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Everything posted by AliciaJewel

  1. Heh... To be perfectly honest, the only Agatha Christie I've read is And Then There Were None and The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories. I was working on Passenger to Frankfurt before I left for school, but I ended up leaving it at home and never picking it back up. Like I said, though, I got a bunch of her books for my birthday, and I've got the rest of summer to read them~ Also: the picture is broken! D: *mashes the panic button*
  2. Kyaa, I feel like I'm running out of thank yous! >w< You guys are all so nice--I can't thank you enough for the warm welcomes! I'm always so nervous when I join new websites, but you guys have made me feel right at home! ^_^
  3. I can't say I've had anyone ask if I live on a boat. xD I did hear a story about someone from Africa who claimed he rode to school on a cheetah every day, and that was pretty funny... Either way, thank you! I guess I'd better stock up on Cokes then, eh?
  4. Yay, cookie~! Ooh, maybe I should start hoarding--er, collecting these. Thanks a billion! ^_^
  5. @Winter: COOKIE! *takes it and nibbles on it in a corner* @Solaria: I don't think I'm going to be able to get that image of a tap-dancing Apple Bloom speaking "fancy" out of my head now. xD Thank you for the welcome! @Rosewind: I watched the English version of One Piece once upon a time (*shudders*), but I don't think I'd have the attention span to start watching it again. I always thought Sanji was cute for some reason... @Everyone else: Thank you all so much! ^_^
  6. So, uh... Hi. I'm Alicia Jewel, but you can probably see that to the left. *points* See? Over there. Like the little thingie above me says, I stumbled across this website when I was randomly searching for an MLP RP to join. I'm from Arkansas, but I think I was born in the wrong place--I'm more on the liberal side, accepting of everyone regardless of their lifestyle (so long as they're a good person and don't hurt others), and hardly have a southern accent. I'm a lot quieter in real life due to a combination of social anxiety and a mild stuttering problem, but when I'm online, I can carefully think about what I'm going to type and revise/cut anything that sounds stupid. (I'd still like to hide under a table right about now, though. >///<) I've been writing since I was in the 3rd grade. I was sleeping over with one of my friends, and she suggested that we write a story based on the fairies from Kirby 64. (So, basically, my first story was a fanfic. xD I think I still have it somewhere...) I've loved writing ever since, and I'm even hoping to make a career out of it one day. In a perfect world, I'll be a book editor where I can put my mad grammar skills to good use and help my fellow authors improve their writing while working on my own. In a more realistic world, I'll probably have some random desk job while I struggle to get my stuff published. Right now, though, I'm just a college student on summer vacation. On the other hand, I'm not exactly sure when I started roleplaying. I guess I technically started in elementary school when I went on a grand adventure to protect a dragon egg with my friends and my animal companions, but I'm not sure when or where I started roleplaying online. I roleplay on online games, chatrooms, message boards... pretty much anywhere I can reasonably roleplay. I haven't done a whole lot of MLP RP--I had a brief stint on another website before I quit because of admin favoritism EVERYWHERE--but I really want to try to get into it again. It'll be nice to do something more lighthearted for once. I like anime, but I haven't really had the time/patience to get into a new series lately. I've got a modest collection of manga on my bookshelf, but what I'm really interesting in reading now is Agatha Christie. I got a bunch of her books for my birthday. I should really get my lazy butt off the computer and crack those open... I picked my favorite ponies above because I like to think I'm a cross between Twilight and Fluttershy with a pinch of Pinkie Pie if I've had too much caffeine. Protip: Do NOT give me Mountain Dew. Things will explode. ... Whoa. I typed a LOT more than I thought I would. So much for that hiding under the table thing, huh...? Well, either way, I look forward to getting to know you all, and I hope I fit in your community. ^_^ Protip 2: Don't hit Preview Post without copying your info fields. They will get erased, and you will be sad.
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