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Posts posted by TotalEcplise

  1. Reeve's list of blue magic absolutely refuses to go under spoilers on the first page so I place them here.

    [colour=#282828]Angel Whisper[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Mighty Guard[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Frog Song[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]White Wind[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Bad Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Magic Hammer[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Aqua Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Level ? Death[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Matra Magic[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]1000 Needles[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Level ? Graviga[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Level ? Shadow Flare[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Death Claw[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Time Slip[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Moon Flute[/colour]




    [colour=#282828]Grand Delta[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Night [/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Stone Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Animating Wail[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Blood Saber[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Final Sting[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Metallic Body[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Plasma Charge[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Dragon Force[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Haste Break[/colour]


    [colour=#282828]Eerie Soundwave[/colour]



    [colour=#282828]Heat Breath[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Thermal Pulse[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Zephyr Mantle[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Warm Up[/colour]


  2. > [colour=#800000]Quick Scope[/colour] (Equina, main Square---->RLF camp)

    [colour=#800000]"I was beginning to think that you couldn't speak."[/colour] She said as she smiled at the hiding filly.

    She was broken out of her trace by the gentle nudging of the young changeling. Replica wanted to meet Brynja's friends. Which brought another issue to the attention of the griffoness. Did she have friends? Well she had been on more than a few operations with Gilda, and she knew Tech on a somewhat casual level, but Baxter she had just met this mission. Yes she worked with them, but were they friends...she'd rather be around them than alone and Baxter and Tech usually made for good conversation, so that must count for something.

    [colour=#800000]"If that's what you want, I guess I can take you to meet the others. Hold on tight."[/colour] Quick Scope took off and started flying off towards the RLF camp. [colour=#800000]"You and your father are lucky to have each other. I lost my daughter and my love to tragedy, then I let my priorities slip and I forgot what was important, and at the end I lost my son and everything close to me as well, but I have a good feeling about you and your father." [/colour]Her sniper rattled on her back as she tore through the skies.


    >[colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH camp)

    She finished removing the coals from tub so that Draco could get out. Leading him to the showers, she looked back over her shoulders.[colour=#ff8c00] "Don't misunderstand, I have no quarrel with the GEF. Princess Celestia made a deplorable call, I don't understand how she expected to remain on the throne after such a heinous act and I have no ill will towards them from the dragon hunts. Most dragons are deadly, selfish, and violent beast who kill and pillage without remorse. Our brood was like that until Karrthus and I took over and taught them to be more than just monsters."[/colour] They had finally reached the showers. Kaalia disappeared behind one of the walls and quickly reappeared with a towel and shampoo.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Looks like, we'll have to put you into something heavier tomorrow then."[/colour] She said smiling as she handed him

  3. Oh, did they? watched it twice and somehow must have missed that both times. :razz:

    Well they used a rock...Honestly, sealing a pit leading to a magic mirror pond with a big rock would have been well and dandy. If their world was full of things like i dont know, magic ponies. What they did was essentially the same as a bank sealing the vault with a paper door.

    But I guess in this instance the paper door would also be surrounded by monsters and a magic forest so, meh.

    on a side note. Rainbow Dash...ponies have coats, what purpose does sunbathing with a tanning mirror hold?

    Also, fluttershy has a butterfly meadow?

  4. > [colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH)

    Kaalia breathed a weak flame onto the coals that Draco had submerged himself in. The stones started eminating a cool green glow as they released their healing energies into the stallion. She reached into the coals and started massaging Draco's neck and back to help the coals do their job. The smell of vanilla as the soothing odor of the coals filled the room.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Before all of this insanity, I was just a naive filly. I use to spend my days chasing after my idol and goofing off with my best friends."[/colour] She chuckled a little bit. [colour=#ff8c00]"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS PYROTECHNIC EXPERTS YAY! we'd scream or whatever crazy activity we were trying at the time, we'd do anything to get our cutie marks." [/colour]She added a few more magic coals to the bath and breathed a bit more fire into the tub. [colour=#ff8c00]"Then the revolutions started, no one expected Ponyville to be hit. And just like that my entire world was taken. Everypony got separated and it was just me and Sp-Karrthus for a long time, but because of the dragon hunts it was hard to try and find our friends and families."[/colour] The dragoness put some of the ash from the coals on her hoof and rubbed it into the burns on the back of Draco's neck. The injuries immediately started to fade, but not go away entirely.[colour=#ff8c00] "One day while we were avoiding the GEF patrols I got hurt, bad."[/colour] She spread her coat and showed Draco the shotgun pellet scars across her chest over her heart. [colour=#ff8c00]"I was dying, and Karrthus gave up something more valuable than any currency to save me. Ever since that day, I slowly changed into what you see now."[/colour]

