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Posts posted by Blueblood

  1. Just as Applejack could not resist nuzzling Amby, Ambrosia could not resist preening a little as she felt the admiring eyes of all passers by upon her.  And why shouldn't they be looking at her, world's cutest filly atop the world's greatest mama.  It felt like she was on... parade!  "*Gasp*  Momma, is the parade gonna happen while we're here?  Auntie Rarity said there was a huuuuuge parade in Manehattan.  With ginormous balloons of Princess Celestia and stuff!  She even said they were gonna make a balloon of you!"  That may have been the fall parade that Rarity was referring to, though to be fair the wide avenues of the city paid host to many a parade.


    But that was for later, for now, the crowds were thinning as AJ turned into a residential neighborhood, and they came across a gated path to a townhouse.  And older gentlepony with a white moustache in a spangled uniform of red served as the gatespony, and he nodded, smiling at the two.

    "Ah, g'mornin Miss Applejack... or should I say Missus Applejack?  And why that must be little Ambrosia!  What a charming little filly y'got there!"  His accent wasn't the harsh one of the streets, but the gentler lilt of one of the many Neighrish which had made their way to the city.

    "Dat's us!"  Amby nodded excitedly, giggling, "You have a funny voice mister, I like it!  Like you're always singing!"

    "Oho, there's never a time a song's far from me lips!  I'd happily sing you a ballad, but you've got family a'waiting, so I'll wait until you come and see me again.  The master of the house has been a-longing to meet you!"  Chortling, he unlocked the gate and swung it wide, gesturing for them to enter.


  2. There was something so... delightfully adorable about North Wind's sudden flustering.  She cared so much, deep down; nopony who didn't care would be so careless of their dignity.  It reminded him a bit of himself when the reality that he was going to be a father hit him.  "Nothing further, North Wind.  Take all the time and assistance you need."


    Toys that could stand up to physical as well as magical stress to that extent were a marvel indeed, and he himself had confidence in Cadence's recommendation.  He felt full of that warm glow that all relatively new parents have when seeing their peers join them in family formation.  A fraternity and sorority of the future-oriented, it was a grand thing!  
    "I think that for the most part concludes the meeting... unless there was anything you wish to discuss in private with me, Twilight?"

    • Hearthoof 1
  3. Mama AJ, as always, had ready answers for her questions, and Amby accepted them all with the faith of a little foal.  It made sense, after all.  Mountains were taller than trees, therefore buildings made of stuff from mountains would be bigger than stuff from trees!  And there were so many things that Amby wanted to do she almost wanted Orange-mama to walk faster.  

    Especially since Auntie and Uncle Orange were close.  "Uhuh!  I'm essited to meet them too!"  'X' sounds were still a little difficult for her to pronounce, but that didn't make her any less cuter.  If anything, more so.  "I wanna tell them they make good juice!"

  4. Hullo, friendly neighborhood admin here!


    I'll start off with the standard tour of the main RP sections:


    If you just want to jump in right away, we have the Free for all board here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/427-free-for-all-roleplay/

    For the more longform RP on site, you'll have to fill out a character profile for either your OC's or the canon characters you want to play; that way we can ensure the power level stays within show-compatible parameters, and also gives folks a preview of what kind of characters you play and what threads you want to participate in!

    Gen 4 (Twilight Sparkle's Equestria) is found here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/416-character-applications/
    Gen 5 (Sunny Starscout's Equestria) is found here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/471-character-applications/


    The standard form we use for character profiles is here: 

    • Hearthoof 1
  5. Blueblood let out a sigh of relief, his chief concerns seeming to be easing, with the potential spat between North Wind and Twilight.  The Princess might have been wise, powerful, and possessed of meeting minutes, but if there was one thing that he'd seen more of than her, it was stupid and belligerent creatures at a negotiating table.  Contradicting documents in a foreign country never got a cassus belli out of their heads once it was there, thus prevention had to be priority.  He wondered if Twilight understood that; still a scholar at heart, she had faith in documented facts that he simply did not share.


    But with the conclusion of the negotiations, he permitted himself to relax.  "That should finish it, yes.  Thank you all... for your patience as much as all the rest.  This can't have been easy."  He didn't want to seem ungrateful, but it wasn't done to express gratitude until the deal was finalized.  Protocol, and all that.  In all reality, it was as much as he could expect from Twilight and Cadence, what was beign signed over.  But one didn't say 'good game' until the end of the match.


