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Posts posted by TotalEcplise

  1. >[colour=#40e0d0]Chronarch[/colour] (Equinia, City Square)

    He was plastered. No if ands or buts about it. The stallion wobbled towards the city square where a sizable gathering of ponies seemed to have formed.

    >[colour=#40e0d0] [/colour][colour=#000000]Baxter[/colour] and [colour=#800000]Quick Scope[/colour] (Equinia, City Square)

    Baxter sat atop a building in the city square, Quick Scope had just finished telling him what she had seen and now the two were simply awaiting Free's little speech.

  2. [colour=#000000]> [/colour][colour=#808080]Tech[/colour][colour=#000000] (RLF camp)[/colour]

    The griffon lay on his back on a bench in the middle of the RLF camp. He was feeling lazy after his sewer excursion so decided to take it easy. He lay on his back, thinking to himself why he wasn't in command of the current Alpha inForce. His combat record was flawless, and his skills were the sharpest in his nation. Instead the war council had given command to an emotionally scarred meathead that was personally invested in the operation and teamed them up with a butch explosiphile and a snark ninja. At least the ninja was tolerable.

    His wrist mounted micro computer lit up alerting him of incoming information on secure channels. He sat up and opened the message, his eyes widened in horror at what he was reading. He quickly closed the message and ran to the barracks that Free had given Alpha inForce. The UGN had to know.

    >[colour=#daa520]Gilda[/colour] and [colour=#808080]Tech[/colour] (RLF camp)

    She stormed into their barrack, out of breath. Gilda was completely exhausted, four hours of flight, infiltration and getting her ass kicked really did a number on her. She had a swollen bruise on one of her arms and a hoof shaped cut under her beak.

    Tech whipped around and saw her come in[colour=#808080] "Gilda? Where the he-" [/colour]

    She started to sway back and fourth, and her legs wobbled, Tech rushed over to her before her legs gave out and gently caught the griffoness.[colour=#daa520] "Flash drive..."[/colour] was all she managed to say before she passed out.

    Tech reached behind Gilda and took her mechanical wing in his claws. He ran his talons along the appendage until he found the hidden flash drive port and pulled out the storage device. He lifted Gilda off her feet and took her to her bunk, he gently placed her down. She looked like she'd been to hell and back so the last thing he wanted to do was slam her head into a post or something. "Okay, Let's you what you brought me Gilda." He looked over his shoulders to check on the griffoness, she was kind of cute when she was mouthing off. He focused his attention back on the flash drive he had gotten from her, plugging it into his wrist computer he prepared to see what worthless junk she had given him.

    For the second time today, what he saw on his holo screen widened his eye...the RLF had a massive bunk, extremely advance too hidden in a plateau near Germaney. Before Tech could even get half way through the first document the words on the screen started to warp and corrupt. "What?" He yelled. "No, nonononononono!" A virus, RLF scum booby trapped their files. His city wide data feeds started to blink out one by one as the virus invaded and corrupted each and every one of his taps. His beak started to quiver and a low growl escaped his mouth.

    He clenched beak and narrowed his. Tech reached up and lowered his face plate and prepare for a digital dive. [colour=#808080]"Aw heck naw. F*** this!"[/colour]


    His claws started the dart around the mini keyboard like lightning, to an observer they'd look like an amorphous blur. Streams of coding ran through his mind and across his vision. Sweat dripped from his brow as his tried to keep up with the malicious program that was infecting his network.

    data error 558

    dlls invalid

    503 network errors

    ++ registry errors

    [colour=#808080]"F***, this monster worm!"[/colour] He yelled putting more effort into his fight, between the internal destruction of his system and the stress Tech was putting on the keyboard with his inputs he wasn't sure if he could save anything or if his computer would even survive this. Sparks started to fly from his wrist computer as he inputted and executed commands faster than the machines processor could handle. His mind was like a super computer, all other technology will and all programs buckled to him, he just had to find their breaking point. [colour=#808080]"Almost got it..."[/colour] he pressed one final key, finalizing his antivirus procedure. The feedback was enough to physically throw him back and slam him against the wall.

    Tech weakly lifted his head from the ground, and looked at his mini computer. She smiled briefly before blacking out. He had seen what he needed to.

    A single phrase blinked in and out on the flickering holo screen on Tech's wrist. [colour=#ff0000]System purge successful, hard reset initiated. [/colour]

  3. Really? Dust, eh?

    Somepony remind me to cast aeroga on TotalEclipse's keyblade if I get into a battle with him!!


