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Everything posted by ShadowStorm88

  1. Val had kept his mind on other things as they had traveled through the blazing deseret, wanting nothing but to find Discord and kick his teeth in for putting him through this humilation. As he slumped back, he blinked as he noitced whilst they drove that the sand had transformed into sugar. "Oh joy, the Surgar desert. Thats just what we need" Val said, his sarcastic voice devoid of any enthusiasum. Slamming his head down as he heard Sherlocks frustration, he commented "So we traveled here for nothing". Perhaps it was time to call it quits and give into the insanity that Discord had created around them. At least that way he wouldnt have to worry about anything anymore!! Hearing Sherlock mention the stone, Val looked up as he said "Thats true, it is the only thing that hasnt been affected. Unless, its not even really a stone". Getting out of the car, he appraoched the stone. As he wa sabout to touch it, Kangaroos holding liquorish swords jumped out of the sugar and attacked!!!
  2. I need help. Please, can some pony give me suggestions. Im brain dead on the new name thing. For something related of wnating to be a master builder. I added a personality, can u tell me what u think?
  3. Val blinked as his world slowly came back to him. What had happened? The last thing he had remembered was...was being knocked out when he had gone into a dark room. But, where was.. Blinking, he tried to move and yet found his hooves bound. "What the.." he muttered to himself as he looked down to see himself tied to a chair, and Lady tied up behind him as well. "Ohhh crud" he mused as he realized he was surrounded, by the same masked ponies from before. What were they doing here?! Looking ahead, he blinked as he said a bandadged pony, wearing a cowboy hat apparoch with a single e.... "Graham" Val said low, as the banadaged pony smiled behind his masked face. "Im impressed you two made it this far" he mused.
  4. Val gulped as he gently climbed up onto the roof of the car. Silence emintated from up, and was quickly replace with the shouts of a distressed pony. "WAIT!! STOP THAT!! DON'T PUT THAT ON ME!! GET OFF". Moments later, the creature fell off as it went into a roll on the twisler road. Val climbed back into the car, huffin sadly now in the outfit the hippo had tried so hard to get on him. "If you laugh, Im going to hoof you" Val grunted humilated. Looking back, he could see nothing else following them. "I think we lost it" he sighed lowering his head.
  5. Val lead the way, down a long and dark hallway. Past the traps it did seem like smooth sailing for the both of them. What they didnt realize however as they entered int a single lite room, with no way out cept the way they came in that something was wrong. "What" Val siad in shock as he looked around slowly. It was a single room, with a lite bub hanging over head and with no exits. "Something isnt right here. Maybe we should.." He started to suggest when suddenly the light went out. "GET THEM" A voice shouted in the darkness as multple trotting hooves came for them. Whirling around, Val tried to see within the darkness but it was useless as he felt something smash into the back of his head hard, making his whole world go black..
  6. Well, he didnt loose his leg. Also, he had to rely on himself when no other pony was around to help hium by useing a tool nearby to free himself from the tree branch. He has a permant limp in one leg, but thats really it.
  7. Gasping, he shouted "LOOK OUT"!!! Lowering his head, their was a flash of bright light for the both of them. "Im dead...or transofmred into something humilating thats how htis...whaaa". Opening his eyes, he could see he and Sherlock were both alright. The SUV on the other hand, had shielded them but at the same time now had pink wings on the side of it. Question was weather or not they worked. One of the hippos had managed to latch herself onto the side of the car, as Val tried to shake the car to get her off. Growling, he said "She dosent want to let go".
