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Everything posted by TotalEcplise

  1. whoa, whoa, whoa...Twilight has an adopted son, Rarity is his care taker...and Twilight apparently has an immortal servant at her beck and call? ****...
  2. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] Once Draco was suited the two exited his armory and went down to the briefing room. Just as Draxis had requested two teams of twelve guards had been assembled. The guards all wore kevlar barding similar to Draco and Draxis', but lacking a glowing gem in the middle. Sadly, the RLF had badly damaged many of their vehicles, so one group would have to hoof it (yes, i just did that). [colour=#008080]"Team A take the transport to sector G4, you know the drill breach and clear. Watch your fire and if the Loyalists retreat do not pursue, those kids are the main concern here. Move out!"[/colour] Draxis told his soldiers, with them set he turned back towards Draco and the other group. The group of ponies designated as team A walked single file and entered the armored vehicle. The sounds of buckles clasping and hooves against metal poured out of the transport before becoming muffed behind its metal doors. [colour=#008080]"Now that leaves us, team B. We will march to the diamond dog outside of the city and save the children that already been put to work. Same things applies to us, the charges are our primary concern. Move out!"[/colour] he said. [colour=#008080]"Draco, with me. Do you have any questions?"[/colour] he asked. Streets of Equinia came to a halt as the twelve pony detachment of guards strode through the capital. Civilians parted and stared at the group, hooves hammered the ground, and weapons were prepped. On the way out towards the diamond dog lair, one of the city's large broadcasting boards stopped displaying it image ofthe lastest bandwagon food stuff and displayed the image of the GEF's Archmage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guards Raidar and the LT looked at the insane pony writhing on the floor in front of them. "Bag him Raidar." LT said, obviously irritated. "Yes sir!" Pvt Raidar used his telekinesis to pull a set of cuffs out of his saddlebags. He looked at the pony's leg and noticed a little bruising and swelling. "Um sir, I think his he may have a sprain. We can't make him walk on this." He said with a sad look as he examined the pony's leg. "Whatever, cuff him then hoist him up on to my back." The LT wasn't the brightest pony, but at least he was a meat head. Broken Mind offered little more resistance than laughing wildly and occasionally rolling in hysterics after the fought with him like a parent fight with ones foals over getting dressed Raidar lifted the captive onto the LT. They nodded to each other and started on their way out the front door. Right before they made it out of Broken Mind's house the radio near the door came to life, the voice of the GEF's Archmage flowing out of the box. -------------------------------------------- [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] Wind whipped through the wings of the four griffon spec ops members as they descended upon main RLF stronghold. The UGN had given Alpha inForce the green light signifying that the Loyalists were ready to move to the next step and allow griffon government aid into their ranks. Even though Baxter was the last griffon out he made it his business to be the first griffon on solid land. He and his squad landed in the front of the stronghold with a thud, startling the ponies performing guard duty. "Freeze, no sudden movements or we'll open fire." one of the guards yelled. Gilda narrowed her eyes at the two stallions who were pointing their rifles towards her and the squad. .The party of griffons continued to walk towards the guards, when the were face to face with the ponies Baxter stepped forward and removed his mask. "Commander Baxter of the United Griffon Nations, Leader of Alpha inForce. We're the troops sent in to help the loyalist effort." He said, pulling out a letter with both the seal of the Griffon Ambassadors and the Military's Commander-In-Chief. The ponies at the entrance look over the document briefly before letting the group in. [colour=#daa520]"Outta the way dweeb,"[/colour] Gilda says harshly as she rudely shoves one of the guards out of her way. Alpha inForce stumbles around the base for a minute, getting awkward looks all the while until the see a pony trotting around and mumbling something. "Hey," He called out to the pony. He and his crew quickly catch up to the stallion, utterly blindsiding him. "Can you tell us where to find General Quickhoof?" (YEAH IM TALKING TO YOU MUSTANG!) [colour=#008000]"Baxter," [/colour]The griffon who had been working on the device called. Tech rarely speaks, so what ever he has to say must be pretty important. [colour=#008000]"I have the comms jacker working, I think you want to hear this." [/colour]He unplugged his earphones and let the message playout in the open air. [colour=#40E0D0]"Equestria, this is Archmage Chronarch of the Grand Equestrian Federation. [/colour][colour=#40E0D0]You have wondered for these past few years who our leader is, but question no more. Citizens of the Federation, Loyalists, and any other peoples who do not agree with our stance, The Red Fox has be 'defeated' by Twilight Sparkle. The time of fearing the pony in the mask has ended! Twilight has taken up the reigns left behind by The Red Fox and wishes to lead this great nation towards the prosperity and peace its citizens deserve, and in an effort to move forward with that goal in mind Twilight Sparkle will open up negotiations with all of the Federation's enemies. Equestria has awakened to a bright new day."[/colour] Baxter's eye twitched. "I don't believe what i'm hearing." [colour=#daa520]"There's no way Dash's little purple egg headed friend took down the Red Fox."[/colour] Gilda chided. Tech remained silent. [colour=#808080]"This doesn't sit right with me."[/colour] Quick Scope added as she removed her mask. The griffon put her claws on her sniper as if ambush was lurking around the corner.
