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Everything posted by TotalEcplise

  1. Karrthus chuckled at Twilight's comments. Oh how he would enjoy this. [colour=#800080]"Well you should know better than anypony what my parents taught me." [/colour][colour=#000000]Karrthus eyed Twilight up and down for a moment.[/colour][colour=#800080] "Even though there are quite a few new things that I'm seeing here and there. Your body mostly old news to me."[/colour] As per request Karrthus fetched Twilight's Twilight's robes and towels. Karrthus smiled a large white toothy grin.[colour=#800080] "Would you like me to take a letter as well?"[/colour] His eyes burned with magic. As he said those words he slid in behind the mare and dangled the items in her face.
  2. [colour=#800080]Patriarch Karrthus[/colour] [colour=#800080]"So this is what you hide under your robes Twilight Sparkle."[/colour] A voice stated from every corner of of the cabin simultaneously. The steam moved about the chamber in a unnatural way, as if orchestrated. Long wisps of white clawed at the surface of the water as the mist began to coalesce behind the mare. The steam began to take shape, great wing formed on either side of the form and claws started to become pronounced. Before any colour added to the massive body the mist formed a cloak around it hiding all of its features from view. [colour=#800080]"Hello miss Sparkle, nice of you to chose such a private location, I wouldn't want anyone to eavesdrop on this conversation."[/colour] Karrthus said into her ear. His words had a slight hiss to them as the rest of his tongue and mouth formed.
  3. Gotta update my roster with borderlands 2. GT is on the first page. After the 9th though its very real that I may be stuck on Dishonored for a minute.
  4. [colour=#008080]"I'm glad you came in Draco, you know that? Morale has been high since you joined up, you've taken to this like a fish to water."[/colour] Draxis stared straight ahead.[colour=#008080] "That look you had in your eyes during the rescue, knowing you were saving ponies You were in your element. A real pony of the people, you are what I'm not and that's just what the guard needs." [/colour]
  5. Quick Scope flew Gilda back over to Baxter after her little "spill". "Serves you right Gilda, you have to learn the art of not attacking everything that makes you angry. I mean so what she got new friends and dropped you, get over it." Gilda jerked away from the sniper griffon and fell to the floor. [colour=#daa520]"It's not just that. I mean yeah I'm pissed about that, but come on, I assumed she was at least loyal to her friends, and to her princesses. Just what the buck? She's with the GEF... can she pick a side and stick to it? Damnit Dash, who do you really stand by or do you just shift with the wind!"[/colour] She pounded her fist on the floor. She felt played, she felt, she felt like Applejack.
  6. (OOC: I swear, Im going to freelancer you people and stick a plot powered bomb up your....plots. Ratsinfratsin...posting faster than me.)
  7. Kaalia grew bored standing around, he gestured for her Dragoon Knights to follow her she made her way through the crowd. The large armored knights on her side kept everypony a comfortable distance from the her. She hunted her prey, with the skill of an master huntress. Shortly she found who she was looking for, a changeling kissed Rainbow Dash and winked playfully at her. Kaalia had to put a scaled hoof up to her mouth to keep the laughs from slipping out. She trotted over to the Rainbow Dash after the changeling left. It was strange how she towered over her now. [colour=#ff8c00]"What was that all about?"[/colour] She asked bluntly. [colour=#ff8c00]"Oh sorry, manners,"[/colour] she said with a giddy chuckle. [colour=#ff8c00]"Broodmother Kaalia, Co-Leader of the LEH. But please just call me Kaalia." [/colour][colour=#000000]Her purple eyes stared at Rainbow Dash from under the hood as she presented a scaled hoof for a friendly shake.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Before she could even get a conversation started another mare had revealed herself to Rainbow Dash. Apparantly she was one of the monks. [/colour][colour=#ff8c00]"F-Fluttershy!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Kaalia said as her eye twitched.[/colour]
