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Posts posted by Blueblood

  1. Hello, friendly neighborhood admin here!  Welcome to our little corner of the internet.


    Your intro's just fine, no worries!  If you need any onboarding help, want some introductions, or anything, feel free to PM me!


    Relevant links:

    If you're interested in our Discord community, link is here: https://discord.gg/4kyZsXAs


    OC's and Cast Member apps for Generation 4 (Friendship is Magic) go here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/416-character-applications/


    OC's and Cast Member apps for Generation 5 (A New Generation) go here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/471-character-applications/


    Please use the standard form found here: 


    PM me if you have any questions, or if you've filled out an app and want it stamped.  I'm a little booked solid on what RPs I can fit into my schedule right now, but if you want to plan things out or spitball ideas, let me know!

  2. Gloomy pondered Sugar's answer, reflecting on how even when one wasn't happy, it was hard to recognize when another was walking along the path that would lead there.  In fact, if the one happy pony was exceptional, it seemed most ponies preferred to herd around their misery rather than follow, unless something truly spectacular happened.  "I guess then that sometimes the only thing we can decide to do is something different than our sad yesterdays, and hope that the universe takes care of the rest.  I wouldn't have thought so myself, but then I found you once I did."  And here the unicorn smiled again, looking directly into her eyes unafraid.

    Soon after, though, the heavy dinner began to have its effect, and she yawned.  "Whooaaooo.... it's been a long day for me, and it's bed I long to see."  The weariness of the journey here, staved off by the excitement of a new friend, was beginning to come back in like an incoming tide, swamping wakefulness in a soft fatigue.

  3. Moonstruck from the first, many would have thought Sky Sailing would sleepwalk through his life.  But right now, in the moment where every good thing that could happen in a dream was physically real in a city park, he'd never felt so awake in his life!  "That's true!  And yet here we are in the daylight, even if it's shaded."  He let out one wing to try to find a place around Wind Dancer's dress where he could wrap it around.  "Come on, I think the rest of the ponies want to celebrate."

    "You're darn right we do!"  Nor'Easter called from behind his son, which prompted Luna to announce the beginning of the reception.  That done, Sky would head with Windy over to the entrance to greet each of the guests, before the cutting of the cake.  They took their place, ready to receive congratulations from each in turn.


    Scarlett, meanwhile, was torn between reveling in her joyous emotions, and watching out that little Glimmer Starlight didn't fall from her perch as her honorary Auntie drew both her and Golden Bit into a hug.  "Goodness, that was a sight!  I would never have thought the Princess would treat our son as special as, well, we think he is."  It wasn't a public acknowledgement they were used to getting for their colt.  "Ooh, the reception is starting!  I'll make sure they save a corner piece of the cake for you, miss Bit!  Oh, wait, it's round, isn't it?"

  4. Sugar wasn't wrong in that the whole situation with the great loss and return of magic called for a poem; it called more loudly than anything else ever had to Gloomy.  Up until now, however, she had felt herself far too unequal to the task, the emotions that were to be evoked too foreign to her experience.  And yet, being here with this mare now, she could almost reach out and touch it, the words echoing in the back of her mind like a memory to vague to give exact verbiage...  "You are right.  If we are lucky, we won't have to wait long until it sees the light."  She smiled, thoughtfully, letting the inaudible words collect in the darkness of her mind, patient as an angler, not rushing to fish them out.


    In the meantime, she listened to how Sugar grew up, tales of a fairly ordinary life, but one always colored by fear, as opposed to loss.  "I think, all told, I'd still rather be sad than afraid, if I had to choose.  I don't envy how you grew up."  She tilted her head as she thought about it for another second or two.  "And you know, if anything, Izzy Moonlight proves that happiness is something you can choose to be.  And if you don't choose to be happy, do you deserve to be so?"

  5. spoiled.png.79a5adac26b4aa2af55d6279984da003.png


    Spoiled considered.  Her 'usual' was on the higher end of the services offered, but if this visit was on Rose, and with the return of Lotus...  "Actually, I think I will step up today's visit.  It has been a while since my last, and with the full family here, it would be a shame not to celebrate the occasion by going all out!"  She shed her outerwear to hang on the hangers in the waiting room closet.

    Lotus had not lost her eye for a customer's tension after so many months away, Spoiled was glad to hear.  "On my mind?  Besides all the various cares of my new work...?"  She paused, wondering how much to share, before sighing and deciding to let the rest of the family know what Rose did already.  "Family matters.  I feel my own rather drifting apart, of late."