  3. Yeah, I actually like it that way though...habit, cant decide if its good or bad yet. I can say that im usually available everyday except MWF at 9am-12pm and every other saturday. Since i dont hang out with people on a schedule i cant really say much about the rest of my time. Thats up in the air. Honestly I wouldn't be lying if i said i was available at any time other that 12:00 am - 10:00 am because my job is online so im literally always here.
  4. Currently It is 11:16 am where I am. I'm run on EST (eastern standard time) According to the time stamp that's 3 hour ahead of Canterlots clock.
  5. Wrap it up you say Val... Um ok...I can do it, god I'll have to make a super post.
  6. Double meaning. The characters in the story don't know a lot of whats happening, but us the players know what everypony is saying. How we portray things to the readers is just as important since this is an RP. So you arent hurting the RLF in terms of in game reprecussions, rather WE the readers question how tight the RLFs reigns are on its ponies and why they would let certain ponies be affiliated with them. (I know I do.) I'm pretty sure Fireravens OC is RLF and he's a psycho. Yes there are. Since Mustangs boys are back at RLF's headquarters im going to have my griffons land there so that I'm not creating another story tangent...wish I had a way for Draxis and Draco to become a part of the bigger picture..
  7. And she just had me declare peace talks open...Good job helping me increase the positive outlook on the GEF and demonize RLF.
  8. LOL! Whoever gets the short end of the stick and has to deal with Chronarch had better come with a party and did some research or else they are getting bodied. Also...when I addressed Equestria, was I suppose to tell them that Red Fox is Twilight Sparkle or does Twilight want to do that herself?
  9. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! You just make your OC seem like the WORST.POSSIBLE. THING! Like a combo between that pig from diddy kong racing, and the SDU merchant from Borderlands 2.
  10. Draxis was thrown off guard by Draco's sudden shift, from timid to firm in an instant. I guess with with innocents on the line he shows his true colors. [colour=#008080]"Follow me."[/colour] He said as he trotted away quickly. Draxis lead him through the precinct, this time the destination was the captain's private armory. Entering the room, Draxis walked over to one of the large cabinets and pressed his hoof against a glowing green panel. The doors of the cabinet spread open, revealing enough weaponry to arm a small regiment of the Capital's guard. The captain reached in and tossed Draco a heavy set of barding. The armor was mostly black and made of Kevlar. A single gem was set in the center of the chest of the suit. [colour=#008080]"Put that on, it'll erect a magical barrier around you."[/colour] Draxis put on his own armor and fastened a large revolver to the leg near his blade. [colour=#008080]"Ready?"[/colour] ------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#40e0d0]CHRONARCH[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"With so much going on, it seemed kind of small, I guess that was just my work orientated mind putting personal dealings on hold. Indeed, once we have a free moment it would be nice to talk about this."[/colour] That bridge would be crossed when he came to it. Twilight was still the one in charge here and when she spoke up with a command, he listened. [colour=#40e0d0]"It will be done, I will broadcast the message on all frequencies from here to the borders of Equestria during mid evening hours." [/colour] Chronarch had long since memorized the layout of the capital city. Every major facility and its floor plans were in his mind, ready to be called up with no more than a thought. Using this knowledge he teleported to the government wide range broadcasting station. The ponies attending the equipment nearly jumped out of the windows when the Archmage suddenly appear among them.[colour=#40e0d0] "The Red Fox has a message that it wants everyone to hear."[/colour] He said without looking at any of the ponies. By the time he planned on addressing the nation the ponies working at the broadcasting station had set everything up. Chronarch tapped a button on holoscanner and a blue light washed across his face. The stallion was on the air, anypony in Equestria with some sort of media device that could receive wireless transmissions would hear what he had to say.[colour=#40e0d0] "Equestria, this is Archmage Chronarch of the Grand Equestrian Federation."[/colour] He said as he gave a small bow. [colour=#40e0d0]"You have wondered for these past few years who our leader is, but question no more. Citizens of the Federation, Loyalists, and any other peoples who do not agree with our stance, The Red Fox has be 'defeated' by Twilight Sparkle. The time of fearing the pony in the mask has ended! Twilight has taken up the reigns left behind by The Red Fox and wishes to lead this great nation towards the prosperity and peace its citizens deserve, and in an effort to move forward with that goal in mind Twilight Sparkle will open up negotiations with all of the Federation's enemies. Equestria has awakened to a bright new day."[/colour] He ended the feed and hoped that everyone had seen it. Who was he kidding, everyone had seen it and if they didn't they would hear about it. He teleport out of the broadcast chamber and reappeared in his quarters. It wasn't really that late, but today had been one of those days...mental fatigue was something that not even the strongest mages could defeat, and it would do no one any good to have him tired. He crawled into bed and rested his head on his pillows. It wasn't long before sleep took him in its warm embrace.
