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Posts posted by TotalEcplise

  1. Ally triggers shouldn't work with ghostway, permanents brought into the battlefield simultaneously with cards like ghostway or Warp World don't trigger each others abilities, because all of them enter the battlefield at once.

    That was changed in like 09 i think.

    Warp World rulings (there is literally no way for the allies to interact from cards like ghostway that return everything simultaneously because every permanent returns at the same time, no stack.)

    4) Each player puts all artifact, land, and creature cards revealed this way onto the battlefield. All of these cards enter the battlefield at the same time.

    Only whenever *This creature* enters the battlefield effects trigger, like Aether adept.

  2. So it's actually pre-loading on my computer as I type, and I can't wait for it to be playable. Probably going to play as Salvador (Gunzerker) for singleplayer, and wind up playing on multiplayer with whoever makes the best medic (if BL1 is any indication, then the Soldier in this one [Axton?] is going to be the best medic).

    Also, the Mechromancer. She's not going to be day-one DLC, but darn it I want to play as her.

    Mechromancer? where can I find her skill tree?

    I think mayas gonna be an alt o mine



  3. Freeflight checked out a few booths and chatted with several artists and mares on the floor, the griffon even found a few talents that he thought might be worth signing. He lifted his shades and rubbed his eyes for a second before while he thought about what to do next. Before he could make up his mind, a tall, thin blue unicorn approached him.

    "Thanks, I was a gift from mah record label," he said as he turned to his company. "Naw, I'm not performin', but ah am gettin' paid tah walk around and scout talent for Di-Mond-Fella Records." He turned around and pointed to the logo on the bad of his hoddie. "Well, ah'm a lyricist. Rap, metal, and rock iz what ah usually deal; Ah'm also a singer, guitarist, and keyboard player in the band Blackburn. What about you, ya gettin' on stage?"

  4. Soul's ears perked up at the sound of Silvan's whistle. His days as the empire's butcher had fined tuned him to have certain automated reactions to specific stimuli. The sharp sound entered his ears and penetrated deep into his subconscious, his body couldn't ignore the call to regroup . Soul was deep in thought as his body navigated it's way over Silvan and Silvertongue. He fell in line with the two stallions, matching their pace perfectly as he let his mind wander. The body was scanning, ready to react to any threat, but his head was in the clouds.

    Soul tried to look at anything to give his mind some focus, but nothing really worked.

  5. Freeflight was in a really good mood today, he had every reason to be. His album would drop in about a month and here he was at the music expo for FREE, Di-Mond-Fella Records handled all of his expenses for this one with the only catch being that he wear products labels "artists only" attire. It was less to promote him and more to promote the label and let any hopefuls know that Di-Mond-Fella had eyes in the crowd. He didn't really care though; free food, free clothes, and free entertainment for as long as the event was held and he didn't even have to perform! The cynogriffin chuckled into his talons at the though, but quickly he regained his composure.

    He brushed nothing off of the shoulder of his mint and green Di-Mond-Fella Records hoodie. Directly under the embezzled, mint wording were the words talent agent. A long white-gold chain hung from around his neck, the chain was connected to a large medallion with sparkling diamonds situated around it and one large emerald in the center. The bright lights of the expo hall stung his sensitive eyes so he reached into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out his aviator sunglasses. He kind of wished he could have his cane or top hat with him, he just felt so naked without them, but he knew dang well that the didn't match this outfit.

    With his access he could go anywhere he wanted, so Freeflight took the obvious choice...Roam around with no real purpose. If something caught his eye he would stop and look and if an artist caught his eye he would talk to them.

  6. After the completion of their portable teleportation device, Princess Luna and GearShift parted ways. Gear walked the castle halls on autopilot, after six months of staying here she knew the place like the back of her hoof. After a few minutes trek she arrived in at the room she had be assigned. Her quarters were originally quite lavish, but she politely asked for all of the "high brow" merchandise to be removed. Gear preferred the simpler standards of living, all she required was a bed, some cushions, and a workbench.

    She entered her room tossed her saddlebags onto her bed, sighed. Just to day she and Luna had created a device one of her old professors told her would be impossible and Celestia had just asked her what was the equivalent of "We are desperate, please help us save Equestria as you know it". She held her head low as slid into the large white bathroom connected to her quarters. Gear turned the nob to the tub and started watched as the tub filled with water and the room filled with soothing steam. Tossing her goggles and vest out into the main room, she closed the door to allow herself some sweet solace from the world around her. Entering the warm, bubbling waters, she let her body sink in muzzle deep. Thoughts came and went as she gently scrubbed herself with a brush she was levitating.