  8. Name: Geary Twist Sex: Male Roleplay type: World of Equestria RP Age: Colt (17) Species: Earthpony Pelt Color: Night black Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Dark green, cut short in the front but abit long in the back. Has zigzags going throuhg tail. Eye Color: Green Cutie Mark: A brown bag, filled with tools sticking out like a hammer, wrench, saw, screwdriver, ect. Physique: Built really well Origin: Born in Ponyville Roleplay Type: All Occupation: Handyman Motivation: WIshes to be a master of building, capable of creating and constructing anything he puts his mind too Likes: Making friends, doing physical work, hanging out, being nice, proving himself to others. Inline skatting. Dislikes: Condescending ponies, rudeness. Looking down on him cause of status level, being doubted Personality: Geary desires to be Equestrias greatest handypony, able to craft anything he can get his hooves on. He's kind, down to earth, humble, abit sarcastic, senstive at times, and daring. One of his greatest fears it failure, or making a fool of himself. For this, he tries to cover up his fear with laughter and joking. Since his occupation is amongst hte blue collared workers, he does repesct those of higher staus, but onbly those that he deems worhty; as in humble and not snotty about thier status. Otherwise, he dislikes them greatly Character Summary: His mother was a unicorn, and his father a pegasus, Geary is quiet close to his parents and Geary apperciates all that his parents have done for him. With his joking personality, Geary has quiet a amount of friends, but his sarcasm at the same time gains him enemies. When Gearywas younger, he would watch his father build and create things that one would not think possibe. such as an automatic egg cooker that take apart an egg from the inside, and cooks it. Combining items to create an eaiser way of life for ponies. When he became old enough, he started working alongside his dad in order ot learn everything possible about building things. During a lighting storm, his father was away for the weekend and the shed door was wide open. Seeing that thier was a possiblity it could burn down because of all the metal objects inside attracting lighting, he went outside to close the door. However, on his way to leave after closeing it; a bolt struck a nearby tree branch, causing it to fall and pin his leg. Stuck undenrath it, he called for help but sadly couldnt be heard over the raging storm. Luckily, a saw from the work bench was in reach as he grabbed it and used it to cut off the heaviest part of the branch. Saving himself, he was able to get inside where his mother helped treat his injury, and his leg luckily survived. Later when resting in bed, he felt a strange sensation and when he looked at his flank; he saw his cutie mark. Saving his life through the use of a tool, and how he came close to loseing his leg helped him get an idea of what he wanted to do with his life; but at the same time made him afarid of failing. This was due to an event a few years ago, when he tried to create craft togehter a mechanical carraige the didnt require the use of another pony to make it g, which created a fear of failure. However, he was unable to keep it from staying on course as it went out of control off the track, and fell to pieces. Prior to this, he crafted together a steam-powered clothes hanging machine. A device that grabs clothes from the wash and hangs them automatically on the clothesline.
  9. Val gasped at the sight of the bleeding, as he quicvkly got to work. Banading her back gently, he said "WEll, you told me you were intersted in the rewards that awaited really at the end of the trip". As he applied some water to get rid of the blood, he then said "Their". With the last bandage in place, he steped away sa he smiled "WEll, your back should be alright now. That was the last trap so it should be eaiser from here on in". Staring away from the trap, he blinked as he said "Well, lets get going".
  10. Looking up, Val gasped to see spikes coming down as he shouted "Oh no, that wasnt what i had planned ot happen today!! We need to run"!!! Staring at Lady Luck, he shouted "Quickly, the doorway at the end of this hall!! Go".!! Whirling around, he started to dash at high speed towards the exit as he made sure Lady Luck was right behind him. He did not get this far just for her to get killed in the end!! He was gonna make sure they both survivvied.
  11. Val blinked as he sat side saddle as he looked around casually, smiling lightly as he siad "WEll, this certinatly is a change of pace". Looking at Sherlock, he siad "Hopefully we'll be able to get all the wya to Appolsa in this thing". Staring around the interrior of the SUV, he pressed a switch which turned on the AC and provided coolness, since it was rather humid outside in the desert. "Ahhh that feels good" he smiled lightly, as he looked up. Blinking, he gasped as he heard a familar rumble outside. Looking behind, he blinked as he could see something pursuing htem at high speed. "Our those the...STEP ON THE PEDDLE" he shouted in panic at the sight of hte hippos from earlier, charing at the SUV!!