  11. Wait...Big Mac is there as well right. Oh god, if they end up on the same side. They would make one heck of a mid boss. The apple siblings would be a force to be reckoned with.
  12. 1 and 3 all day...Everpony talks so bad about the GEF, but really they only did like 4 bad things and thats including one thing I made up in Baxter's background. They just look terrible because they did a lot really fast. If you harm applebloom and Applejack finds out everything will be so much worse.
  13. Right now Im just thinking of a good place for them to land, it will be quite the meeting. And commander commander Applejack? Congratulations...my mind has been blown.
  14. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] The young stallion tried to offer Draco a smile but it just wouldn't come. "You had way less than most of us. I apologize for the way I treated you, I joined the guard to gain some maturity...looks like I failed my own personal goal." He chuckled lightly before trotting off to continue his duties. [colour=#008080]"That's a good reason for joining."[/colour] Draxis said to Draco. The walkie talkie on Draxis' chest buzzed to life. "Captain..." The guard huffed. "We've captured him...We've captured Gruff, he's being interrogated now. INT-118 sir." the walkie talkie when dormant again. Draxis' smile quickly turned into a frown and his eyes narrowed. [colour=#008080]"Draco, you've seen the worst of us. Come with me and see the best of us."[/colour] He lead Draco through several hallways until arriving at a room with two doors labeled INT-118. He took the door to the left and held it open so that Draco could walk in. They were in a sound proof room with a large pane of tinted glass in front of them. There was another guard in the room as well but he was busy taking notes. and brely acknolwedged the two. On the other side of the glass were three ponies. Two of them wore guard armor and the other wore nothing more than a blue ascot. Draxis pointed his hoof at the pony in the ascot.[colour=#008080] "That's Gruff. He leads one of the loyalist cells near Equinia. Being a loyalist cell leader isnt why he is such a high priority target though, as you may expect, waging war is expensive. Seeing as the RLF have no government they can only really deal in black market economy, they trade and sell among themselves or to anyone who will deal with them. The business venture rarely matters as long as it gets them supplies. Whether it be, arms, drugs...or ponies." [/colour]Draxis looked at Draco, snarled, not angry at the Dragon pony, but angry in general.[colour=#008080] "Gruff here has been kidnapping foals and trading them to the Diamond Dogs for years. Turning foals into slaves and whores to be exchanged for gems and weapons!"[/colour] He said a little too loud. A loud metallic crash reverberated through the air, rattling the glass in front of them. One of the guards had slammed Gruffs head into the table and was now grinding his hoof into the Loyalists neck. Gruff was now mumbling something between choked cries, whatever it was it caused the guard to back hoof him and knock him to the floor. The other guard lifted the prisonor back up so that he could be pummeled in the gut by the first guard. Eventually Gruff called for an end to it, and mumbled something into one of the guards ears. [colour=#008080]"I'm not going to lie to you, sometimes we have to hurt ponies to protect the innocent, but never more than we have to though."[/colour] Draxis said as he stared into the room. The guard that was beating gruff opened the door to the room and let several medics in to examine Gruff and nurse his injuries. The guard who walked out came into the room with Draco and Draxis. "Sir we know where the foals are." The guard said. [colour=#008080]"Good, send the word to ready up. I want two teams of Twelve, we are rescuing those ponies TODAY!"[/colour] He commanded. [colour=#008080]"Draco, are you ready to see the fruits fruits of our labor?"[/colour] He asked the pony. (OOC: Sorry Fireraven I didn't see your post at all.) GUARDS The shotgun wielding earth pony, trudged through the lower floor of the home, checking every dark corner as he went. [colour=#A9A9A9]"You can't find me~! You can't find me~! Ahahahahaha!