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Posts posted by SuperWriter

  1. I just typed up a 10 page paper on the brony community and a 25 page outline of research. I could email them to you if you'd like, the outline itself covers almost every aspect of the community itself, good and bad, but mostly good. I would just have to correct the grammar, I was up till 2 o' clock typing it, so it gets pretty bad near the end.

    EDIT: Oh nevermind, didn't realize it was taken care of before posting, sorry about that.

  2. I quite enjoy it when a fantasy story is able to take an interesting approach to the genre. It can play into cliches, as long as it's fun and creative enough to keep me interested. For example, dwarves mining for ore, is a common cliche, but perhaps explaining further that a certain kind of ore can power a machine capable of bringing rain to a desert will help make the world more emersive.

    Another pet peeve of mine is deconstructing a genre and forgetting the part where it's supposed to be fun. This is most prevalent in comic books, where they just portray the heroes as punching bags, jerks or both, I'm looking at you Kick-Ass. Though on the opposite end, are those stories that play it so safe it feels like everything is covered in bubble wrap and the characters are nothing more than sock puppets played by some overly conservative soccer mom forcing there morals down my throat, I'm looking at you every movie I was forced to watch in Elementary School. What I'm trying to say is, characters and worlds need to be flawed to be interesting, but also have enough redeeming qualities to make me root for them.

    One of my favorite aspects though, are what is not explained. Star Wars episodes 4-6 established the force as this mysterious power used by the Jedi, Darth Vader was once a good guy but turned towards the dark side because unexplained drama, and the Storm Troopers where just a neat design for a mook that needs some practice at a shooting range. I don't know about you guys, but for me the whole thing with the medichlorites (or whatever they were called/spelled), Vader's boring and annoying back story, and the Storm Troopers all being clones of the same guy just took so much of the wonder and mythos away from it, that I have trouble watching the original when all I notice is the the Storm Troopers are now lower than mooks, they by story telling aspect don't even have faces.

    After typing this out, I have realized that this is why I love FiM. Cliches are given interesting twists while new concepts are constantly being presented. It deconstructed the girly merchandise driven show genre and then reconstructed it into a fantastic series with a world matching it's fleshed out characters, and most of all, it leaves a LOT to the imagination, hence 99% of the fan-made material.

  3. Dude that's awesome, I wish I knew how the use that C++ stuff.

    By the way, here's an OC you could use.

    Name: Hakeem the Griffon Sage



    Hakeem is an old griffon who has dedicated his life to mentoring future heroes and protecting the land. However, he is extremely lazy and apathetic, and will only really do his job if it is a case of an emergency, or if his lazy habits are at stake. He specializes in magic tablets, that can grant whoever is worthy of them great power (something he hasn't been able to use for many years).

    Interests: Skipping work, reading magazines while not working, drinking while not working, and not going to work.

    Cutie Mark: n/a

    Relations/Friendships: He is a hermit, but does occasionaly go into town for the newest magazines and drinks. He also considers his boss, the Griffon King to be a nag, and prefers to not interact with him.

    Home/Location: He travels, but prefers the mountains.

    Ideas for your character's ingame dialouge:

    • Make it quick.
    • You remind me of myself when I was your age, stupid enough to do someone else's dirty work.
    • Have you read the paper recently, this fool keeps talking about the "sun moving on it's own". What a nut, right?

    Character Events:

    • His tablets have been stolen by some diamond dogs while he was taking a nap. He'd go get them back himself but he found a sap to do it for him (you).
    • After retrieving his tablets, if you have a skill shop system, he could open one up for the player. If not, he could also give advice or teleport the player for a small fee.

  4. My story is Loooooooooooooooooooooong so I'm going to keep it really short.

    1. It began when I noticed Pony related content on various websites. I thought it was just the new exploitable meme, like 60's Spiderman.
    2. Later, one of my favorite critics did a retrospective on the entire franchise, ending with a lengthy talk about bronies and FiM.
    3. During the arrow to the knee incident, I came across a Derpy comic. Despite not being a fan at the time, I found it quite funny.
    4. While checking out Brony humor, someone posted a link to the "Baby Cakes" episode. With nothing better to do, I decided to check it out.
    5. I quite liked it, and before I knew it, I had watched half of season 2 in one day.
    6. Funny thing is on hindsight, I feel "Baby Cakes" is one of the weaker episodes.

  5. They may have been nothing more than dumb muscle, but I quite enjoyed the Diamond Dogs. Along with being bloody hilarious, I feel they add a lot to the world of Equestria through not being another pony or super powerful being, but rather a different species all together. Their designs are also a plus for me, personally.

    Beside them, Chrysalis and the Flim Flam Brothers are great.

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