    She started scooping the the coals out of the tub slowly to avoid hitting Draco, though his wounds were mostly healed his body would still likely be extremely weak and tender.[colour=#ff8c00] "As I said, that was it for today. Once you shower off all of the ash we can eat. Tomorrow we'll do something a bit more traditional."[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Also, how long did it take you to forget that you were even wearing that armor?"[/colour]

  5. She thought on it for a moment before nodding at Cheery.[colour=#008080] "You may call me Astral if you want. And I eat any and every flavor of ice cream, the frozen delicacy can do no wrong in my eyes. However, if you happen to have some self invented exotic flavors not found anywhere else, please surprise me."[/colour] She said with a grin on her face.

    Astral Romance listened attentively to Cheery's story. It was a quaint little tale, the mare loved to see others come upon there special talents through happiness. She had gained her cutie mark by expressing her sadness, so she couldn't even enjoy the moment it appeared. Cheery was very animated, and her story brought a warm smile to the unicorn's face.

    [colour=#008080]"Such a beautiful tale, truly spreading cheerfulness is an excellent occupation, regardless of the form it takes. Work never feels as such when it's something you enjoy. Oh, I'd love a fan. The idea of a hoof made and enchanted fan sounds simply magnificent. It will definitely come in handy when I travel to the warmer parts of Equestria."[/colour]

    She looked over at her friend who was chatting with the other griffon. [colour=#008080]"Well he's originally from Bareback Gulch, and I was raised in Canterlot, but we both reside in Manehattan at the moment."[/colour] she tapped her hoof against her chin as she thought of a good way to word it.[colour=#008080] "Hmm, well I suppose you could say it's mostly work and little bit of sight seeing. The trains stops ever so often, the crew do need their rest after all. We're in transit to Manehattan from Stalliongrad. We performed quite the concert there, honestly I'm still a little drained. I decided that I wasn't going to stay coped up in that train car, so I drug Pound out from under his covers so that we could explore the town. Really, I swear the griffon sleeps like a stone."[/colour] She shook her head and smiled.

  6. [colour=#008080]"Astral Romance, charmed to meet you,"[/colour] She said once she had reached the counter. [colour=#008080]"I'm feeling adventurous today, hmm...I'd like two double scoops, they can be whatever flavor combinations you see fit, oh and we can't forget the waffle cones. Why, they just wouldn't be the same without the waffle cones!"[/colour] She said excitedly. She coughed elegantly into her hoof and brought her emotions in line. Astral looked around the emporium and then back at the menu. The list of items was pretty standard, but one thing stood out from the crowd. Fans. At first, Astral thought that it was some sort of typo, but it was blatantly obvious that it wasn't, that the unicorn had no choice but to drop that train of though on the spot.

    [colour=#008080]"*Ahem* I sorry to slow you down, but I have a query. Ice cream and fans, selling them both in the same place in a town like Appleloosa is genius, but still, it's quite strange. What gave you the idea to open this establishment?"[/colour] She gave the Cheery a flat look, but she always looked like that.


    [colour=#008000]"Me and Astral are on our way back tah Manehattan, we just finished performin' in this concert in Stalliongrad. Every so often da train stops so that the crew can get some rest, so ah guess work brought me here."[/colour] He said as he met Razor's claws for a friendly shake.

    He looked over to the counter and watched Astral order their ice cream. [colour=#008000]"Ah hope she doesn't order me somethin' ridiculous." [/colour]

    He sighed and looked back to the Razor.[colour=#008000] "What about you, Ah get da feeling that you're a decent ways from home?"[/colour]

  7. >[colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH camp)

    [colour=#ff8c00]"No I'm definitely talking about you. Don't sell yourself short, if I would've done that to any of the other recruits I'd be sweeping out their ashes right now."[/colour] She help Draco stay steady on his feet, and lead him to the door. [colour=#ff8c00]"I think that's enough for today."[/colour] She lead the stallion away from the warehouse and to a more homely looking building. He opened the door and let him go in before her. The facility was a pretty basic, medical setup, well all except for the huge tub that sat in the corner of the room.

    Kaalia walked over to the one of the cabinets and pulled out a huge bag of coals, she started dumping the strange green coals into the tub. Once the bag was emptied she instructed Draco remove his armor.[colour=#ff8c00] "In."[/colour] she said, pointing a hoof at the tub.

