hosted "destroy build destroy" on cartoon network (kinda a bad show to be honest, but not his fault). He was featured on Aqua Teen Hunger Force TWICE (one episode and the movie), and he's been on Fox news and a few other places.

    Have a video

    and another

    • Like 1
  7. You have no idea how okay I am with this. I was actually considering making a FB account (gasp!) when the first post hit EQD just so I could follow him and love him <3

    Not only does he make some freaking HEAVY music *ahem* sorry about that... I'm a bit of a metalhead. But he's a freaking SWEETHEART! Everything he stands for is why I love Pinkie Pie as best pony:

    Live life to the fullest

    Do what makes you and others happy

    Enjoy yourself

    Don't let others bring you down.

    PARTY! (I'm not big on parties myself, but I support them!)

    Despite all the crazy sh---stuff he's done both on and off stage and how extreme he can be, he's genuine and honest and definitely has the next generation attitude about gender roles.

    Did I mention he's a sweetheart?! <3 <3 <3

    • Like 1
  8. they have vending machines like that at my school. its the spinny one with all the little doors. sells sammiches, salads, fruit cups, bagels, etc. refridgerated, and stocked daily.

    Your school sounds... really nice o_o

    All my highschools vending machines used to sell were vitamin water, protein bars, and there was an old coke machine in the annex most of the student body didn't know about that hadn't had a price update in 5 years.

    I jelly :x

  9. Guh... Talk about tough choices!

    On one hand I'd be having a more active roll in the fandom, It'd be FUN, and I can maybe get my name out there...

    On the other hand, doing a podcast would RUIN my anonymity and give away my gender (~something I enjoy people being unsure about~)...


    Add me on Skype (Kryptchild (I use it for everything)) anyway, but I've got to really think on if I wana do this or not!

  10. That... actually sounds kinda gross.

    In my experience, the faster you can make the food the worse it tastes and the worse it is for you. Not to mention you're completely taking the human element out of preparation! Robots can't check for spoiled peparoni slices or stray roaches that got into the cracks of the machine.

    And just how fresh do you think those ingredients are? I've seen vending machines dispense chips that go back two years!

    And 9 minutes? I dunno about you but that's not enough time to completely de-frost and thoroughly cook any kind of Pizza I'd want to eat if the ingredients were frozen.

    I say all this as I eat my Pizza Shuttle cream cheese pizza mind you...

  11. Dunno if it's been said, but in 'Lunar Eclipse' when Luna says "How many points do I receive?!" she has her season one bangs.

    Also it's not an error, but in Lesson Zero the windmill and sun work like a clock (the windmill is the second hand, and the sun is the minute hand.

    Most of the errors seem to be in the earlier episode. I think after we started pointing them out they began cracking down on errors like this. I wonder if there are any kerfuffles in Canterlot Wedding.

  12. Sounds like something I'd NEVER watch all because of the word "Book" I don't like books.

    Gah, STOP CALLING ME THAT :x It's not funny, it's not my fault I got stuck with that name because of a Tumblr meme :roll:

    But yeah, it worked out fine so far, not sure where to go and what to do next here though.

    It's so adorable when you get all huffy from that!

  13. I have this program, but I don't use it much cause they get in the way of the mouse. I'm working on getting a Pharm Party desktop pony. I got a few gifs I need from an art trade, now I just gotta hunt down a good program to make the rest myself.

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