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Posts posted by Blueblood

  1. Was there any greater source of affirmation than a Princess telling you that she was just like you as a filly?  Well, besides getting daily lovings-on from Applejack.


    Ambrosia practically skipped with glee to sit by Twilight's side, awe and excitement welling in her eyes.  "O-kay!"  Trying to hold herself very still, she closed her eyes, attempting to illuminate her horn.  This she actually knew how to do, first since it came instinctively to unicorns, second because mama had been so excited and happy to see Ambrosia do it the first time, she kept practicing it to get more praise!  "Hehe, yeah, my forehead feels funny!"  It was halfway between a tingle and a tickle, some power welling up with no real use for it, as yet.

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  2. Suitable suitors.  That was ticket, wasn't it?  Besides the standards that royalty imposed, there was also the normal mother's desire for her daughter to be happy.  Pipp seemed happy enough alone, but Haven worried that her experience with fame, as well as watching everypony go for Zipp had probably warped her sense of taste.  Either way, it seemed this was not a desirable topic of conversation.  "Oh, well, just know you can come to talk to me about any stallions that catch your eye... or mares I suppose."  It wasn't likely that she would make that last concession if Pipp wasn't the younger daughter, in all fairness.


    But, back to the subject of games!  "Hm, I suppose it would depend on what sort of things would be interesting to watch as well as to play, wouldn't it?"  Haven mused, thinking.  "Settlers of Maretonia is a classic, and most of the audience would be able to follow along, I think."  The mention of 'puff ball' did bring an amused smile to the Queens face, but also a ping of nostalgic melancholy to her heart.  Pipp wasn't a little filly anymore, and there were fewer and fewer moments of truly unselfconscious joy from her that she got to witness these days.



  3. It was the nature, and perhaps duty, of Princesses to ask their subjects if they'd been good little colts or fillies.  That was important, you had to know that as a Princess!  That was why Ambrosia asked it of all her stuffies and dolls when she held a tea party with them.  And given that she had done her chores today, she could give a bright-eyed nod with bouncing ringlets that would melt just about any heart that beheld it.  "Uh-huh, I helped momma out!"


    It was only on that account, with excess energy burning off, that she wasn't physically bouncing with excitement.  "Yeah, I wanna learn magic, and spend time with a Princess!"  It was every little unicorn's dream come true!

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  4. Once you had.... a certain undisclosed number of years under your belt, you learned that situations that seemed like pure negatives often had blessings in disguise.  The recent uprising was a master of disguise, granted, but if they navigated this all well as a family... there may well be a brighter future than ever ahead of them.

    "Magic Kings... is that the game with all those portraits to the side of the map?  I remember that, yes."  She had to roll her eyes at the 'family wreath' joke, though.  Really, how tiresome.  Just because the necessity for selectivity rather restricted the pool of potential mates did not mean there was any strong degree of inbreeding!  She had two genetically healthy daughters, thank you very much!  That line of thinking did lead her mind down to another question that she wanted to ask her daughter once she got some private time.
    "Speaking of intrigue and matches... have you had any suitors lately to whom you're giving any serious consideration?  Or any who you'd wish would work up the courage?"  She gave a little smile, it was about at Pipp's age... maybe even a little younger, if she thought of it, that their father had first come to her attention.


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  5. The Queen nodded, as Pipp confirmed her suspicion of open forums.  "You would know better than any of us about such matters."  Celebrity culture, and fans, did not exactly endear one to the idea of democracy, royal or no.  The entertainment tastes of the populace often being as idiosyncratic as their political demands, Haven had to wonder if it was healthy to indulge them even to the limited extent that she knew Pipp had.  If she ever got in on one of her paid streams...


    "Oh!"  This stream, however, seemed like a good idea.  More time she could legitimately carve out with her daughters.  "I would love to, darling.  As long as you don't ask me to play anything too intense or violent.  My reaction time is not what it once was."  She would make no promises in return about what board games she would bring to the table, though!  Sure, she'd probably start with Settlers of Maretonia when it was her first turn to pick, but one day she would sit both of them down for a full game of Railways and Robber Barons!  But that one should probably be a, what did she call it, charity stream.

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  6. Ambrosia was... pretty far from being able to teleport.  Frankly, it was hard to say what level of magical potential she had at this point; there were so few of her kind on either side of the family to indicate the strength of the 'bloodline' as it were.  Not to mention that her current potential was no indication of future growth; even Princess Twilight had famously been a bit of a late bloomer herself.  Still, even if she couldn't teleport right now, no reason to not take credit for showing restrain, right?  "O-kay mister teacher!"  She smiled, bright and happy once more.