    >[colour=#800000]Quick Scope[/colour] (Equinia, Main Square)

    She looked down at the filly and clutched her chest. She wasn't fit to care for a child, not with her skewered priorities, but she didn't really have a choice at the moment. Replica reached up to the griffoness, and for a moment she just stared, paralyzed by her own insecurity. She leaned over and picked the little changeling up and held her close. It's been so long since she felt this kind of warmth. Dagur. She mumbled.

    [colour=#800000]"My name is Brynja."[/colour] She said as she softly nuzzled Replica.

  8. Now that she wasn't being attacked by the hateful rays of the sun, Astral could safely crawl out from under Pound's wing. Her ears perked up when cheery called out to them.

    [colour=#008080]"Of course dear, we understand."[/colour] Astral telekinetically closed her parasol and removed her cape. She took a seat at a table near Razor. Once seated she took off her shades and clipped them to her hair band.

    Pound took notice when the other griffon flew of to a table in the far corner of the room. Must be a griffon thing, but then again the Pound came from a small village where everygriffon new each other. So the thought of avoiding another griffon never really occurred to him.

    [colour=#008000]"Astral can ya order for me, ah trust that ya know what like. Ah wanna go talk tah our new buddy over there."[/colour] He said chuckling. The griffon adjusted his do rag and walked slowly over where Razor was seated. [colour=#008000]"Hey, why ya sittin' ova there by ya self lookin' like someone put a lemon in ya ice cream? C'mon, you should look a lil more happy than that, seein' another griffon in Equestria is pretty rare."[/colour] He took a seat across from Razor and smirked. [colour=#008000]"Name's Pound Sterling, nice tah meet ya."[/colour] He said respectful.

  9. Astral Romance and Pound Sterling exited the train, it was only a short short stop, theyd be here for about six hours where the crew rested up. The before he even left the train car Pound had declare it too hot to wear his normal get up, his coat cane, and top hat would sit comfortable in is suitcase today. The cynogriffon was a show off, but even he had his limit. So for today he opted to cover his head with a black do rag. A single gold and fire ruby chain swung from his neck and he wore a black sweat band on his arm with the name Aether Flow Records on it, not to much, but he still made it work. His partner on the other hand had to be a fussy mare and wear her entire outfit. She wore her ice blue mane back, it was held in place by a hair band with the same label as the griffon's sweat band. Teal colored shades shielded her eyes from the sun, and she carried a massive teal parasol to protect herself from the heat.

    [colour=#008080]"Urgh this heat, it's dreadful out here!"[/colour] whined Astral Romance.

    The unicorn had thought it was wise to wear her usual attire around Appleloosa, despite the objections of a certain griffon. The mare was now under her umbrella and looking at the ground, every second she was losing strength under the unrelenting heat of the sun. Now she was paying the price for maintaining her and I quote "Queenly appearance".

    [colour=#008000]"See, ah told ya not tah wear da cape."[/colour] Pound Sterling said.[colour=#008000] "but noooo, ya just had to, like somepony out here was gonna care."[/colour]

    Astral looked up at the cynogriffon and harumphed. Turning her nose up to the air, she stormed away, carrying her umbrella with her magic. Pound rolled his eyes and ran after her and grabbed the umbrella.

    [colour=#008000]"Ya look like ya could drop at any moment, just...just let me hold dat for ya."[/colour] He said. She may be a bit difficult at times, but she was still his friend.

    Astral turned away from, the griffon and covertly snickered into her hoof.[colour=#008080] "Darling, how nice of you. And I thought you didn't care." [/colour]she said fluttering her eyelashes at him.

    Pound pinched his beak with his talons and sighed. The two walked under the umbrella for a little while longer before something caught Pound's sight.

    [colour=#008000]"Yo check it, an ice cream shop!"[/colour] He directed Astral's head towards the building. [colour=#008000]"I don't know about you, but ah'm going in there!"[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]"Well of course I'm going, anything to get out of this terrible heat, plus you'd probably blow our budget on Ice cream if I leave you to your own devices." [/colour]Her head nodded sagely as she spoke as if what she said was an absolute truth.

    [colour=#008000]"Pssh, whatever."[/colour] He said as he entered the shop, taking the umbrella with him.

    [colour=#008080]"Wait!"[/colour] Astral yelled, her pristine coat simply could not be subjected to the harsh Appleloosan sun.

    The Cynogriffon stepped into the establishment with Astral Romance cowering under his wing.