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Oh no he was not going to get killed by some psycho sniper this day, his pace slowed to nearly a crawl as he began to look over every inch of every room he entered meticulously. In his hyper aware state he remembered that they didn't know anything about who they were looking for. For all he knew the could be walking into a powerful unicorn's trap! Panic started to set in and his legs trembled a little more with each step.[/colour] [colour=#A9A9A9]"You can't find me~! You can't find me~! Ahahahahaha!" [/colour][colour=#000000]This pony was obviously some sort of fool. Thought the unicorn guard, unlike his superior he was more level headed, and much less excitable. After hearing the pony's declaration of not being able to find him, he used a sound tracking spell to aid in finding him. The sniper was making a ruckus so it wasnt long until the unicorn made his way up stairs. He could hear the pony clearly now but where the hay was he, it sounded as if he was right...on..top...of...him...He quickly summoned up a scanning spell to search for any breaks or spaces in the ceiling. His eye twitched when it passed over a spot to the left of him. "Um LT!" He yelled. "I think I found him."[/colour] [colour=#000000]The lieutenant nearly jumped out of his hooves when he heard Private Raidar call for him. He rushed upstairs and was soon at his charges sides, his nerves had settled quite a bit (not because he was scared or anything like that...) now that he knew where the danger was.[/colour] [colour=#000000]"Secret hatch sir," Raidar said as he pointed a hoof at the ceiling.[/colour] [colour=#000000]"Good job." LT patted the Private on his back. He slowly moved into position and nodded at the Private. "Rip it open!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]"Yes sir!" Raidar tore the hatch open with his telekinesis. [/colour]
  15. So many Factions against my beloved GEF...I'm going to have to start using the characters under my control to demonize the RLF. Alpha inForce is about to be a real problem...
  16. [colour=#40e0d0]CHRONARCH[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"I assumed as much, there is very little that you are unaware of."[/colour] Chronarch closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. [colour=#40e0d0]"Which brings us to the real reason why I stand before you. I'm not one to waste time so I'll just come forward with my concern. Twilight Sparkle,"[/colour] He said calmly. [colour=#40e0d0]"I believe that YOU are my direct descendant, no, I know you are!" [/colour] He stared at her with more life in his eyes now then at any point after his revival.[colour=#40e0d0] "I would have put it together long ago had I been able to see you, but now with you revealed and standing before me; it’s like looking into a mirror. I was the only pony with highlights like that in all of Equestria."[/colour] He shook his head and stared at the ground.[colour=#40e0d0] "It's a feeling that I cannot explain, so much in one day revealed. To know that my wife must have been carrying a foal when I was ripped away from her, a foal that I wasn't there for and to awaken to find out that the principality has been downed by a powerful unicorn, which turns out to be of my own flesh and blood...this...”[/colour] He ground his teeth together.[colour=#40e0d0] "It is something that even I could not have planned for...you have accomplished all that I set out for."[/colour] His legs quivered from excited, and for the first time in since his defeat he wore a faint smile across his face instead of the disinterested expression he normal had. Even though he had no idea how his leader would react to this, he couldn't suppress the energy that flowed through him. [colour=#40e0d0]"I don't expect this to change anything, but I had to clear the air between us. You would've caught wind of my distant behavior eventually."[/colour] Chronarch regained his composure and looked back up to Twilight beaming with his usual strength and willingness to serve. [colour=#40e0d0]"I have utterly failed my wife and child, but know this, in me you have more than a subordinate, you have family. I don't know if this means anything to you, but I am truly proud of all that you have accomplished." [/colour]The stallion bowed his head to Twilight in a deeper and more heartfelt gesture than his usual shows of respect. [colour=#40e0d0]"I'm sorry if I wasted your time with this personal endeavor of mine."[/colour] He slowly rose to his full height. (OOC: Holy cow pie, Applebloom is a boss.)
