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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. To be completely honest... I wouldn't be nearly as into MLP if it werent for the amazing fan base. I mean the show is great and all, but there's no doubt that we've made it what it is today.

    The literally constant flow of fanart and stories, hundreds of fan songs of all generas, the events, heck people are making GAMES and ORIGONAL ANIMATIONS based on this! We have full blown TEAMS working on games.

    We've donated several hundred thousand dollars to various charities in just over two years, we're starting a new cultural trend of positiveness and acceptance, and we're changing the hearts and minds of people with money and power.

    Let me remind you guys... all that in under TWO years. That's a VERY short ammount of time to do any one of the things I've mentioned, let alone all simultaneously.

    What's MY favorite part of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Why the answer is simple my friends...


  2. Well there are tons of ways you can go about this. The power cord for my scanner went missing a few months ago and I have no idea where it is, so I just use a digital camera to snap pictures of sketches and upload them. The lighting can make it a little frustrating, just have to work out how and where to do it so there are no awkward shadows.

    Also if you're over 18, weigh more than 120 lbs, live in a major City in America and aren't afraid of needles you can do what I did to buy my tablet: Donate plasma at a Plasma Center. You can get between $30 and $60 a visit depending on your weight. I suggest you research it so you know all the potential risks involved. Plasma Centers are pretty sterile now a days but you always gotta be careful when working with blood.

    I'd also suggest you upgrade from MS pain. Paint tool Sai and Gimp are pretty easy to get free, and I got a copy of Photoshop elements when I bought my tablet (though it's laggy and I don't use it personally).

  3. It probably would have ended up at about the same level as G1-G3.5

    Another girls toy line and cartoon to advertise it. The only real reason we know the G3.5 series was SO bad is BECAUSE we have Gen 4 to compare to. Heck without FiM, I bet 90% of us wouldn't even give anything MLP related a second glance.

    But considering how many lives the Brony community has touched in these past 2 years alone... I'm glad things turned out how they did.

  4. I personally hope the hub NEVER works with Cartoon network. I don't want Stuart Synder's poisonous little fingers anywhere NEAR My Little Pony!

    Perhaps after a long enough run of support from the brony community, Studio B and the Hub will be well funded enough to branch out to other networks. Nickelodeon could use some pony love.

    Frankly the cancelation of Toonami and Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was the last straw for me. They tried to bring back the feel of Toonami with that steaming pile they called "Magoozi" but it just flopped... And don't get me started on the Live action hosted knock off of Cartoon Cartoon Fridays they aired for two months in 2009.

    Also... who the hell let Andrew W.K. on a KIDS show?!

  5. Actually, my original home was Guardian. Then when the game went F2P, I moved all my characters to Exalted. I tried to elicit some role play there but failed miserably, so I started moving my characters to Virtue since that seems the only server where role play lives. Wild Riot is actually one of the few characters I moved over to Virtue. I'm just taking a break from CoH for a little while becuase I burned out on the game.

    Yeah Virtue was really the only RP server (and it also happened to have the largest population of players). Spent all 6 of my CoX years on Virtue, and I was a co-leader of the RP supergroup "The Teen Phalanx" on Virtue for about 4 years! I left recently due to boredom with the game, but I'm probably going to make a re-appearance with them this summer.

  6. Thank you, too. I actually made my avatar. That's Wild Riot. He's actually an adaption of a City of Heroes character of mine that I thought would be fun to drop into the Ponyverse. He's actually supposed to be half unicorn and half changeling... if such a thing can exist. :)

    Egads! Someone else is from CoX! Tell me you're home server was Virtue...

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