    There was already two others there, I griffon and a mare. He assumed the pony to be the proprietor or the establishment seeing as how the griffon was eating ice cream.

    Pound's lupine tail swished back and forth in excitement. He hadn't had ice cream in months.

    [colour=#008000]"What's up? Looks like we made it in before da crowds huh." [/colour]He said addressing the occupants of the shop.

  10. > [colour=#800000]Quick Scope[/colour] (City Square with Replica)

    She was about to comment on Dopple's story, but the changeling's face twisted up, like he had just been hit with the worse news of his life. There was a bright flash causing Quick Scope to shield both her and the young filly's eyes. When she uncovered her face the general was gone, leaving nothing but thin air where he once stood. She hadn't been watched over a child in nearly ten years, the situation was extremely awkward for Quick Scope.

    [colour=#800000]"Don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll return shortly." [/colour]She said. Though the entire thing felt 'off' to her.


    > [colour=#40e0d0]Chronarch[/colour] (Equinia, Citadel)

    Today had been a long day.

    The stallion sat in his temporary quarters in the citadel. Notes and diagrams lay spread across a table, schematics for new technomagic weapons and defenses that he'd been working on. One two of the sheets there were drawings of buildings labels loop field stations. The idea was to have several of this buildings placed in a matrix throughout the city, inside the buildings were magical generators that would produce a space time displacement field essentially placing a null space between the city and the outside world.

    Another stack of papers sat on the other side of his desk. These were status reports of the magi. Four out of ten high mages still lived, the rest perished in the attack on the city. He ran a hoof through his mane and rested it on his eye patch. He unsnapped his cloak and placed his mana dagger on the table. Chronarch removed his enchanted leather armor, wincing sometimes from his still sore muscles. He tossed the outfit to the side. He trotted over to his mirror, and looked himself over. His left foreleg looked like cracked glass, a dim golden glow poured from the fissures on his coat. It didn't hurt, in fact if he wasn't staring at it, he wouldn't be able to tell that there was a problem at all. Using his hooves, he reached up and started unwinding the bandages holding his the gauze over his left eye. The cloth dropped to the floor silently.

    Chronarch hooves shakily rose up to his face and his mouth moved soundlessly at what he saw looking back at him. He growled viciously at his reflection and slammed his hooves into the mirror, shattering his image into a thousand pieces. Glass, blood, and tears fell, each individual element, a representative of himself, crashing in a fabulous macabre dance across his floors.

    After everything he had said today, he could only lay there with his face in the carpet. [colour=#40e0d0]"I'm pathetic."[/colour]


    >[colour=#ff8c00]Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH camp)

    Kaalia touched a hoof to her chest and stared at the spot where Draco touched her. He had hit her, on his first day. [colour=#ff8c00]"You...You're amazing."[/colour] Her spikes and scales started to soften in to fur again as she slowly trotted up to the stallion. Slowly she ran her hooves across his new scales and his wings.[colour=#ff8c00] "I'm sorry, I really am, but our Draconic power grows when we are in peril, the best way to train you is to push you beyond you limits."[/colour] She looked away from the panting pony, she was never proud of her handy work, but the ends justified the means.[colour=#ff8c00] "Can you walk?"[/colour]

  11. .