  6. Ambrosia beamed upon the teacher, fully coming out from behind Applejack.  This teacher sure was smart!  He knew a great dress when he saw one.  "Is from Auntie Rarity!"  She said brightly, clip-clopping cutely over to where she was indicated to take a seat.


    She had to giggle, though, as he soon proved to be as silly as he was smart.  "No, mister Teacher, his name is Zappers!"  It really was just Zap, but any brother of hers really deserved at least one more syllable to his name.  He was related to the cutest, most adorable filly on the planet, after all!

    • Apple 1
  7. The couple, as they sat, were served a complimentary pot of green tea, which Kahz then took upon himself to pour into each of the cups set on the table.  The steaming scent of the matcha within the brew was stimulating, for him exotic, for his date, familiar.  "You bear much weight in your profession, then?  I suppose having other ponies bring their own problems and stresses into your office all day does that.  There's more of a rhythm in my own work, practice and prep building to a show, and all the problems are only my own."

    He put a forehoof around Yu's shoulders as she nuzzled against him, squeezing a bit to feel the tension spoke of in there, as he drank in the flavor of her affection while the tea cooled in his cup.  "In any case, I'm happy to be here for you... I only wish you were here more regularly."

  8. "Growing up?"  Gloomy thought as she took the last few bites of her second bowl, thinking back to her little fillyhood.  "It was... well, everypony there... felt the loss of magic.  We all knew we were supposed to have it, but we didn't.  But at the same time, we didn't know exactly what magic was, so every time we felt sad, we all could say that whatever we were missing was part of magic.  Not many unicorns even tried to be happy with what we had... we felt, somehow, that if we gave up feeling sad over what we'd lost, we'd eventually forget, and then never be able to get it back."


    Though the memories were not felicitous, she was the sort of mare who could always smile at irony, so she did.  "Funny thing, the one unicorn who did try to be happy was the one who helped to bring it back.  I guess that says something too."  She put her bowl down beside Sugar's, sighing as she sat back, feeling a little stuffed.  "As for me personally... I found after a while I could get used to feeling sad... I could even express how sad everypony was, which seemed to make them feel better, if not good.  But now... now I really am starting to feel good for the first time.  And that's a little strange and scary, because I don't know how to write, well, Sunny Sonnets."

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    As it turned out, Spoiled Rich was about to choose the perfect day for redeeming her spa visit voucher gift from Rose.  Not that she expected any lesser fortune as her due.  Being Mayor of a bustling and growing town was hard work!  Rose understood that, and Spoiled was beginning to actually consider the changeling a friend.

    Besides that, of course, the Twin's Spa was the only one in town, and she had been a frequent customer in more more social and less busy days.  How much of a good customer that made her... well, that was up to how professional Aloe and Lotus were feeling that day, no doubt.  Given how busy the spa had been relative to its staff, she had scheduled herself to enter in as close to the actual opening time as she could, so as not to risk her massage spot being taken.  So, when she pushed open the door, ringing the bell to find Lotus there after so long an absence, she remarked, "Well, Miss Lotus, I am glad to see you saw fit to return to us at last!  After so long without so much as a letter, you had left many doubts in the minds of our fellow townsponies."

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    • Hearthoof 1
  10. The vows spoken, Sky began to hear some gasps and reactions in the crowd mixed with cheers.  He paid them or what they were reacting to little heed, however.  He had a beautiful mare in front of him, who had just promised to be with him for life, and this called for an immediate clasping of her with wings and forehooves and a long kiss.  His introverted mind blocked out the world for about a solid half-to-full minute, before he finally pulled back to see a world much more shaded in its look than before.

    Looking around with puzzlement, he took a bit to catch Luna's expression and look up at the sky.  He laughed to see the eclipse.  "I dreamt the moon would look over our love; I guess I should have expected my dreams to come true, given that you agreed to marry me, Windy."



    The mother and grandmother in the red pegasus each vied for control over her attention, from her boy being married infront of her, to her little grandfoal, already stretching her wings out to perch on Auntie Candy's horned head!  This was one of those core memories, all intense with emotion and happiness and tears.  One feels the heavens move to mark it, even if they are literally still fixed in their courses.  However, in this case, Princess Luna herself was shading the occasion!  A blessing, considering how precious shade was in the desert sun.  
    "Oh, how lovely!  I've... *sniff, sob*  never been so happy!"

