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Posts posted by Kryptchild

  1. 4. People who say that I take my bronyness 'too far'. How exactly is buying four different articles of Rainbow Dash related clothing 'too far'? How is spending fifty dollars on a pillow 'too far'? I'll admit that I have spent a bit over one hundred dollars on MLP related merchandise, but lots of people spend more than that on sports shoes, and people don't accuse them of taking it too far. It's only because being a brony is a fairly new thing that people see spending what is honestly not all that much money on MLP stuff.

    That reminds me! I need to get back on Welovefine and pick out a few shirts for my Birthday coming up.

  2. Hahahaha! You picked a great shot for the banner, well done!

    Behold my appreciation below!

    God I freaking love this... it's like- it's like an ADVERTISEMENT! I need to look into finding a way to make the image like a button that re-directs you to my blog when you click on it!

    I mean, having a link in a description is nice, but this is a freaking IMAGE! And the background is DARK meaning Pharm POPS out at you because hes lighter! Then the text is Dark too so you're eye is drawn to the text but it's not obnoxiously blasted at you so you actually READ it cause you're like "what does that say?".

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. Well I'm in the clear then, saying "I'm like so-and-so" is a VERY Rainbow Dash thing to do

    >_> actually... yeah! You are in the clear there.

    I'm not that bothered by the .MOV vidoes. To be honest Shed did go overboard, but it's a parody. Vulgarity I can tolerate to most extremes, and although HotDiggityDemon takes it to a far extreme, I'm able to tolerate it BECAUSE hes a brony. He makes a parody of what he loves, and frankly a lot of work and effort go into it.

    It takes a lot of strength to laugh at yourself. Frankly I'd only find the .MOV vidoes to be offensive if it was made by a brony hater.

    But then again everyone has different thresholds of tolerance.

  4. There's actually very little that really ticks me off, but there are a few things that kinda annoy me.

    I'm up there with you Quicklime about people comparing themselves to the mane cast. I dunno how many times I've seen people say they're like Fluttershy... when calling out "I'm like so and so" doesn't seem a very Fluttershy thing to do. I think people are just cognitively confusing "I like" and "I'm like".

    Probably the only other thing that annoys me is people who outright hate shipping and wont stop talking about it. Not liking excessive or most ships is fine... but to outright hate all of it and keep talking about it? Curious mentality behind that.

    I guess really any excessive "I hate this rabble rabble rabble" bugs me.

    • Like 1
  5. Wam-Bam! Two avatars down in one post!


    Tango for TangoWhooves!

    I'm not sure why I drew Tango with that faint shimmer in his eyes... He just came out so handsome I had to do it. Also I hate drawing hats.


    Sydphony for MarchingHammers.

    Marching you have NO idea how hard your color scheme is to work with. There's a reason you never see ponies with dark colors in the show.

    But my love for Pink Floyed compells me to forgive you... this time.

    • Like 1
  6. I really try to avoid judging myself based on a chart because of not only self fulfilling prophecy (if you're told you're like something or act a certain way, you're more likely to follow that path) but also ideal self bias (You're more likely to pick a description of yourself based on your ideal self, not your real self).

    Buuuut based on what I read, I guess I'm a Scootaloo.

    I'm okay with this!

    Granted on most "Mane 6" personality tests I score Applejack... which is kinda awkward because she's like my least favorite of the mane 6 (not that I don't love her! I just find her boring).

  7. Wacom is a great company to get a tablet from. Just be sure to use it on a flat surface and BE NICE TO YOUR USB CORD. I ended up damaging mine while I was drawing on my lap, thankfully the folks at Wacom were cool and sent me a replacement after I emailed a picture of my receipt and tablet cereal number.

    My advice on getting better at drawing? Never stop drawing! If you just keep at it and don't stop, you'll be able to see yourself improve. I got to where I am now by throwing myself at the mercy of others and taking OC requests. I learn something from each piece of art I make and take that lesson with me to the next. Heck my DeviantArt page is like a timeline of Suck to Okay to Not half bad.

    Also a fun training tool is sticky notes. Draw a ponies face on a sticky note and stick it somewhere, then move on to the next face. It's what I did before I went out and got my tablet.

    Another good practice method is using what I call 'sketch skeletons'.

    Draw the basic shapes (Head = circle with an X to define face position, Body= Jelly bean, front legs = curvey rectangles, Thighs = hams (teehee), back legs = off center curvy rectangles).

    Then draw the details (this is the order I draw them) Snout/jaw, nostril(s), eyes, ears, horn(unicorns), hair, wings (pegusai), tail, cutie mark.

    Did I mention to never stop drawing?

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