  8. Draxis was sitting with the newest addition to the force Draco when the youth spoke up, breaking the silence between them. [colour=#008080]"This place feels like a powder keg ready to explode, lots of bad blood in here,"[/colour] He looked over to Draco. The kid had made him proud, he filled the shoes of a guard quite nicely, everything Draxis had been teaching him Draco simply absorbed. [colour=#008080]"Honestly I'd rather not think about it."[/colour] He sighed and looked around the room. [colour=#008080]"Draco, what were thinking when you came into the city that day? You had to have known that you couldn't hide forever."[/colour] ----------------------------------------- Chronarch looked around the room in indifference, though a few things did catch his eye. The dragon and his strange company stuck out like a thumb on a hoof. Him and Twilight seemed to have history, a story that he'd definitely like to hear at some point. He was jarred away from his thoughts when he felt Twilight's weight fall on his side. More of that mysterious pain she'd been getting. Whatever she did those days ago, it left her vulnerable, and in pain. Chronarch looked back at Twilight and frowned, he couldn't help her if he didn't know the problem. He wished that Twilight trusted somepony enough tell what was going on, Chancellor Dash, Mistress of Shadows anypony. Twilight eased herself off of him and decided to take her leave of them for now. [colour=#40e0d0]"Contact me if you need anything Twilight."[/colour] He said looking at the the RLF members and the dragon in front of him. [colour=#40e0d0]"So you're Free, leader of the Loyalists and you're Applejack? Iv'e Heard much about both of you, and you're the one of the leaders of the LEH, They have been pretty low key."[/colour] he said looking at the dragon. [colour=#40e0d0] "Come Let's walk and talk, tell me about yourselves."[/colour] He said politely. ----------------------------------------- [colour=#800080]"Actually, I'm going to pass on that offer."[/colour] Karrthus said to the White unicorn.
  9. Taking Frees tiny hoof in his claws he gave a soft polite nod.[colour=#800080] "Yes, you'd be correct. From the eastern borders of Equestria. The Loyalist fight a brave fight." [/colour]He said. [colour=#800080]"Though after what happened in those cities I'm not surprised that the Princesses were dethroned."[/colour] His spoke carefully making sure his voice reflected both the respect he had for the RLF and his understanding of that what happened was inevitable. Karrthus shrunk back into his hood a little as Twilight tried to get a better look at him. [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"...have we met somewhere before, Master Karrthus...? It seems like I should know you from somewhere...but I can't tell what it is."[/colour] YES! Karrthus wanted to yell. But he knew that now was not the time so he had to lie...The fact that it was to Twilight made it so much harder. [colour=#800080]"No, not unless you spent some time on the eastern edges of Equestrian exploring dragon nests."[/colour] He chuckled at him self to hide the lump in his throat. Free asked the question that was on the dragon's mind since he had heard she was alive. He listened contently as she told her story. He knew the first part so he knew that was no lie, but everything after she left just seemed so wrong...Twilight was lying to Free and Karrthus knew it. The body language was obvious to him. But why, what was she hiding? He'd find out later, after negotiations. Karrthus wanted to laugh, the scene was all to familiar. Applejack and Rainbow Dash in a bad situation because they couldn't hold their tongues. Yeah that use to be really common.
  10. OH!! OH!! I'm joining this! Before I make my post, Im calling Twily as my piece. App.
  11. "Quick Scope can you PLEASE bring Gilda back here." Baxter said, still grinding his face in his palms. "No problem." Quick Scope replied. "Gilda, calm down, don't do anything that could compromise the negotiations." She said to the furious b**** next to her. They glided sided by side while Gilda fumed. [colour=#DAA520]"I just want to talk to her, I just want to talk to her."[/colour] Gilda said as convincingly as she could. Quick Scope looked unconvinced and unimpressed. [colour=#DAA520]"I just want to punch her..."[/colour] Soon as the words came out of her mouth, Gilda's stomach feel like it had been run through a drying machine. She nearly puked he guts out, but managed to keep her food down. Instead she dropped from the air like stone. Luckily for her Quick Scope was there to catch her.
  12. So striker doesn't find it a teeny bit suspicious that Twilight, who just so happens to have been missing for five years, just so happens to reappear after everything is stable, and just so happens that she defeated the Red Fox, and nopony saw, then she just so happens to take the seat at the head of the GEF uncontested.. Striker has no drive to look into that personally and see how this goes down with his own two eyes? With what little strike showed of himself i find that hard to swallow.