  11. Gloomy had hardly any need to be told to help herself, as the chili was too delicious to hold back on, and the journey here had been a long and hungry walk.  She felt the warm spice and sweetness fill her up over the course of two heaping bowls, complimenting the warm fuzziness in her soul that had grown over the course of the afternoon.


    She could only shrug in response to most of Sugar's questions about magic.  "Maybe it is that spirit which gives.  Makes as much sense as anything that lives.  And the trees that we live in only grow in the branches, not the trunk.  We hadn't been able to make any more of them since... the loss of magic.  We had a lot, but after a while we had to start carving out burrows, since carving into the trees without magic just kills them.  Maybe we'll be able to learn how to do so again."

  12. Star Crusader pursed her lips, and nodded.  "Very well.  Tiger, you go and take a look at the Prancing Pony, take Firey with you, I think they'll be able to recognize the groundling better.  Sharpfeather, see if any more clues can be found in the Sugar Cube Corner wreckage.  You'll need to work fast, rebuilding happens pretty quickly around here.  If the changelings have infiltrated Filthy's companies, there's likely to be some in the construction crews, too.  I'll let Psmith know to start investigating the paper trails and catch up with you at the site; colt talks too much, but he's a good pen pusher."


    Plan made, they each split into their teams, on the trail of a conspiracy they scarcely knew the scope of....

  13. Feng Banner.png


    "Bao" noticed both his companion's disappointment in the modest ship's fare, and reassured them both in-character.  "Don'tcha worry, Yin's gonna fix us up with some of the best grub the locals have to offer!"  Take-out, probably; if the lazybones ever cooked a single dinner for herself that wasn't some kind of instant packaged noodles, Feng would be shocked beyond belief.  "She's up there."  He pointed out one of the buildings coming out of the ratwork nest of dockside apartments.  If Rongyu could fly, it would be an easy trip.  As it was, they had to part the departing crowd to get to a maze of street names, surrounding by chatter in the southern dialect.  Thank the long that the writing was the same as in the north.


    Feng did not rebuke Rongyu's serpentine speech; it honestly fit in well with her character.  Hanabi's acting was, naturally, quite good.  The kitsune could pull off most any role, in all likelihood.  For now, the trio projected an attitude that promised a double return for any trouble given, especially to the diffident pegasus under the protection of the larger mare, so they were unmolested through the twists and turns that Feng led them through.  "Jai Li street... Chun Court... ah, that's the building number... outside stairs, of course..."  Looking up, he saw that the fire escape had been jammed into a kind of slide that would let the third floor resident just hop out the window and be down on the ground in seconds, saving much effort.  And... yup, there was a simple pulley elevator, too, for getting up.  This was his sister's apartment, alright.

    "We'll take the stairs; I don't trust that contraption with all our weight."  Rongyu probably wouldn't trust it with any of her bulk, but Feng was not so dense as to not understand the foolishness of alluding to a lady's mass.  Tromping up the stairs, they arrived at the outer door of the apartment, bare of any decorations save the number.  "I hope that slugabed is actually awake by now..."  He muttered in his normal voice, beginning to knock on the door.  No answer.  A louder knock.  Some muffled noises from inside, a thump of a sleeping body hitting the floor, the cursing of sudden wakefulness.  "Nope...."  He sighed, waiting for Yin to answer the door.



    There were footsteps, the lifting of the latch, and the door opened to reveal a tattooed qilin of a rather vivid coloration, a pink and yellow scales with a deep blue main and tail tuft.  Her expression was a contrast to her vivid coloration and decor, though; a mild and lazy smile, befitting a sense of humor that rarely departed from her.



    "Eeeeyyyyy...."  She'd greet, initially showing no sign of recognition.  "Is it only you three?  I swore it would take a long to drag-on me out of bed this early on a Saturday morning."

    Hearing the familiar voice slip into the punnish speech he knew so well from foalhood warmed Feng's heart a little bit, and he pulled down the shades from his eyes to look Yin back in hers.  "Only a long from the same ma, who'd regret your work ethic more than your work."  He replied, with undisguised voice and a wink.
    Yin's eyes grew wide in recognition, the humor rather departing from her face.  "Feng!  What are you- Didn't I tell you-"  She looked, in a much sharper way, at his two companions.  "Who the heck are these?"  She looked over the two mares, then back at her brother.  "Did you actually come to arrest me..."  She pulled a hurt expression... for about two seconds, before cutting in with, "Or are you just pulling a harem-scarum wedding announcement to your two marefriends here?"  She then laughed like a loon through Feng's choked and sputtering embarrassment.  Seems that family could disturb his cool more than anyone else they'd met...