    LOL Oh...that probably wont work, seeing as magic is its thing. You'd do better to hit it with a gust of wind caused by flailing your hooves, yeah that would be super effective.

    But, he doest really fight with his keyblade, he uses his claws and his huge pool of magic.

  4. Note TotalEclipse: You can take care of that situation via your post but please note that the virus is incredibly advanced and will corrupt your network. You may be able to salvage the data but at the cost of your computer becoming useless as well as others linked to it. So make sure you disconnect from your network first, perhaps Tech thinks that Gilda getting this intel was too easy and predicts a trap?

    Yea...that would be a good idea especially because of things that occurred in a previous post. After all Tech is the most dangerous out of all of Alpha inForce.

  5. But we know she is a troll! Don't you remember the party at the Cakes? She totally trolled Mr and Mrs Cake!

    And the gala tickets

    And the phoenix

    She may be a little bit of a prankster, but its not as bad as it was in the Best Troller fic.

    -Smiles- You do realize what a troll is right? There is a big difference between simply having a sense of humor and liking to play jokes from time to time... and being a troll that incites anger and conflict. Ones that love having a good laugh at others expense and don't care about others feelings. They just want to have a good laugh and fun.

    Discord is a troll, Celestia is not.

    Honestly I don't know if Discord is a troll of not, yes he does like to get a reaction, but mostly he does everything for his own amusement. Getting reactions is just icing on the cake, I think he'd still do what he does and have fun with it if everypony was stoic. (based on the fact that he did change most of the ponys in ponyville's minds to be a part of his antics not react to them). as far as I can tell he only trolls people who try to stop him.

  6. >[colour=#ff8c00] Kaalia[/colour] (Equinia, LEH camp)

    She tried to hold in her laughter, Draco could actually be hurt. She shot a flat look at Thunder Maw, who shrunk under the dragoness' gaze. Kaalia trotted over to Draco and offered him a hoof to help him up. [colour=#ff8c00]"You okay?"[/colour] She asked. [colour=#ff8c00]"I'm actually pretty impressed. Thunder Maw hasn't been training with use very long, but he's still strong enough to casually shatter concrete. I'm surprised your bones aren't dust right now."[/colour] She finally released her giggle. This stallion was already more than he thought he was, exactly how powerful would he become in the future.


    >[colour=#40e0d0] Chronarch[/colour] (Equinia, RLF camp)

    The city was blown up, Twilight was somewhere, and everything was still going to get worse. Honestly, this was much more grave then when he had turned on Celestia all those years ago. For the first time in his life Chronarch had no idea what was going to happen. He had no contingency plans, not primary plans, no subterfuge in place, and barely any knowledge on what was going on. He only knew what he had heard from Lunar Cross, and what Twilight had told him. At times like this, when the stakes were high and you didn't hold all the cards, there was only one thing to do.

    Get piss faced and enjoy the rock syndrome that the alcohol would cause. Sadly, there wasn't anywhere he could get a decent drink, I mean the city just went up in flames, any alcohol they found was likely being used as an improvised disinfectant. Luckily GEF weren't the only ponies in the city at the moment. He approached the RLF camp.

    The guards stopped him at the entrance as was their jobs, but the look in their eyes said that they knew they could stop him if he really wanted to go in. Eventually after a few questions they let him in and pointed him towards the bar. Chronarch could feel the stares he was getting, most of the ponies there would probably like nothing more than to see is head roll off the chopping block.

    He entered the bar area and sat at the counter, the barkeep ignored him for a few minutes, but the archmage keep his calm.

    "What do ya want?" The barkeep said angrily.

    [colour=#40e0d0]"Strongest you got, I don't want to feel my face until tomorrow morning."[/colour] Chronarch said.

    The barkeep grabbed a glass and to bottle, he poured into the glass until it was nearly full and slid it towards the Unicorn. Chronach raised the glass up to his face with him magic and sniffed the content. His right eye twitched as he felt the hairs on the inside of his nostrils sizzle away. Either this drink was poison, or the alcohol content was through the roof...ie poison.

    He didn't care at the moment though and downed the entire glass in one gulp. Thus began his night.

  7. Yes, true enough but the point is some fans complain she isn't interesting enough for them, that she is too perfect when in truth you can easily make her interesting without her being a tyrant or a troll or bad/evil in any way. That 'somehow' Equestria would be better if Celestia stepped down, allow her sister to take over, or make Equestria a democracy. She is supposed to be different, more 'perfect' even, yet perhaps there is good reason for such as you have said yourself.