    And that was the difficulty, he supposed.  Twilight had made it clear that this wasn't a game for her, that she took every step with sincerity... without the light touch of separation that a magic circle of play provided.  Some thought a mental construct made negotiation frivolous, but Blueblood saw it as a necessary separation of the personal and political.  Barristers had to carry their briefs regardless if they personally agreed to the side, and should not be held to task as if they did.  They both had briefs to carry here, though this was the first time she'd been on the other side of the table from him.  Had she ever watched him at work?  Or did it just look different from the other side?


    Of course, there were elements of family and personal loyalty at play, too, perhaps that might take a few personal tea visits to patch up.  Speaking of... "I don't actually know how big a sweet tooth Niilaavin has, but I'd be shocked if it wasn't large enough to accomodate that!"  He chuckled at Cadence's mention of the desserts.

    • Hearthoof 1
  6. Both 's and Kahz's hearts and hormones were running hot, the 'ling could tell.  He scootched over to let her sit by him once more, chuckling, "Not a day goes by that I don't hear a song that makes me think of you... but I'm a musician that sings a lot about love, so perhaps that's just a bias!"  Even as he felt the Qilin settle, he knew it wouldn't take long for either of them to rile the other up once more.  But this was a rhythm, and one to which they could dance.  Actually, that did bring up a thought, "You sing quite well, for all that... do you dance much?"  

  7. In relationships, as in diplomacy, one of the most important things was to establish and map the boundaries.  Prince Blueblood knew that he had pushed them here, but he also had his reasons.  "For all that you seem to dislike the metaphor, that's as good a showing of your hand as I could ask for.  All such discussions in Hipposition, or indeed most lands outside Equestria, are games, however high the stakes are placed.  Such generosity is typically seen as weakness or deception, rather than kindness in good faith.  It's important that everypony," here he gave a pointed look at North Wind, "Leave the table understanding that things are different here, lest three generations from now an exaggerated story leads someone angry to do something stupid."  He was an ambassador from ponies to sphinxes as much as sphinxes to ponies.  He'd made North's feelings, he hoped, clear enough to Twilight, and with all luck North would also leave with some understanding of the Princesses.  As understandable as North Wind's decisions were to Blue, they didn't exactly make his job any easier, nor that of the Tyr's, for that matter.


    Turning to Cadence, he spread his hooves somewhat apologeticially.  "Not that you won't have a harder time with domestic turmoil over this yourself, I know.  I don't envy you... though perhaps an opportunity for the ponies of the Crystal Empire to meet Niilaavin and Jizara would help?  It's a lot easier to accept generosity on the behalf of a face and voice you know than a minority about which one has only heard."  Political minorities, such as sphinxes were, could only exist by exaggerating their claims, which often led to friction.  Now that the limits were established, he felt, it was time to smooth things over.

    • Hearthoof 1
  8. To a pony as little as Amby was, big was big.  Sure, it was fairly obvious that a skyscraper was larger than Uncle Mac, but she was equally unable to budge either with either her phsyical or mental strength, so for now it all went in the same category.  This land of giants was intimidating, no question about it, hence her eager acceptance of anything that let her be taller.  "Yes mama!"  She eagerly got up on top of Applejack's shoulders when she bent down, the strong farmer's back still able to bear with ease the weight of a foal and her bag.  One day, this would no longer be the case.  But today was not that day; today Ambrosia apple could look more big things in the eye, and giggle and laugh in her security.


    Even the cab bearing down on them in traffic phased her not, because she was with mama and mama was strong.  "Yeah!"  She threw out her own hoof in solidarity, no doubt mollifying the driver with how cute she was as they vanished around the corner.  Much more comfortable in her surroundings now, she began to look around again, more in pure wonder than trepidation.  "How do they get so high, mama?"  She asked, the flood of questions starting, "Where are they going?  Why so fast?  Where are the trees?  Are we near the Oranges yet?"

    • Hearthoof 1
  9. Blueblood knew that he and Twilight rather diverged in opinion on the importance of aristocracy.  It was a respectful disagreement, but nonetheless the difference and disagreement was sufficient for the Platinum heir to feel that his House would be better served moving to where the institution would be made more vibrant, rather than deprecated.  And if Auntie wouldn't recognize Niilaavin as a Nephew... don't expect him to visit for Hearthswarming this year.  Or any year until she would do so.