    This stallion was also showing good sense, in that he properly appreciated her mama!  "Yeah, mamas are... uh, awe-some!"  Rainbow used that word a lot around Applejack, so it had to be true.  As for the games she liked to play?  "Uh, I like playing house, dress-up, tea parties..."  Her games and amusements were mostly of the imagination, and very much in the stereotypical filly mold.  The foal of two tomcolts showing the exact opposite trains!

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  7. Queen Haven clucked with sympathy, like a mother hen.  It was not exactly slander to say that Pegasi could exhibit birdlike characteristics when their guard was down, though the displays when they happened were rarely dignified, and thus Haven was usually careful to keep them private.  "Oh, yes... I have often wondered if it was a good idea to open such a direct channel for instant feedback from the populace... I imagine there are a lot of them who are going to vent at you.  I do hope you won't take them too seriously, unless they actually bother to send a physical letter or something else requiring effort and forethought.  Then we'll have to keep a list of names..."  It was hard, in these modern times, to balance concerns for the safety and sanity for one's offspring.  "Also, hoof-gilding?  I had no idea that made for such interesting viewing."


    Out of touch as she may be with the younger folks, Haven did have a savvy sense of the established media landscape, and how unlikely it was to meet her on her own terms for the next week or two.  But there had to be some opportunity- aha!  "That famous tennis player, Flick Ray?  He's been making a lot of noise about his new show, First Serve.  I think a long, unrestricted, and non-adversarial interview with a large audience is just what we need.  Just to have some place to refer any further questioners if they want our side of the story.  Besides that... a blitz of public relations work.  Hm, I don't suppose you could call your friends back up to Zephyr Heights to help out with that?"

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  8. Haven was pleased at her daughter's enthusiasm, though she had her own personal doubts as to whether things would go as smoothly as Pipp was confident that they would.  But... experience would be a better teacher than a mother's words on a headstrong daughter.  And maybe she was right after all.  Only one way to find out, and it was quite true that some kind of shakeup was needed in the Palace.  "Well, consider this your Official Royal Duty, then.  I look forward to seeing how you do."   She shot a look of acknowledgment and pride over to her younger daughter, knowing full well that Pipp really had not had enough of that, all things considered.  Being not in line, therefore a perpetual princess, had its perks, but that also meant that any royal duties, and thus quality time with the Queen, fell unevenly between her and Zipp.

  9. Hanabi's revelation was enough to provoke a genuine reaction out of Yin, a full startle and whinny, eyes wide with surprise and fascination.  "WHAAAAAA?  You gotta be foxing kidding me, bro!  You had this beauty following you all along and didn't introduce me?"

    "After you fell asleep the second time I tried to bring you out to the forest, I figured you were just bored."


    Yin raised a hoof as if to make a rejoinder, but lowered it with a shrug.  "Uh, yeah, fair, I was.  In my defense, you're exhausting to be around, you know?  Did you let these poor girls sleep on the way over?"  She gave a cheeky grin.  "Or did they not let you?"


    Feng, for his part, was becoming inured to the teasing, returning to his old pattern of banter with his sister.  "Yup, Rongyu snores like the village lumberjack.  Sadly, there were no frogs to slip in her bed as a reprimand this time."  It seemed to be a time of shedding disguises, and the 'dutiful captain' poise that Feng wrapped himself in like a suit of platemail was discarded on the floor, revealing a longma that could just as well have been an ambitious Triad enforcer as a law-enforcing guard.


    "Well, besides that, you do know how to pick 'em.  Magic, cooking, and muscles; that'll get you pretty far in life.  And if you're aiming for a high-level snatch, I suppose bringing the former kidnapper of an Emperor's consort's about as good as you can get."  Yin nodded, almost respectfully, in Hanabi's direction.  Given her profession, she was not one to hold any such act against her.


    With his new, or rather reassumption of an old attitude, Rongyu's concubine remark didn't fluster Feng as much as it previously had.  "Eh, still sounds better than cleaning the latrine with a toothbrush, which you'll be doing if I hear another smart remark from you.  Hup, food's here!"  The bell by the bucket was ringing, signaling Yin and Feng to work the pully to haul up multiple buckets of steaming wide rice noodles, veggies, and seafood, cooked according to no recipe in particular by a little hole-in-the-wall place next to the apartment block.  Which meant, of course, that it was one of the most delicious things that any of them would have tasted in their entire life.  Never mind how much MSG had to be used to create that unique tang.  


    "I ordered 5, that should be enough right?"  Yin directed her remark towards 'Shirayatsu', as if her disguise wasn't present at all and she guessed her true nature.