    She does what she does not so much because she likes doing it much it is expected of her. She has ruled Equestria better then any president has ruled the USA, (especially Obama, whose answer to a problem is to throw money at it and hope it goes away... sighs, he shouldn't have gotten a second term) and perhaps your right the mask shouldn't come off

    Well seeing as she isnt the main character, and is the ruler of the nation. I feel that their concerns are misplaced. Indeed, Celestia has been shown to be an emotional being, which is a flaw itself.

    Plenty of fan work explores the unmasked side of Celestia without falling into molestia, trollestia, or tyrant territory. I don't really believe she's any of those things, but they are still funny none the less. (Best Troller in ALL of Equestria and Princess Molestia, being some of the funniest things I've ever read)

  8. >[colour=#daa520]Gilda[/colour] (Secret RLF bunker)

    So far her tailing had been effective, after two hours of non stop flight at over 100mph, the chopper finally reached its destination. Gilda was about 3 seconds away from totally flipping out as the helicopter lowered itself towards the highlands. Just a the griffonness was on the verge of screaming, the plateau opened up and revealed a helipad. Her eyes widened at the display, this was much more than she was expecting from the rebel forces of the RLF, maybe an old hidden war factory, or an underground depot, but a frickin plateau that opens into a secret base was something she thought far beyond their capabilities. At this point she considered calling it quits and returning back to Equinia.[colour=#daa520] And waste my time...heck no, I'm already out here, might as well finish what I started.[/colour] She said to herself. Though her MOS was primarily combat engineer and req. Officer all Alpha inForce were adapt at deep infiltration operations. That didn't stop Gilda from wishing that Tech, Quick Scope or Baxter were there.

    Gilda flew in low towards the base of the plateau for a better look, Twilight's tag hadn't reappeared yet, but Striker and Chrysalis' came back and were on the move again. She dug at the stone for a few seconds until she hit metal. She ran her claws across the smooth surface. I'm not getting through that this century. The place was solid, almost perfect, but her time as a combat engineer had taught that no structure was perfect. She looked around at her area for any clues.

    [colour=#daa520]The structure is completely enclosed, so there must be venting and purging somewhere. Liquids they can likely purge into the soil, or an underground reservoir. Gases would have to come to the surface though, pressure buildup would stress the rock and cause a cave in.[/colour] She had here target in mind, something that looked like or could hide gas vents. She took to the air, but remained under radar altitude, she flew close to the hollow mountain, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Not too long into her search Gilda spotted a stretch of grass, perfectly normal looking in every way, except that it swayed slightly even though there was no wind. She landed on the field and immediately noticed a gentle vibration and breeze on her paws and claws. She leaned over placed her head on the ground, the quiet howl of air could be heard passing through the soil. Gilda took a clawful of dirt and found the the soil was rich, and full of earthworms. [colour=#daa520]Genius. Thick rich soil to keep anyone from suspecting anything, but they no that such moist soil could clog the vents, so they make sure it's densely populated with earthworms to make sure its sufficiently aerated. [/colour]Whoever design all of this had wanted the place to remain a secret for a long time.

    She started to dig, and just as she expected she hit a thick metallic mesh. Bingo. Gilda reached to her pack's dispenser, grabbed her compact blow torch, and started cutting into the mesh. After she had sliced open a griffon sized hole she lowered her face plate and sealed it, she had no idea if this was a purge vent releasing all of the compounds exhaust or a shaft drawing in precious oxygen. She kicked in her new door and dropped into the shaft. It was extremely spacious, the shaft's radius was at least ten meters. Seeing as she had the space to take off she didnt waste any time.

    Gilda glided through the huge air vent until she came to a massive fan that regulated the airflow for the vent. How cliche. Cliche or not, it was a very real obstacle, the fan took up the entire area shaft. Obviously she could got through it, the metal blades would turn her into a serving of jumbo buffalo wings. However, the fan was just a machine to Gilda. She flew up close to it and inspected it for a second, She reached into her pack and pulled out her a crowbar. The fan's spin was based on the mechanisms in the center of the device, so Gilda did the genius thing to do. She removed the covering and jammed a crowbar into the fans gears. Eventually the machine would power through and snap the tool like a twig, but it would give Gilda the time to slip through the blades and into the base.

    Striker and Chrysalis' beacons had descended into the complex, then disappeared again. Gilda could feel a vein in her eye throb. Not only was she in a secret base, but her only leads just vanished. But all wasn't lost, she was still inside the complex, meaning that she could gather intel. She would have to tread lightly from this point on.