    This rift did not yet amount to a breach in loyalty, though, so he felt no conflict of interest in accepting Twilight's statement of his station, with some modification.  "Functionally, whatever titles I may hold, my position and calling is likely to be Ambassador of Ponies to Sphinxes for the forseeable future, wheresoever the Ponies in question happen to be from or currently residing."  A clever and accurate statement, one which left him some leeway in which to act.  After all, not all immigrants were likely to come from Equestria proper, or the Crystal Empire.  Those were two safe, secure, prosperous, and well-governed societies.  Prospective settlers would probably be either down-and-outers, or else from particularly rough places looking for a new life.

    Ponies much like North Wind, in fact, who soon presented Blueblood with his first instance of duty as Ambassador.  He knew of Niil's promise to North Wind, back when all this had been but a pipe dream.  Now, though, with the magic on clear display, it was clear that transformation was possible.  North Wind's refusal to deal for it was a matter of pride in part, and a pride Niil would think most worthy of a sphinx, but the other half of that reticence had to do with her upbringing in Hipposition.  Blueblood could read the look on the Huntsmarshal's face, and felt prompted to act and head off disaster.
    "As my first act as ambassador!"  He smacked his hoof on the table, giving a sharp look to North Wind to cut off any intemperate outburst, though her refusal was likeley to be of the icily polite variety which was so much more effective at freezing friendships.  "I would like to offer you, Princess Twilight, the chance to retract and rephrase.  Bargains offered in Hipposition are struck with the intent and intensity of lightning magic, and were North Wind and her kin not on the receiving end of such, I doubt she'd have left the city.  If you want to prove yourself in good faith, a simple 'No', or 'Wait until Niil has so much time with Jizara' or 'Not until I see such-and-such.'  Any vagueness in a bargain presents itself like a hidden blade.  Cards on the table, Twilight, or declare the hand folded.  Any other course would sow a seed of resentment we can ill afford to sprout into its weeds."


    The whole thing came out in a rush, and he wasn't sure if it was too much or not enough.  North did not like special pleading on her behalf, but Blueblood had seen her in action.  There was something in her that separated her from most of ponykind; if Twilight was hoping to encourage empathy with equine kind by delaying a transformation, sad to say that ship had sailed straight into the Bermaredan Triangle.  If anything, her attitude and behavior would be less off-putting as a sphinx than as a pony.  Or did Twilight not know what kind of Hunts she would be Marshal of?

    • Hearthoof 1
  10. The immediate rush of exit occupied most of Ambrosia's attention at first, as her little legs scampered to keep up with her mama's.  Once she finally emerged onto the street, she felt almost overwhelmed by all the ponies!  She'd never seen so many, not even at the Apple Family reunion or any of Ponyville's town festivals!  It didn't dampen her excitement, but it did make her a little trepidatious, scooting closer to Applejack, and thankful for the comforting drape of her tail.  "It's... so big...  Everything is so much, mama!"  Her head and eyes seemed to move on separate swivels, unable to pin down her focus on anything in particular.

  11. Blueblood did have to say, he was suitably impressed by how sharp North Wind was.  It was no mere favor of patronage that had led Niil to promote her to a high position in his kingdom, and her remarks were apt, if answerable.  "The fact there's not much infrastructure there to begin with makes capital location selection semi-arbitrary.  Selecting a previously undeveloped area in a central location is actually good politics, as it prevents any appearance of favoritism shown had either the port or the mine been selected.  Prevents divisions from forming at the outset.  As for Fort Trotterdale's defensiveness, I think arrangements might be made with the Vakstyra and Clan Breen to secure it as a trade entrepot; you need to open relations there in any case to ensure trade convoys can be properly escorted and protected from sea raids.  Their terms are easy, it mostly comes down to pledging political support to their faction in the Whitescar Civil war, that is, backing High Queen Sigrun.  You remember Sigrun, right Cadence?  She was the Jarl that came to help rebuild after the Red Jarl attacked.  Fine cow, in every respect.  A good friend to make, for sure."


    That seemed to wrap up a lot of the map talk for now.  They could build a framework in this room, but the final decisions would have to be made on the ground.  It was probably best to leave some things open for future flexibility, now that the problems were delineated and the prices settled.  The real work would begin once the Sphinxes and settlers moved in.  Speaking of...