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  14. Hello, friendly neighborhood admin here.  It's always good to see a new face.


    If you're interested in our Discord community, link is here: https://discord.gg/4kyZsXAs


    If you want to get in on our longer-post, slower pace forum RP, we do ask for character applications, which lets us get to know your character, roleplay style, and preferred types of storylines:


    OC's and Cast Member apps for Generation 4 (Friendship is Magic) go here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/416-character-applications/


    OC's and Cast Member apps for Generation 5 (A New Generation) go here: https://www.canterlot.com/forum/471-character-applications/


    Please use the standard form found here: 


    PM me if you have any questions, or if you've filled out an app and want it stamped.  I'm a little booked solid on what RPs I can fit into my schedule right now, but if you want to plan things out or spitball ideas, let me know!

  15. Queen Haven had known both her children long enough to know when they were being serious, and when they were making an outburst from just being overwhelmed.  And right now, Pipp was both overstimulated from novelty and insecure from things she once counted on.  It was her job as a mother right now to be with her through this.  "I promise you Pipp, whatever happens, I will not let anypony lock you up in the old cells."  It was cruel to keep a pegasus so far from the sky; that was the main feeling which had motivate the royal's efforts at prison reform.  The thought of her daughters being subject to the old punishments...

    Well.  Pity the fool who would face that fury.  "I don't think it will come to that, though.  I have made arrangements to lay out our case more publicly, hopefully in a way that allows for a full and calm explanation.  And I'm not without friends of my own.  But there's no going back to the old normal; only forward to the new one.  And you have a special responsibility now."  She matched her pace with Pipp, looking her in the eye.  "More even than your sister right now, you have the ability to be the face of that new normal, with your reach.  It's not going to be easy, especially with what all just happened... but many ponies still look to you as living the life they always dreamed of, and can in some ways aspire to.  You have to be proactive, just in doing what you're doing; sharing your life with your new friends.  Zipp may be my successor to the throne, but Zephyr Heights will need all the leadership we can provide."

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  16. Given that it had been a bit of a surprise to find out that all ponies didn't live in some kind of tree or burrow, Gloomy wasn't sure how much credit unicorns could really take for that house design.  It was all Bridlewood had... but then again, the unicorns, and other ponies too, that lived far in the past had originally chosen to do so.  Back in the days of harmony, even.  "Heh, it's a bit large for one, but cozy for two... but you have to take what you get, and make do."  Her mood equalized, her rhymes were coming back, a little more naturally this time.  She was growing as comfortable around Sugar now as she was alone, which spoke to both a lessening of excitement and fear.  "Crackers and cheese I'll take with ease."


    With the bowls served and steaming, Gloomy blew to cool it off as she listened to Sugar's own take on the Cosmos.  "Of all the legends I ever heard writ, maybe friendship does have a spirit."  She tested her levitation control with a spoon, taking a bite of the chili.  Her eyes grew wide at the taste, as she savored the hot bite and swallowed.  "You can put in a letter that I've never had better!"

  17. A bed plenty big for the two of them, eh?  "I think mine at home might be somewhat... cozier, when you come to visit.  Many of us live in houses made from the trees, so we don't have as much space as most other ponies."  Given the way that Sugar was comfortable with where things were going, and the pace at which they were going, though, Gloomy had a sneaking suspicion they wouldn't mind.


    And really... if she was being honest with herself, Gloomy really didn't mind all that much either.  It just... felt like she was being moved, rather than moving.  "Cosmos, huh?  Do you really think you can hear the voices of the stars, even from beneath the clouded sky?"  She looked up, as if trying to spy them through the ceiling.  "I guess not.  It's just... hard for me to believe that higher forces want me to be happy.  They've never really done much for me before."


    But despite her namesake, gloomy talk like this was not really where Gloomy wanted to linger, not tonight.  Getting up to follow Sugar, she let herself be led by the nose towards the delicious scents in the kitchen.

  18. ~Sky Sailing~


    This was it.


    All the innocent daydreams of young love while alone on the clouds in moonlight, all the longing songs of loneliness in his early EP's, all the sudden and unexpected joys that had followed him meeting the love of his life, all of it was culminating as Sky Sailing saw Wind Dancer walk up the aisle, to take the sacred vows of marriage beneath the aegis of Princess Luna.  Right at that moment, he understood why bridegrooms could suddenly faint; and he was swaying a bit, before a subtle wing from his father steadied him, and he was able to step forward with their prepared promises on his lips.