  17. After some of the things ive seen in chat you cant blame me for my mind being in the gutter sometimes.
  18. [colour=#ffa07a]"Quite ingenious, Daring. I give you that,"[/colour] she said while scratching behind her left ear. [colour=#ffa07a]"Those stories are quite impressive. I guess I should thank you for bringing in such interesting pieces, quite a few have helped me in my recent studies."[/colour] She gave Daring a small smile, truly the thing the pegasus did where both amazing. She wanted to ask her why she stopped adventuring, but if that were to come out then Daring herself would mention it. GearShift snorted at the sound of the honorific "miss" placed in front of her name.[colour=#ffa07a] "Please,"[/colour] She giggled. [colour=#ffa07a]"No miss, just GearShift."[/colour] the mare was barely containing her laughter. As she listened to Chapeau again she continued to study the stallion. Every move he made and the fluctuations in his voice told her what she needed to know. GearShift sat back, grinning ear to ear. [colour=#ffa07a]Were did the princesses find this guy?[/colour] [colour=#ffa07a]"Yeah, I can't say I expected today to go like this either Daring."[/colour]
  19. My OC thinks that they are incompetent and Chronarch is GEF. They are, cant hide the facts that first raid you did proved it. But then again, mooks are suppose to be dumb.
  20. Says the pony with a global shadow organization under his belt. Plot Induced Stupidity is a mother...
  21. [colour=#40e0d0]CHRONARCH[/colour] The stallion had been mulling over the information he had just received for a few hours now. The situation he was in seemed so surreal. He didn't doubt that his family had survived, but wow. He half chuckled, half cried a little at the thoughts that ran through his mind. [colour=#40e0d0]"HAHAHAHAHA!"[/colour] He cackled madly. Regulus was one of three siblings, himself and two sisters, but for the colt dna decided to set him apart and recombine in just the right way to give him a set of dignified highlights through his mane and tail. No other pony had this trait, and it made Regulus feel special before he even knew what his special talent was and here five hundred years later the mare known as Twilight Sparkle shared this trait with him. He had read a few little information on the Twilight Sparkle, but most of the records were burned when Canterlot fell so he only knew the basics of the mare's appearance. [colour=#40e0d0]"BWAHAHAHAHA, that means my...my wife, she was...and I wasn't there!"[/colour] He allowed his head to slump down and stare at his paper work, even in his current state of mind the calculations and physics were trivial to the Archmage, the scale was the problem. Today was a great day, he had suggested a great change to a heinous spell and had a huge double sided bomb was just revealed to him. He straightened his mane and levitated a protractor and pencil, he brought the two down and began to take more notes and check details. His personal musings would not ruin the quality of his work. Several hours later, there was a knock on the door of Chronarch's lab. [colour=#40e0d0]"Enter."[/colour] He said calmly. A white maned guard entered into the room, his uniform was decorated with many ribbons and medals. The stallions strong, confident gait faltered under the gaze of the Archmage. "Sir," He said while saluting. "a few hours ago the ponies in R&D lost contact with our research platform in the Arctic Region." [colour=#40e0d0]"Have you informed Red Fox?"[/colour] of course he hadn't, otherwise he wouldn't be standing in front of me. "No sir, the Red Fox was preoccupied at the moment." [colour=#40e0d0]"I shall relay the information to our leader. Thank you for coming to me in haste with your concern."[/colour] "Yes sir, thank you sir." He saluted the Archmage and walked out of his laboratory. Chronarch rubbed his eyes and made himself look presentable. He teleported himself directly into Twilight's chamber. He presented himself to the mare with a short bow. [colour=#40e0d0]"Our Arctic facility has gone dark, and communication cannot be reestablished. It's possible that the facility has been raided and wiped out."[/colour] He said still looking at the floor.
  22. He'd go to tartarus for pursuing that plot. I don't think he wants to partake of that taboo. Here's a hint, Chronarch's mane is mostly one solid colour with two different colour highlights running through them.
  23. Because at least has a place to live, steady work, and food. Well for now, what happens to him is mostly between me and you. And honestly I didnt plan on exploiting Draco, maybe jerk him about a bit to remain in character, but eh. My brain isn't working right now...its after 10:30 pm here and I don't have the faculties to make an RP post. My OC Chronarch was 100% on Twilight's side when she was under the red fox guise, now that she has been revealed as Twilight Sparkle he probably wouldn't jump ship even if she was wrong.
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