    "Well... this venture, Twilight, its... I consider it a House venture.  Niilaavin is a part of House Platinum, and not a mere branch of the dynasty.  According to the College of Heralds and genealogy in Canterlot, we are now, officially, brothers."  That had taken a few... personal visits on behalf of the sphinx to persuade some of the stuffier members, but shining teeth and claws were universally effective tools of rhetoric.  The Prince took a deep breath, sighing as he looked out towards the window, seeing the new land in his mind's eye.  "I've gone from the last of my House to seeing it grow so fast... but its not enough.  Just existing at the top of Society's food chain in Canterlot was never enough even for me.  It all needs to be for something, you know?"  


    He pointed a hoof down to his cutie mark.  "Ever since I got this, I knew my destiny was to do something great at the ends of the earth.  It's why I took up sailing, why I chafed against noble peers and expectations, and took up every foreign posting I could.  And now... now I know what that great thing is meant to be."  He tapped the map.  "This is where I want to be, as a founding member, a vizier, an advisor, an ancestor.  Heh, can't say I saw it coming before, but... that's what I want to be now."

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  12. Kahz knew he was a hard act to follow, and he admired the courage it must have taken for an amateur singer to do so.  He made sure to give an encouraging whisper, "Lay it on thick, girl.  Not like I was being subtle about it myself, we're no secret to each other or the world."  A quick peck to the cheek and he was watching her take the stage and the mic.


    The song was a soft and sweet one to begin, loaded with sincerity uncut by irony.  Kahz knew the tune, and even before having heard Yù herself sing it he would have said that she had felt that way about him, it not being all that easy to keep emotions secret from a changeling.  But, like applause given freely, confessions and revelations of inner feelings hit different when the actual words were spoken.

    He was sitting up straight, transfixed and smiling, letting more of the love wash over him than simply feasting on it.  It would be like drinking from a hose, there was just too much to take it, but that was OK.  Just by it being in the room, it acted as a kind of fertilizer for all relationships in the area, the confirmation of love helping others to make it themselves.  Sensing all that made Kahz feel elated, so much so that it was all he could do not to leap up on stage with  once she approached him at the end of the song.

    Once concluded, he accepted her back into her seat with an embrace and a kiss, to no small amount of appluase from admirers of the happy couple.  "You were great up there."  He whispered in her ear.  "It was all I could do to not leap onstage to make the last chorus a duet, but you deserved better than to be upstaged by me."

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  13. Hello, friendly neighborhood admin here.


    This is the Character application section for our World of Equestria board, which is moderated to be somewhat more longform than average.  When applying, we would like each pony/creature, whether canon or OC, to fit a standardized profile (linked here): 

    This is to enable everyone to see your unique spin on the character, as well as give an opportunity for you to show off how you write and what kind of story threads you would like to participate in!


    If you would prefer more immediate access, or just a shorter, less moderated RP experience, the Free For All forums do not require any application, and you can dive right in here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/427-free-for-all-roleplay/

  14. Upon hearing that this strange beverage was a family concoction with the blessing of mama, Ambrosia returned to sipping with a more positive bias, taking a long gulp with a smile.  "It is good, mama!"  She could get used to this, she reckoned; her Auntie Orange would find an enthusiastic appreciator of all things citrus in the little filly!


    Soon enough, breakfast was finished, and it was time to gather the bags to exit the station.  Being a little unicorn, Ambrosia didn't have the cargo capacity of an earth pony, so she could only handle a proportional backpack.  Still, she did her best, keeping up excitedly with mama as the train pulled it and it was time to get off.  "I sure can!"  She enthusiastically affirmed her intention of living up to every bit of absolutely deserved praise that AJ heaped upon her!  "Let's go!"  She was practically bouncing on her hooves, ready to get out on the town!

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  15. The assualt in detail was a time-honored negotiating technique, and Blueblood knew full well that he could only whether it for so long.  Coffee would aid in that more than booze, if he was to give more than he got, and as the compass rose on his flank indicated, he was a rather dapper hoof with a map himself.  That said, after bearing with it for a solid forty-five minutes, he was feeling the need to take a nip or two from North Wind's proferred flask...