  13. [colour=#800080]Patriarch Karrthus[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Pfft, mingle they said, nopony in their right mind would approach me."[/colour] Karrthus said jokingly, but with a hint of real sadness in his voice. [colour=#ff8c00]"Well then, you approach them. No doubt Twilight probably wouldn't even flinch at your form if she in fact did defeat Red Fox."[/colour] Kaalia stated as if what said was obvious. Karrthus looked down on the the broodmother, she was just barely as large as Cadence and she was telling him to leave her side in a room full of powerful enemies. He raised his eyebrow and formed his lips to make a protest. Kaalia cut him off before he could get a word in edgewise.[colour=#ff8c00] "I already know what you're about to say and just don't. Have you forgotten who taught you how to kick flank? Beside if things go south the dragoons are at my side and the Praetorians are outside."[/colour] She smiled up at him and gently pushed him forward with her head. [colour=#ff8c00]"Now go, talk with the other leaders."[/colour] The massive creature nodded, thanking her silently. He began to walk forward and the crowd of ponies split before him a forked river. Many gasps, and mumbles followed in his wake. He scanned the room looking over all the faces present. His predatory sense picked up the voices of the ponies he was looking for, peering over the crowd he saw Twilight and Applejack, their movements calming and familiar...it was them. His eye caught something skulking in the shadows of the crowds, a monk. A mare with familiar movement patterns. He'd have to track her down later, but for now, he was focused on the task at hand. Passing by several mumbling ponies he finally reached the Leaders of the Federation, and the Loyalists. One of the ponies was already introducing himself to Twilight. Karrthus approached them, his massive figure towering over them, and knelt down on one knee. He gathered up his composure and put on his best poker face. [colour=#800080]"Nice to finally meet you all face to face,"[/colour] his voice boomed with magical might. [colour=#800080]"I am Patriarch Karrthus, Co-leader of the LEH."[/colour] He extended his massive claws out to both Twilight and Free. Hopefully they wouldn't take this as an act of hostility.
  14. (OOC: you'll see.) [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] Baxter sneered at the changeling; however, free was right and Baxter would not be the one to ruin these peace talks. "Fine," he said angrily. "There wont be any more problems with my griffons unless something drastic happens." He turned to Doppleganger and figured that this entire ordeal was better off dropped. "Apology accepted." Gilda watched free as he trotted of to nip the tension in the bud by addressing Twilight personally. A smart plan she thought. Today seemed to be going well, hopefully everyone would just talk, and then she could get a big ol plate of whatever they were going to eat today. She was feeling good. Her eyes scanned Twilight's party, a few faces she didn't recognize... a white unicorn, some pink hair filly, a rainbow maned pegasus...a rainbow maned pegasus! It took a moment for the gears to turn in her head but when they did- [colour=#daa520]"YOU!"[/colour] She yelled as she jumped up and flew over the to mare. Quick Scope look over at Baxter with a smirk on her face. "Does that count as drastic?" Baxter could only grind his face in his hands, this meeting did not seem like a good idea.
  15. We tried, but this RP moves very fast. you at least have to get a post in a day.
  16. [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] [colour=#daa520]"You're really testing the limits of this strange magic aren't you?"[/colour] Gilda chocked out through her clenched beak. She blocked him from view with her clock work wing. Tech simply scowled at the changeling, he would have nothing to do with the bug. He continued to pretend to ignore him, thanking the maker that this spell surrounding him kept his emotions in check. Quick Scope motioned to point her heavy rifle at the changeling's head, but then came to the realization that she didn't have it. So she settled for a sigh and a frown. Baxter was not amused by the changeling taunting his squad. As much as he'd like to...do something to him he just couldn't find the drive to take action so he just kept walking. "Lucky bug, comeback and pester my griffons when we aren't under anti aggression magics. We'll see who squawks then." He pushed past the obnoxious changeling continued keeping pace with Free and Cadence.
  17. Well i think Draxis and Draco are with the caravan, and in those three days Draxis got Draco sworn into the guard and started his training.