    I̩̘͙͚͙̝ͦͨ̋̀̓̓ͭ̽̍̓̌ͫ̌ͅ ̘̯̬̺͉̭̣̞̝͔̝́ͤ͛̅̍̓̎̆ͬͥͪ̅ͪ̉̂̆f̼̪̻͍̰̞̰̜̼̹̳̩ͩͬ̓ͮi̺̼̜͍̞̠̯̭̤͍̭̳̫̪̗̬̼ͬ̌̊ͦ̓̔̑͂͋̐̉ͅn̘͕̬̭̯͖͔̙̦̟̝̞̘̼̭̖ͪͣ̒͐́ͭͦ̎̿̈́̋͌͂̅̏̈́a̯͚̲̬͎̯̬̳̜͕͌̊̋̔ͤͯ̾̚l̤̬̤̟̫̝ͮ͐ͪ̓l͔̫̠̮̤͇͔̙͉̞͚͍̄̑̆ͭ͋̅ͨ̋̊̒̃ͨ͌ͩͣ͊ͅy͈͇̠̠͐ͧͫ̄͆̏ͮ̐͆̓͐̋͑̒ͮ̑͛ͬ̚ͅ ̹̼͖̬̩͎̫̬͚̥͕͕͇̯̭̦̎̅̔̓ͫ̔ͬ̓̈̔ͧͅf͚̭̬̼͍͔̼̱̟̰̟͓͔ͨͮ̌̇͂o̼͚̰̗̥͎̥͕̩̥̘̼̙̳̩̖ͨ̽͂͐̇͋̽̾̆͒ͯ̊ͭ͊ͨ̍͛ͅu̹̜̱͎͂̍̌̿ͮͦn̼͕̤̯̪̣͈͉̖͓͎̮̬̳͙̤̈́ͮ̎ͮ̽ͤ͒͊͒̈ͨͩ̓̄̉̀d̠̞͇͓͉̟̬̟͕̮̰͒ͬ̓ͮ̂̋̔̎ͮ͋͌͒̋ͬ̀ͣͩ ͖̬͓̹̱ͮ͛̓̿͛ͤ̍͐̒ͫ̒̚ͅͅo͍͚͈͙̳̐̒̈́̊̇̽ͦ̈́ͣu͔̲͎̱̠͙̥̩͎̗̪̤̝͕͂̓̎ͧ͗ͤ̉͋ͭt͍̹̟͉̪̗̙͓̳̂̅͆͛ͪ̈̽ͯ͋ͬͤͩ̊̋͑ͮͪ͐ ̪̼̳̺͙͇̖͂̒ͮͭͨ̾ͤ͐͗̓̉̆̈̍͐ͅh͓̜̠̗͉͎͔̹͍̫̍ͯ̃̎͗͒͌̿͑̿̒̌̈́̇̑́̇̈́ͅǒ̮̲̬͓͕̞͕̯̮̤̔ͥ̚w͍̺̙̥̥̻̠̖̤͔͖̯ͮ̏̌ͪ̔ͥ̍̌͗ͫ͛̀ ͓̟̞̖̞͕͖̘̱̮̜̜̥ͫ̆̓ͩͬͯ̑ͭ͌ͅt̖͖͖̤͉̩̲͓͕͉̯̄͌͂̃̀ȏ̜̩̲͖͙͔̻̹̻̗͇̝̬̹̬ͤͬ͊̐ͧ̚ ̖̪̹̱͖̥̠̪̞̞̖̒͋̔̽̊ͬ̒͋̾͒ͫ̾͒ͮ̑ͫ̅̚m͉̪̣̗̙̱͓̤̖̤̰̻̝̮̪̫̼̆͋̉ͤ̈ͭ͋̾ă͕̥̮̳̝̰̳͇͈͓̘͎̤͖̓̎̇ͧͫ̌̐ͪ͊ͮ̚k̦͚̪͉̤̞̽͊ͦ̅̈̎̍̄ͫͯͭ̾̈́e͖̖̣̯̲̦̦͉͖̼̗͇͉̼͍ͣͨͧ̎̐͑͛͗̍ͯ͒̐̍̌̈́̉ ̗̭̙̗̭̯̜͎̝̜̼̤͕͕̳̤̼̀͗̌͋̓̎̊̅ͥ͊͌ͥ̀ͬ͂̉̚t͍̳͚͙͖͔͈̦͕͔̟̣ͪ͒̍ͨ̋ͪĥ̰̩̩͉̪͍̳̫̙̝̟̰͕͙̮̭͌́̈́̈́̽̆e̜̼̼͚̜̗̠̬͙͉̰̬͙̽ͭͣ͆ͮ̒͑̎̇͛ͩ͂͒ͧͫͅs̻͙̰̻̬̳̫̪̬̙̯̮̲͙̳̦̳̪̉̉̋͗̄͑̾ͮ̆ͫͤ̎͛ẹ͕̯̱͇̗̟̻̺̤̦͕̟̣͍̺̳̾̈ͪ̂̀ͮ̊ͬͤ ̮̰̘̳̝̼̹̤͕̻͚͇̦͉̺͍̬̩̉ͯͫ͐̇s͓̺͕̯̮͓̝͕̫̹̝͚̱̻̈́̋ͭ̓ͅͅi̭̯̝̞̫͙̞̰ͮ̌͑̿ͫ͊̔ͣ̽̆͐̈g̯͇̥̫͍͙͂ͤ͗ͯ̊̈́̉ͫn͉̗͇̭͍͚̅̾̏͌̍̄̏ͫ͌̍ͩͫ̅ṣ̝͚̭̩̜̱̲̹̞̫̦̯̥̩̰̯͍̒̇ͤ͑́̓̉̾̿̔̐ͪͨ̐ͨ̄ͩ̚

    Geez, its like reading CRISIS: Equestria.

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