    "All told, yes, I do believe you are correct about the desirability of high initial infrastructure investment and cooperation, that just puts some constraints about the acreage in budget versus defensibility of territory..."  Not to mention the need to capture arable land within the drawn borders, which was not easy to determine, given that detailed soil surveys were thin on the ground.  Nonetheless, the three of them eventually landed on an eastern border at least that allowed for easy river routes in and out, plus room for agricultural expansion, or whatever could be done with the short local growning season.  "As for the west... I'm tempted to just let it hang by right of conquest; not as if there's anyone we can really negotiate with there anyhow.  It's just that I know leaving it as a problem for later means... well, it's going to be a problem later."


    It was with a sigh of visible relief that he signed off on the maps, taking the diplomatic bundle, while gesturing to North Wind that he'd like a nip of that liquor now, thank you very much.  He also partook of the fish, less enthusiastically than her, perhaps, but diplomatic duties to more carnivorous populations had given him a taste for flesh as well.  Perhaps that was one of the reasons that North felt so comfortable in his household.  Never mind that militaristic pegasi mares were to his taste anyhow; which made it all the more unusual that she wasn't seeming to be angling for a spot in either herd branching out from Blueblood Manor, when one came to think about it.

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  16. "Mmmm.... 's mama."  Ambrosia muttered her affirmation drowsily, though once Applejack returned with breakfast, the little filly perked right up!  Homemade or not, the smell of flapjacks had the same effect of a cup of coffee upon grownups, and she was soon bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, happily muching away on the griddle-cakes while her mane was worked over.  From time to time, though, she paused, her gaze caught by the approaching vista of the big city, her eyes wide and full of wonder, anticipation.


    She didn't much mind the fidgeting and fussing; this was Manehattan!  Fashion hub, home of ponies who always got their beauty sleep, though how they managed it in a "city that never slept" was beyond her ability to understand.  Maybe she would when she grew up, Amby was young enough to take adults on trust when it came to things like that.  In any case, elaborate preparation was entirely appropriate to the occasion!  
    Once she got to the juice to wash it down, however, she pulled a face at the taste of the opaque liquid.  It was the same color as Applejack, but it didn't taste like apples!  It was sour and sweet and rich and cutting all at the same time.  Not bad, but it took a while for her to reconcile herself to the strange taste.  "What's this, mama?"  She looked up to ask, having just been introduced to the product of the local branch of the family.

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  17. All during the earliest part of the journey, little Ambrosia Apple had been bouncing with excitement.  She was going to the city!  The big, bright, glimmering place Auntie Rarity kept that beautiful picture of and Mama would tell her about when she was a little filly seeing the world!  AJ didn't seem to think much of it, but the very feminine filly to which she had given birth had obsessed over it for a while.  And they had family there!  More family!  Not that Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres weren't full of Aunties, Uncles, and Cousins of varying or no blood relation, but no such thing as too much of a good thing!


    "When we gonna get there, mama?  Is Auntie Orange pretty?  As much as you?  How tall are the buildings?  How did Luna get the stars to come so low?"  The last question in the endless stream of a curious child came from the fact that she'd never seen so many bright and shining lights in one place, save for the night sky.  But in the photograph of the Manehattan skyline she'd seen, all the lights were in the buildings or on the water, and the night sky was blank against the light pollution.


    The bundle of energy didn't last forever; after all, travel time matched up with bedtime on long train rides, and soon the little unicorn was dozing off, rocked by the chugging choo-choo on the branch line to Slumberland Station.  She dreamed the dreams of high lights and glamour that filled the heads of most fillies her age; even Applejack's back in the day, though the mare was loath to admit it as of recently.


    She slept peacefully until a sunbeam and the smell of breakfast stirred her awake, with an adorable stretch, yawn, and shaking of the ringlets.  "Mmm... 'm up, mama..."

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  18. Jizara would need some more schooling in the ancient language of the sphinxes to understand Niil's off the cuff remarks in that tongue, but there would be time enough to learn in the future.  Time... she had more of it now, and each of those added moments would be doubled in value from spending it with her newfound love.  In a way, Twilight's gift to her was no less precious than that of Niilaavin's emancipation to him, though it would have been in poor taste to compare out loud.  Not that instincts weren't shouting louder in her mind than mere etiquette, as she purred up a storm alongside Niil as the two go to their feet.  


    His remark directed towards North Wind drew a sharp gaze from her, as feline eyes stared down at the servant.  Ah, yes, she recognized that one; of all the servants she had seen Blueblood lend Niil, she seemed to be the closest, one she saw most often, always last to depart.  Was there jealousy in her eyes, as she parsed the request made on her behalf?  Undoubtedly; it is, after all, considered rather impolitic to discuss a new addition to the herd even before the consumation of its first match!  Niil might be getting a bit of an earful on that, but in private.