  18. [colour=#40e0d0]Chronarch[/colour] The magical field washed over him, his thought pattern changed little, but he did feel some of the tense he had before wash away. [colour=#40e0d0]Interesting.[/colour] He thought. [colour=#40e0d0]Celestia had something similar. [/colour] Twilight's command touched his mind, the moment the order was done he teleported to her and grouped up with the rest of the party. His white cloak flowed a little in the wind. The garment was trimmed in gold and bore Twilight's crest in black on its back. Silently he followed the group. Time to watch her work her magic. -------------------------------- [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] The griffons followed behind Free and Applejack, none of them were comfortable with the feeling that the magic field seemed to simply eradicate from their minds. Then they for the most part were unarmed, Quick Scope and Gilda did not like this at all, it made them feel featherless and exposed. Then a changeling walked up and introduced himself to Applejack...Tech and Gilda have not had good experiences with changelings...and that's being nice about it. ---------------------------------------- [colour=#ff8c00]Broodmother Kaalia[/colour] and [colour=#800080]Patriarch Karrthus[/colour] The creatures passed through the barrier, and the spells effect was felt strongly on them...like part of their nature was just axed away. Once they landed, it was pretty obvious that two of them were fully grown dragons with...ponies on their backs. The two dragon scale armor ponies slid off the backs of their rides and placed their lances into specially made sheathes on the sides of the dragons' saddles. [colour=#800080]"Praetorians, remain here, occupy yourselves in whatever manner you see fit."[/colour] Patriarch Karrthus called out to the dragons. [colour=#800080]"Dragoon Knights on us!"[/colour] Karrthus looked back to his group, eyes shining green from within the darkness of his cloak. Karrthus stood nearly seven feet tall, from under his cloak a thick scaled tails waved back and forth across the grass. He was biped like a diamond dog, but his scaled feet and claws suggested that he was some sort of reptile. None of that mattered though, only his position as leader of the LEH mattered for these negotiations. The armored ponies donned tattered green and teal cloaks and drew their cloaks over their heads, both ponies eyes glowing red from with their cloaks. Prepped and ready they trotted up to Karrthus and Kaalia Broodmother Kaalia's cloak swayed in the wind as she cantered to her husband's side. She walked on all fours like their pony guards, her muzzle poked out from under the hood her canines hung down in a vicious overbite similar to that of a timberwolf. A blade of grass flew through the air and tickled her nose. She raised up an orange scaled hoof to get rid of the offending plant matter, but before she could Karrthus had already playfully flicked it off. Looking up with burning purple eyes, she started at the patriarch and gave him a loving smile before nuzzling up to him. The party walked up the stairs, falling in behind the other factions. Had Karrthus and Kaalia not been as resolved as their were their jaws would have hit the floor. Twilight, Applejack, Cadence, and Rainbow Dash. All alive and well. Kaalia had to fight urges she thought she had suppress years ago to to keep herself grounded. [colour=#ff8c00]"Seeing them, It just doesn't feel real..."[/colour] Kaalia's said in a cracked voice. [colour=#800080]"No it doesn't, but still we do have a job to do. Try and focus on that."[/colour] Karrthus said as he rubbed his wife's side.
  19. Haven't seen enough of him you answer. Speaking of character development I haven't developed ANY of the ponies under my control for real...I missed a good chance to so im sort of disappointed.
  20. I leaving...this picture is better than the canon male version. I'm scared now.
  21. Old voltron Samurai jack Invader Zim AHH!!! Real Monsters Symbionic Titan (is back, and because i started watching MLP I know that princess Llana is voiced by Tara Strong) Regular show Adventure Time Thunder Cats Young Justice Batman Beyond Avatar I could go on forever...
  22. Massive wings cast dark shadows across the lands, and the thunderous calls of the brood deafened the ears. Four figures flew in from the east, two larger ones with something on their backs and two smaller ones in front of the pack. All of them cloaked. [colour=#ff8c00]"Do you believe that transmission, that Twilight Sparkle leads the GEF now,"[/colour] said one of the smaller figures, in a feminine voice. [colour=#800080]"We'll see when we get there, If it is her, it will make things more... manageable."[/colour] Said the other small figure in flight next to her. His was obviously male, but laced with a strange sort of ancient power that was thought gone from this land.
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