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Image Comments posted by Kryptchild

  1. Scootaloo, I allways pick the shy puppy from litters, or the box if it's double-corrugated, best cardboard, I'd call her "Boxy Brown" and put my records in it...

    You're the first person to choose the box! Which is good, because it's the only one of them that's actually got '4-adoption' written on it. The crusaders are just chillen out.

  2. Wait, that's Soarin? and Braeburn?

    I failed the gay test...

    Okay I can understand people not seeing Braeburn, I kinda colored his hair a little light... but come ON!! That is totally Soarin!

    I'm gana go curl up in a corner and nurse my artistic pride...

  3. Why can't I stop looking at this?

    Probably because Braeburn is a passionate studly chunk of man swag and Soaren is a smooth carefree smexy goofball and together they make the hottest man love couple in all of fancanon history.

  4. Well done with the angle. My sister is a huge fan of these shots, and has got it down to a science. You usually can't see her arm, and it is always framed perfectly.

    I wanted to have the shot where Pharm's hoof was blocking most of the 'photo'. He's pretty uncoordinated after all.

  5. I'm not very hep to the jive, so you'll have to bear with me on this, but is this one of those so called classic facebook poses?

    I actually have no idea! On the tumblr page he's adjusting his new webcam, which is kinda tough with hooves. The textless picture looked good so I posted it here.

  6. ...Really?

    ...No-one has made the joke yet?

    *sigh* ahem... FULL MOON OUT TONIGHT!

    Okay, now that that's out of the way, freaking amazing.

    Kinda knocks my own art down several peggs, but that's just motivation to get better!

    That background must have taken a while to get right, great job!

  7. I'm really digging these avatars of yours.

    It might be the style or something, but they're quite good in my opinion. :D

    I've more or less figured out my own style, all that's left to do now is repeat and get better at it. Once I've got it down I may try my hand at a new style, but for now I really like this one.

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