    "Enough foreign.  I think it's time we saw to the domestic, don't you say, love?"  She huffed, drawing up his tail to intertwine with her own, as she departed the room by his side, in the shadow of his wings.  


    Blueblood, who had been on the receiving end of such pleasant pinfeather preludes, smiled indulgently at the happy couple, until they finally departed.  The furnishings were re-adjusted to pony-sized scale, not without a sigh of relief on his part.  Dealing with large scale for large intervals did wear a bit on his mind, and he wanted to be the sharpest he could until all was concluded.  Faust knew that Twilight's charts could be dull enough without any distractions sapping his focus...

    "I should like a glass of wine to toast the happy couple, were these not still working hours.  Tea and sandwiches until we've wrapped this all up would be lovely, though!"

    • Like 1
    • Hearthoof 1
  19. Hello, another friendly neighborhood admin here!

    If you want to get started with roleplaying, here's a short tour of that part of the site:


    If you just want to jump in right away, we have the Free for all board here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/427-free-for-all-roleplay/

    For the more longform RP on site, you'll have to fill out a character profile for either your OC's or the canon characters you want to play; that way we can ensure the power level stays within show-compatible parameters, and also gives folks a preview of what kind of characters you play and what threads you want to participate in!

    Gen 4 (Twilight Sparkle's Equestria) is found here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/416-character-applications/
    Gen 5 (Sunny Starscout's Equestria) is found here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/471-character-applications/


    The standard form we use for character profiles is here: 

  20. Jizara's eyes widened as she witnessed Niilaavin's emancipation.  The big cat had worn as cheerful a face on his predicament in public as he could, but she, along with Blueblood, had been close enough to him to know just how much strain those bindings inflicted upon his soul.  And now... he was free.  If there was anything more Twilight could have done to prove sincerity in dealings with him, she couldn't name it.  


    Not that this was a time for words.  Her mate was in tears, unable to speak.  Niil needed her, needed her presence, her touch, her smell, her purrs... everything that could reassure him that Jizara and all that happened today was real.  She chuffed, nuzzling him where she could reach as Niilaavin choked out all the stifled emotions of the bound decades...


    Twilight spoke then, and her eyes flickered up at the alicorn Princess.  "Oh... I'll try... I can't promise there won't be a few more marks on him come morning though, eheh..."  She was holding calm now, but Twilight had put her hoof right on the nub of the matter.  She was indeed excited, and this was going to come out in action pretty soon!



    Detecting this situation as well, Prince Blueblood beat as hasty a dignified retreat as he could.  "Quite so, cousin, quite so.  Let's give the happy couple some privacy, eh?"

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    • Hearthoof 1
  21. Even with her restored youth as a sphinx, Jizara retained the fortitude of maturity, standing fast and unflinching even as she saw Niilaavin flared up at the first unexpected sight of her.  Not to say that her hackles didn't rise, and her breath was a little shallow as she verbally confirmed, "Yes, Niilaavin, it is I."  Quickly finding herself all of a flutter inside, for the first time in decades, she was hardly able to respond to the cuffs, save instinctually, and gasped outright as she was rushed, tackled, and seized.  Heart pounding from being tackled, she felt her love's teeth on the back of her neck.  For three heartbeats, the world stood still.  But this was no attack, merely a mark, a sign she was his mate.  His mate.  Held finally by a lover with no barrier of kind or kin between them, she let out a deep, rumbling purr, her hackles finally coming down to rest.


    "No price, this is a gift... just as you were to me."  She fully leaned into her now-fellow sphinx, intertwining her tail with his own, giving him a smoky half-lidded expression that promised full advantage of Cadence's subtly-given blessing tonight.  But this was not the only gift he would receive this day...


    Though Twilight's interference seemed to take no time, as it was outside of time, Blueblood could feel something... change in the amulet he wore about his neck.  A tingling, as if power was leaking from it.  Quickly removing it from his neck in case of dangerous leakages, he held it out in front of him, watching the golden collar and bands fall from the neck and legs of Niilaavin, freeing him at last from the ancient binding of the sorcerer.  The faint glow about the gold and gems of his own amulet faded with them, signaling the end of his command over the Sphinx.  The Prince could not be prouder, as he spoke the ancient words of manumission,  "No longer do I call you a servant, you are my friend and my brother."