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  10. Non-pegasus guards?  That was an idea that would never have occurred to Queen Haven, and on that account she was half tempted to gently dismiss it.  On second thought, however, she had to admit, it would certainly show the Crown's commitment to a new way.  Political complications were... honestly unavoidable under the circumstances, so it benefitted her overall to swell the numbers on her side. "That... is a very interesting idea.  I wonder how many volunteers we would get; it is by no means an easy ask to leave one's old life behind for a new one."  One thing she hoped Pipp could empathize with, considering how little she wanted to leave her own.  "Certainly, though, I don't see any harm in extending the invitation, however many come."  Not to mention, now that she thought about it, unicorn magic could be a rather powerful asset.  And Earth Pony strength.  Mmm, big strong earth ponies...

    She blinked.  Goodness, all this flight must be making her giddy, she was daydreaming like a lovestruck teen!  Best get home as soon as possible.  "Nonetheless, a sudden influx of them is bound to cause friction.  Friction which, of all of us, you are perhaps best equipped to navigate, with your experience and charisma.  Can I count on you to take responsibility of ensuring a smooth integration?"

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  11. "I think I will, actually...."  A nice, handsome chap, built rugged, yes.  That was exactly what Queen Haven needed by her side right now.  Would Zipp and Pipp handle her taking a late-life consort well, she mused?  It was tough enough at the top without being lonely besides...  Coming into the city, she couldn't help but muse on her feelings.  Seeing Pipp's new group of friends had driven home to her how... few she had.  Really had.  Maybe she should carve some time to make some; she was sorely lacking in reliable ponies right now...


    Speaking of which!  "Oh?  Strange that he would call you about this..."  Haven gave her daughter a sideways look, before blinking with the realization that she herself did not carry a phone with her.  So, it made sense that Pipp would take calls.  Right?  There wasn't any untoward things going on, surely...  "Well, discipline may well be called for, but it would be wise to at least give some chance of getting them back in our good graces.  If you don't give your ponies anything, they have no reason to not join a rebellion.  Which, need I remind you, is the last thing we need right now.  The contrite we will give a chance to repent, albeit with lower ranks and harsher duties until sincerity is proved.  The rest.... well, we will need a new recruitment drive, I fear.  I wonder... where would we find reliable ponies for it?"

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  12. The Queen couldn't help but chuckle, taking what levity she could from her daughter.  Grave matters weighed down the wings, after all.  "I may end up doing the same for long trips; count yourself lucky that you're young."  Ah, the 'joys' of aging.  Persistent aches, increasing amounts of one's morning spent shoring up the levies of good looks before they all finally caved and one became... old.  *Mph, so much for light thoughts...*  Seeing the world and its joys go off and leave her behind was a worry she'd never confessed, not even to her daughters, though she suspected she wasn't quite as good at hiding her inner thoughts from them.

    "Oh, an honor guard?  No trouble at all, though our *trusted* guards are a bit of a tight resource.  I'll confess I'll sleep better at night myself with you watched over."  She knew this whole situation had left her little Pipp feeling rather insecure, like a sheltered mare suddenly thrown onto a scarred and open waste.  There was no way out but up and over, but it had been a long time since any of their kind had truly stretched their wings.

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  13. This wasn't the first time that Scarlett had heard the story of how Golden Bit and Wind Dancer had met, but until now she'd always only heard it from Windy's perspective.  It was good to know that the goodness the younger mare perceived was assuredly demonstrated in the heart of the older patron.  As the bride's mother joined their little gaggle to fawn over the dancing of their all-grown-up foals, she spared a wing to give Candy a little handkerchief.  "It's alright.  Beautiful things can do that to a pony."  She said, aglow with maternal wisdom and emotion.



    The song and dance concluded, to the applause of the spectating audience.  Each of them bowed to the reception in turn, before Sky winged his way over to his mother.  "We're next on the docket, after which is Windy and her father.  Sound alright?"
    "Of course, son.  I've waited a long time for this moment... but please, not too sappy, alright?  My poor heart couldn't take it."


    Sky did in fact have something more upbeat planned for this dance, at least in it's thumping drums that beat almost something like a country dance.  But the lyrics themselves were heartfelt expressions of a love for one's mother, that all the ponies around began to stomp their hooves to, and even a few join along to the chorus:

    "She asked me son when I grow old,

    Will you buy me a house of gold?

    And when your father turns to stone,

    Will you take care of me?

    I will make you queen of everything you see!

    I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease!"






  14. To say that Ambrosia Apple was excited to receive personal magic lessons from the Princess would have been an exaggeration.  From the time she'd woken up, she'd been practically vibrating with no sugar added!  So much so that Applejack had even taken her along on a few early-morning chores 'To get them jitters out of ya.'  Normally disinclined to extra physical effort, the obvious necessity of getting any potential cause for horn-misfires out of her system won uncomplaining compliance.  What if a stray spark from her horn burned a hole in Twilight's dress?  She'd get mad and never teach her again, and that would be terrible!