    She arrived outside of the server room after nearly half an hour of sneaking through the facility. The RLF's defenses were good, a little too good. She had a lot of close encounters and had to knock out a few ponies and hide their unconscious bodies as she went. They would know that someone was here later, but hopefully by then, she'd be long gone. Gilda checked her corner's and stepped out of her hiding spot, she held her shotgun at the ready as she peaked into the the server room. she scanned the area and saw that there was an alarm button near the door she was at. These guards wore sealed helmets so she couldn't sleep gas them.

    She rolled the two cans into the room and one of them hit the hoof of one of the guards.

    "What the hay?" the guard asked. The cans immediately emptied their payloads into the room, filling the space with dark greyish black smoke and metallic chaff.

    "F*** intruder radio for back up and hit the alarm." One of the guards said. These ponies were well trained. Gilda expected them to panic and lose focus, but instead they readied their weapons.

    "Radio's down, this smoke must be jamming communication." one of the guards said as he reached out towards the alarm switch. Two yellow light's pierced through the smoke and stared right at him. "S***-" was all he got out before a black shotgun crashed down on his leg, snapping the bone in two. "ARRGGHH!!-" He was quickly silenced by the stock of Gilda's weapon slamming into his temple, denting in his helmet and knocking him out cold.

    "Gale is down!" Yelled the other guard as she slung her weapon across her back and thrust at Gilda with a large combat knife. Gilda deftly dodged to the side and smashed the pony's hoof with her weapon, while the mare was still reeling from the sudden strike the griffon grabbed her by the throat and choke slammed the mare onto the metal floor. Without giving her time to recover, Gilda stomped her in the gut and swung her shotgun across the soldier face, loosening a few teeth ending the encounter.

    Gilda caught sight of the last guard through the smoke and jumped at him, prepared to smash his face in with her weapon. The pony jumped out of the way of Gilda's swing and counter with a strong body tackled that sent them both careening into one of the data cores. Fire and sparks rained over their bodies as they shook the blow off and returned to combat their combat stances. Gilda lashed out with an over head striker with her shotgun, the soldier leaned to the side just in to to avoid getting his skull cracked. He stomped on Gilda's claw, causing her to lose her grip on her weapon, he kicked it away before she could grab it and resume her assault. He kicked out with his front legs in a rapid flurry of precise strikes. Gilda blocked or dodged most of them, but she was caught by a sucker punch to the gut. As gratitude for receiving his strike the pony rewarded Gilda with a hoof to the face and another tackle, landing them on a computer desk. The stallion picked out a keyboard and smashed it across Gilda's face sending letters and numbers sailing across the room. The griffoness lay there dazed for a moment, giving the stallion the opening he had been waiting one. He pulled out his knife and stabbed straight for Gilda's heart.

    The knife made contact, but instead of entering flesh. It stopped on her flesh, he stabbed at her a few more times and every time the knife was simply stopped by a thin blue barrier. Gilda laughed out loud at the stallions futile efforts. [colour=#daa520]"I forgot I had that thing."[/colour] She moved her hind legs into position and delivered a powerful kick to the stallion's groin. He flew off of her and into a near by wall. His knife lay next to Gilda's head. In one fluid motion she grabbed his blade and flung it at the stallion's face, he looked up too late. The blade pierced the eye socket of his mask and embedded itself into his brain. The pony, slumped to the ground. He was the only one who had seen her, he had to be removed for the equation.

    Gilda jumped off the table and rubbed her bruised talons. She limped over to one of the mainframe consoles, a flash drive popped out of her mechanical wing fell into her hand. She placed the device into the computer and let it work it's magic, Tech had already installed the data mining software onto it, he was the computer guy, not Gilda. With the files downloaded, she removed the flash drive and replaced it in her wing.


    She pulled herself out of the venting shaft and lay on the grass. Gilda chuckled to herself. [colour=#daa520]"****, I'm good..."[/colour] She took a breather to enjoy the breeze that the vent provided. After resting for a bit she rolled her shoulders and took off into the sky towards Equinia as fast as her wings would take her.

  9. If I want a private conversation then it's gonna be private... OH ****!!! I just locked myself in a room with a horny Chrysalis... I'm doomed... :eek:

    Yeah, good luck with that I hope Striker retains his sanity.


    But a secret mountain base gives gilda plenty of awesome fuel even if she doesn't catch the private convo...

    This is RP at its best! Everything bouncing off of each other organically!

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