    A solemnly happy moment, unfortunately spoiled by Twilight's joking insinuation.  "He-e-e-ey!"  Blueblood whinnied, stung in a sensitive spot.  Damnit, one dreamwalking Auntie was bad enough, were all the alicorns seeking out the idle fantasies of his mind?

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    • Apple 1
  22. Jizara chuffed at Twilight, then made a surprised face at the noise she'd just made.  She'd heard Niil make it many times before, but hadn't yet gotten used to the idea that her own voice produced it naturally rather than a whinny.  She also wasn't sure if Twilight was being sarcastic or not, but after giving her a long eyeballing, she decided to let it pass.  "I will say... it is good to be here at last myself.  If I may-"


    But what she would have requested was lost to history as, with a flash, Cadence and Niilaavin returned.  The intant sight and smell of him hit her nose, she was up on all four paws, smiling.  Even less sensitive pony snoots could not escape the smell of cat around a sphinx, but it was just so much... richer, more vibrant and textured to her now.  Familiar, and lovable, as if Niil had a second, equally handsome face.  "Oh, welcome back, darling~"

    Blueblood, still behind the overturned table, retreated back a little, wanting to give the two lovers some space.  He wasn't sure how active their reunion would prove, either, so remaining under shelter seemed the prudent course of action...

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  23. "Sounds good to me, love!"  Kahz remarked, casually reveling in the atmosphere as he swung himself over the benches in his exit.  The 'ling was already drunk on love, therefore the bar would be wise to limit his sake before his song.  He didn't have to peruse the catalog for long; he knew the playlist already, and had an inkling in mind already as to the perfect number to dedicate to Yù.  


    Having punched in the number, he swaggered on stage, even calling out the Long Kong intro phrase "An-nyŏng-ha-se-yo!" before the Piano bars kicked in,




    "Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
    That you're alive and have a soul
    But it takes someone to come around to show you how

    She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive

    She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire

    She's the tear in my heart, take me higher

    Than I've ever been!"


    The lead singer in Kahz was fully out on stage, undisguised under a pony glamour, though a few in the audience may have recognized his voice.  They were certainly applauding the show, but he had eyes for just one member of the audience, a certain Qilin who he hoped wouldn't mind the attention his attention would direct her way.  Nor the somewhat cheesy compliments the lyrics held, but if she didn't mind all the one's he'd given before...

    "The songs on the radio are okay,
    But my taste in music is your face!
    And it takes a song to come around to show you how


    She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive
    She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
    She's the tear in my heart, take me higher
    Than I've ever been
    Than I've ever been
    Than I've ever been
    Than I've ever been!"

    The crescendo of the second chorus smoothed over into a calm percussive snapping, letting him settle back for the bridge, swaying sinuously side to side,

    "You fell asleep in my cart I pulled the whole time,
    But that's OK I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine.
    I'm cursing as I walk, it's all the Princess' fault
    For not using my taxes to fill holes with more asphalt.

    You fell asleep in my cart I pulled the whole time,
    But that's OK I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine.
    I'm cursing as I walk, it's all the Princess' fault
    For not using my taxes to fill holes with more asphalt!"


    The song kicked back into high gear, sending him to the front of the stage in the limelight.  Not once had he glanced at the lyrics page, probably signaling to his date that this had been a planned little moment for her. 

    "She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive
    She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
    She's the tear in my heart, take me higher

    Than I've ever been!"

    She'd see him kneel down after the last chorus, directing the outro straight to her as he looked into her eyes, the high tempo and volume cooling down over that last half minute, sending a heartfelt little message her way,

    "My heart is my armor
    She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver
    She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther
    Than I've ever been
    Than I've ever been
    Than I've ever been
    Oh, than I've ever been
    My heart is my armor
    She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver
    She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther
    Than I've ever been"


    The exoskeletons of changelings were a metaphor for their hearts; an outer shell that could repel blows, but nothing but softness inside for all who found, or made for themselves, a way in.  It had not been mere starvation, but fear of vulnerability, that had kept his kind as parasitic outcasts for so long.  Even though he'd been far from hostile himself, it was only after he met Yù that anypony had ever had from Kahz more than a friendly smile painted on his armor.  But now... there was a door open for her, a home for her own heart, should she come in.

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