    "I, Sky Sailing, promise here in front of all witnesses:

    That I shall be the song to your dance,

    constant companion in health and distresses,

    committed father to all our foals,

    Nestmate and wingmate,

    Until returned from the sky to the earth,

    Your Husband."


    It didn't quite rhyme all the way down, but it was poetry, nonetheless.




    The mother of the groom had to smile indulgently at Candy; look at this honorary aunt, trying to spoil this little filly like she was a grandmother!  Glimmer Skies didn't understand the words, but she knew when she was being indulged!  "Oh, I'm proud as punch right now; seeing your little ones build a nest of their own is just... like the final cap on a lifetime's work."  She didn't say any more, now that the ceremony was starting proper.  As were the happy tears.  Today was a day she was determined to indulge in all the cliches, and why not?

  19. Things were moving so fast between them, that Gloomy's head was spinning and her heart was barely slowing.  She was held still in the middle of a secure and warm house and hug, and yet she felt whipped through the sky like a pegasus being carried away by their own wings.  Excited and scared all at once, but in a quiet, non-panicky way.  The hug helped, in that respect.  "Oh, you're... well, I guess you wouldn't have said to sleep on the couch, after all that."  She blushed deeply, only reluctantly stepping out of that hug.


    "I wouldn't have thought, you know..."  She brushed her mane back, letting Sugar briefly see both her eyes before it fell again.  "That a journey from my home would lead me to a place like this, and a mare like you.  I... like it, and you, but... are we that close yet?"  How could she say this?  It wasn't as if she didn't want to end up where this was obviously going, but was it really a good idea to get there this fast?   Though, Sugar had made her dinner first...

  20. Ambrosia was caught between the habitual nervousness that all little foals had when introduced to strange adults, and the inward conviction that she was so worth seeing that she should be out in the open.  It all averaged out to where she stayed behind her mama while she talked with the winged stallion, but when Well Read addressed her, she came bounding around, little ringlets bouncing to her step.  "That's me!  Hiya, mister teacher!"  She said with shining eyes, the only worry in her head right now about what exactly Zappers would have said about her.  Big brothers couldn't always be trusted on the subject.

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  21. When was the last time Gloomy Sonnet had been hugged?


    Today, actually.  By the very same mare hugging her now.  That was undoubtedly significant.  The unicorn leaned into the snuggle, bringing up her scarf to wipe off the tears... with her hooves, and not with magic.  It would be a bit before the spook from that situation wore off, even with Sugar Moonlight's soothing words.  "*sniff*  Thank you..."  She murmured softly, before reaching her forehooves around to hug back.  They stayed there for some time before she felt herself ready to speak again.


    "I can cut a bandage, if you need one.  I... don't know if you'd want me to kiss it better..."  There was a blush, with that statement, as she actively tried to move the conversation back to its earlier tone.

  22. spoiled.png.79a5adac26b4aa2af55d6279984da003.png


    Spoiled was visibly unconvinced, but not to the point where she would push the issue.  "All right, I hope for both your sake and that of your foal that you are correct..."  Inwardly, the Mayor made a mental note to serve only juice, milk, and water at all future lunches with Rose for the time being.

    "Well, if that is all, I really must return to town hall.  The Mayor's work is never done.  I hope to do this again sometime, with or without arranging a meeting with our little business partner.  Good afternoon!"  And with that, she took her own leave, her headspace already returning to the stack of paperwork that had no doubt spawned in her inbox during her absence...

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  23. The bad thing about being new to magic is that most unicorns didn't know what they could do until they tried, which also ended up meaning that what they ended up doing wasn't what they intended.  When she saw the scorch mark and the drop of red on Sugar's flank, Gloomy's expression immediately fell into an abyss of horror and sorrow.  "Oh no!  I'm sorry, I just meant to give a little poke!  I didn't know... didn't think... sorry...."


    It was now her turn to feel incredibly guilty for an impulsive though followed through, and she was taking it hard, collapsing back with tears in her eyes and a sob in her throat.  Of course, this was all going to go wrong, how could she have been so foolish as to think otherwise?  Some ponies weren't made for happiness and sunny skies, or for friends as wonderful as Sugar Moonlight.  The clouds would always be between them...

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