  12. Following behind Sherlock, Val stared at the strange veichle as he looked all around it. "How do you get in this thing" he asked aloud as he poked his hoof around the side of the door. Finiding a knob like thingy, he pulled as the door swung open. "Woooooww" Val awed as he looked all over it. Stepping into the passenger seat, he said "Its kiinda cramped in this thing". Looking out a sherlock, he siad "The first items near Appolsa you say? Well, thats kinda a ways away".
  13. "Oh yeah, bcause the last thing we need it the transportation to transform into a donut, with cinammon wheels" he sighed as he looked down. A 1000 years he said?!? Geez, he was right!! They could be destroyed by now, or even not excisting. Smiling weakly, he said "Well, I did see an unusual looking device outside. It looked like some sort of weird storgage that could fit four ponies". Leading him towards the window, he pointed towards what looked like...an SUV?? "I have no idea what the thing is, but it defintly looks useful" he smiled lightly as he said "its been thier for a few days, so Im pretty sure its real".
  14. Oh man, I..I feel like a coward. Everypony here is so brave, in not hidding it and yet I cant help but hide it. Out of fear that of being mocked, and put down. I try to show i dont care what others think, and yet i value the opinon of everypony...
  15. That got Vals attention. He..had to kill...someone? In his line of work, he got invovled in alot of scuffles and had to be fit and able to fight whenever the time came. But he never had kill someone before. The concept sounded...completly ailen to him. Looking outisde at the insane world, the worst part was; he didnt think they had a choice. Either it was kill Discord and put the world back to a normal, and sane place. It was that, or contue to live in an altered reality where everything was crazy, nothing made snese and was consantly changing every five seconds. Looking down, he said "Well...darn...out of all the things i expected to do in my life, to..go on a mission to see someone killed. I never expected that really". Staring back at Sherlock, he siad "But...I'll do it if it means the world returning to normal".
  16. "Wait, your saying we can stop all this if we find those three items? Tha..thats wonderful" Val grinned as he started to dance happily, remarking "Getting rid of all this insanity and actually being able to live in a normal world once more almost sounds too good to be true!! Yeah, I'd defeintly be up for htat". Realizing how he was acting, he slowly calmed himself down as he said "Wait, but these three items. They..they could be anywhere. Anywhere at all in all of Equestria, and we dont even know how to find them, or if they even exisct". Pointing at the book, he remarked "What if Discord put that in thier to throw us off, make us thiink we can defeat him in that manner? I mean, you have to admit it does almost sound too good to be true when you really think about it".
  17. I noticed something during Lesson Zero. After the spell had worn off, Macintosh looked carefully to the left and right as if to make sure no pony was looking at him. Then he happily picked up Smartypants, and ran off. Was that some sort of message the creators were showing towards closeted bronies? Exemplifying that "Hmm, no ones looking..sweet!! Ill go watch mlp or play with their toys". What do you all think? BTW: It was rather humourous of Mainctosh
  18. Smiling gently, he siad "Well, Im sure if we're careful we'll be alright" he smiled as he led her into a room. Looking up at the high ceiling, he siad "Hmm, we'd best be certain not to step on anything that would cause this sitauton to get any worse".
  19. Val gasped as he was handed a book. As he was about to go and read the book, he gasped as it suddenly started to fly up into the air. Flying after it, he caught it grinning and froze as he was suddenly bombared by a barage of pies. Landing, he grumbled "Stupid pranks". Skimming through the book for some sort of asnwer, he gapsed as he suddenly saw three things connected to Discord. Or, at least three items that were around his picture. A...dagger, a magic 8 ball and....a pogo stick??? WHat in the world did these three items have to do with the guy?? I mean sure he was a sneak, random and at times even silly; but...wiat.... Approaching SHerlock, he asked "Do oyu think these have anything to do with him"?