    Yes, there were some lingering worries behind the anticipation, but some honest work, a good and thorough bath, and dressing to the nines in the comfort of her room was enough to settle her to her prettiest and most presentable self.  "Uh-huh, your ma-jest-tea."  The little filly a little more careful in her speech, as she tended to be on the (sadly few) time when the lavender unicorn paid a visit.

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  15. "Uh... uh-uh, but mama's gonna have Auntie Twilight give me lessons!"  Though she hated to admit ignorance to what was her rightful unicorn heritage, Amby was pleased as punch that Princess Twilight was personally going to train her magic!  How could anything possibly top that!  Today was a good day again.


    As to the teacher's second question, she nodded.  "Uh-huh.  Mama tells me about Auntie Twilight all the time.  Those are the best stories, 'cause mama's in them too!"  She paused for a moment, before adding,  "Both my mamas!"  It was hard to remember sometimes that she was the filly of two super-famous mares; Zappers took after Rainbow and was as close to her as Amby was to Applejack.  "But Cadence is good, too... and Celestia... and Luna... oh, and Bluebelle!"

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  16. Mama might not have been a unicorn, but she sure knew how to work some magic on her daughter.  Like some beneficent ritual, the shower of kisses stemmed the streams of tears, leaving a filly ready to face the day without crying once more.  "OK mama!"  She said, nuzzling Applejack before stepping back out of the embrace.  She was too young to be embarrassed by her emotional displays, so the teacher's reminder of his existence caused no shame to the little princess.


    Hoof painting, though?  That didn't hold much attraction for the filly.  "I don't like getting my hooves icky, but mama says once I get better with my horn, I can hold a brush with magic!"  Probably in such a way as to splatter paint about the place even more, though.  Hopefully she was encouraged to change into a normal smock when creative time came.
    "Oh, mama reads me stories about Princesses!  They're my favorite!"  Of course, Equestria being what it was, only half the stories were about things like tea parties with friends, and the other half were about smiting the bad guys.  She enjoyed them both, frankly.

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  17. "Sane, huh?"  Star looked at him, still wondering what counted as sane under the circumstances.  "If you can keep your head about you/when others are losing theirs and blaming it on you..."  She quoted the old poem under her breath, counting to ten before trusting herself to make a decision.  "Right... I don't suppose we can keep you from coming along if you're determined, but you walk up in front of me, alright?"  At this point, Star was still more worried about an attack from the rear than in front, especially if this new face proved untrustworthy, but between them taking first blow to the front, and her guarding the back, she was as comfortable as she could be.

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  18. If Star was afraid, she didn't show it.  She never showed much of anything, though, so the lack of indication really didn't mean much either way.  The hair on the back of her mane was prickling, though, so Ohm was not alone in his impression.  


    Once the trio got some way into the cave, Star signaled for them to halt, and she turned around.  "Gonna come out, whoever you are?  We're not leaving until you do."

  19. Sighing in relief that at least they'd interrupted the fily, Star trotted with a heavy clanking step up to where Noonherb was restraining her.  "Calm down; The train is always a better way to get out of here than the grave."  She blinked.  "What is the problem with this place, why is it so bad?  And why are ponies not fleeing from it?"

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  20. It would be entirely fair to say that Star was built for robustness rather than speed, and she tended to take that stance as to guard work.  It's entirely possible she would have insisted on being sure, had not a situation arose regarding a foal.  She knew from the start that she wasn't fast enough to get their herself, so she did the first thing that came to mind; picking up a stone with her wings and throwing it with enough force to knock the knife away.  "Get a hold of her, keep her from hurting herself!"

  21. Crusader's nose wrinkled at the stench, but that was her only reaction.  "Hm.... Probably should get a shroud for a decent burial, but first... either of you have training in forensic medicine?  It would be good to confirm that this was a suicide.  That's not the only reason you can see a pony strung up."  She spoke as one who had come by that knowledge the hard way.

  22. "I see..."  Magenta eyes peered out from behind Scarlet bangs as the sky-blue giantess shook Noonherb's hoof.  "My name is Star Crusader.  Rank is Captain, but if you're not part of any official chain of command, that shouldn't matter so much."  She tilted her head a little, waiting to see if either of them recognized her name... or that of her family.  Probably not; her mother was the Duchess of Fet Loch, but she didn't come to the capital much.  Always raised a ruckus when she did, though...


    "I don't see any particular reason why we shouldn't get along; most ponies tend to be fairly nervous around a mare of my size at first."  She sighed a bit; a changeling would be able to detect the emotional taste of frustration and regret, for all that Star's face showed neither.

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