  20. Val nodded as he followed the pony, releaived that he was normal. "This place is driving me crazy!! Its almost at a few times made me go loopy like the rest of the whole world" Val exhapserted as he started looking through the books to try and find something that could help their situation. As he skimmed, he found himself retelling what had happened earlier. "Im a guy for goodness sake!! I do not wear frilly stuff!! Yet those hippos wouldnt take a hint since they chased me all over the place. Then I fell into a plush bear doll, and when i got up; i started spekaing out of its head!! I cant take this".
  21. That caused Val to pause apparently, as he thought about it. Yes, she had banished her sister long ago but that didnt mean that she wouldnt do that now. Perhaps she had been curler back then, but had mellowed out. No, he didnt think she would do something like that.
  22. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" Val screamed, tears running down his eyes comically in an almost anime style!! He was being chased by the hippos form yesterday. They were trying to force him into a frilly tutu like thiers!! "Stay away from me" Val shouted horrified!!! This was a nightmare, a freaking nightmare!!! Looking back, he screamed as they shot guns at him and tried to plaster a frilly one around his waist. Watching another pony run by, he blinked as he noiced he looked kinda...ordinary? As in...a pony that hadnt gone insane?!?! Turning around, he leaped over the hippos and charged after the pony as he watched hism rush towards the library. "Yes, must get to..safety" Val panicked, as he dove, and ducked to avoid getting plastered. Picking up a mallet, he whirled around as he tossed it hard in the direction of the hippos; nailing one in the nose knocking it out. Whirling around, he kicked the doors to the librabry open and slammed them shut. "Safe, ha ha..im..heh heh...safe" he calmed down. Whirling around, he noticed the pony near a set of spiral stairs as he called over to him. "Hi, our you umm..normal" he asked slowly, wnating to be ready to run agian.
  23. "No I would not like to buy a shoe, useing a pencil and a bucket of popcorn" Val grumbled as he walked past a pony clerk, who was selling shoes that had soles made of bubblegum. Shivering at the cold feeling of the texturted grass, he grunted as he siad "If I had bad eyes, Id have a seizure from the colors" he grumbled as he walked past a colt, who was hopping up and down on a pogo stick as he bumepd into a wall before falling down. A few times, Val had to fight the urge to be silly. His trainging had allowed him to keep his mind in relaity or..at least making sense, and this silliness was like a disease!! It spread from one pony to the next, more wild and strange then the last one!! Blinking, he heard a whilsting sound as he looked up and gasped as he jumped out of the way as a two ton anvil hit the ground. Looking up to see a pegasus fly down in front of him wth a tiwrly hat, she giggled "Meep Meep". Before running off intot he distance in a puff of smoke. "Oh yah, Cartoony. Lets not forget this is making ponies act cartoony" Val muttered, putting a hoof to his face in exhaperation.
  24. Val grumbled as he gently opened his eyes, the sound of a dog, with chicken wings crowing as it woke him up to an early moon light rise. He had gotten around eight hours of sleep, sleeping on a giant slab of pudding that used to be his bed. It seemed that ever since Discord had broken free; the entire world had gone nuts. In fact, most of the residents were becoming sillier nad siller as time went by. Why he hadnt been affected? Maybe he had been overlooked. Getting up, he grumbled "Ahh, another beautiful...poka doated sky". Discord really was having fun messing reality up. Outside, he could see somes ponies had accepted this silly new reality; heck a few had switched personalites!!! A group of stallions, were dancing around in dresses whilst some mares were dressed up in football gear and tackling one anohter. Letting out a brief chuckle, he quicxkly silneced himself. No, he could not find this funny. Nothing about this situation was!!! Yesterday, a group of hippos had done ballet through town, tramlping over some fruit stands, making hte stnads turn into balloons!!! Approaching the door made of stryforam, he sighed as he exited and went to greet the insane world.
  25. Val blinks as he ask "She jumps the gun? Like she would attack out of nowhere for no reason". That certinatly sounded umm..eccentric. He had met alot of eccentric ponies in his travels, so this shouldnt be that big of a deal.
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