    Oh, how things have changed.

    Little filly from Stalliongrad, way out of her league in the Canterlot's Magical Engineering University.

    Roaming failure who quit and set up shot in Manehattan.

    Perseverance and quality work can put even a failure in the lime light.

    Through word of mouth my skill traveled to even the Canterlot elite.

    Drop out turned Technomage, employed directly by the princesses of the nation.

    Her impractical, impossible ideas made real.

    Soon to be asset to national security.

    Oh, how things have changed.

    GearShift pulled the cork out of the bottom of the tub. Using her telekinesis, she grabbed a towel from the rack and started to dry herself off. She tossed the towel to the side and trotted over to her wardrobe. Gear was neither a high maintainance mare nor a sophistcated mare, so her closet had an amazing lack of frilly or fru-fru garments. In her opinion they were fire hazards and impractical for nearly every situation. They served but one singular purpose and that was looking pretty, and if their was one thing Gearshift disliked it was impracticality and single use items. After searching for all of thirty seconds she found the closest things to formal wear that she owned.

    She pulled out a black leather vest with gold embroidery and two pair of gold boots with black rims. Gear stepped into her tight boots and used her magic to put the vest on and zip it up. She floated her MVGs (multiple view goggles) on to her neck and declared her outfit complete. Stepping up to the bedroom mirror, she saw that her mane had fallen back into its natural style: hot pink on the left, jet black on the right. The Pink and black mixed in her tail like a strawberry and liquorice candy cane.

    The natural color of her mane and tail complemented her light SALMON (for the love of Luna if you call her pink she will end you) coat perfectly. With nothing better to do, she decided that she would take a nap before look through some books before dinner, just some light reading. Maybe that book on the breakdown of atoms and recombination of atomic nuclei with magical energy?

  7. Now tell me which one of those actions are Tyrannical.

    And which one of those actions are just mistakes.

    I would believe she is incompetent before I believe she is I believe she is a Tyrant. Those examples are of either her incompetence or her genius.

    If she's not incompetent she's hiding her position of absolute power behind false faults and gambits meant to keep her away from the light. How better to keep the people on you side than to pretend to do all you can while not appearing not all powerful?

    Too many holes in the stories for them to be mistakes. How is it a mistake to not do anything against discord? How is it a mistake to bet Equestria's safety on a gambit? Sounds like she did exactly what she planned on doing.

  8. "I guess being frozen alive wouldn't exactly help our journey now would it?" He said as they made their way back to camp. Soul was no fool, being versed in deception and reading ponies he could tell that Silvan was only telling him half the story. It wasn't that big of a deal though, Soul sensed no maliciousness from him, only curiosity. Necrosa Timori was a part Soul and he felt Silvan's glace, regardless of how fleeting it was.The two made it back to camp and Soul returned Silvan's good night wishes.

    Soul removed his cloak and body suit, so that he could get more comfortable. Soul actually slept comfortably to the night, a rare occurrence for the pegasus. He was probably too drained to dream of anything, but he did feel a little different. Not quite happiness, but close.

    The sun rose and bathed Soul's face in warm yellow rays. After stirring weakly for a few minutes the pegasus packed his things and exited the tent. Silvan and Silvertongue had the forethought to bring shelter so the least he could do was deconstruct the tent and leave it in a neat little square for them to pick up. Soul removed a mirror, a brush, a toothbrush, a towel, and some toothpaste from his bag. He leaned the mirror on rock and looked at himself hard, his mane was a mess and his coat was matted in a few places. Time to get to work. He squeezed some toothpaste out and got to work oh his dental hygiene, while at the same time brushing his mane and coat (in an extremely accurate and practiced manner) until they both regained their prior style and sheen. He spat out the toothpaste in his mouth and took a hoof full of snow and clean off his toothbrush. Taking another hoof of snow he wet his towel and cleaned his face off. Soul placed all the items back into his saddlebags and put on his body suit and cloak. Ready to move out at a moments notice, he took to sitting near the edge of the camp. He reached back into his bag and pulled out a bag of dried fruit and started to munch on it as he waited for the others.

  9. Name: Kasimir

    Sex: Male

    Species: Diamond Dog ​

    Age: Adult

    Eye Color: Golden yellow

    Coat/Tail Style: Short, but unkept. Lupine tail that’s white on the underside

    Coat Color: Ashen gray

    Physique: Lean, built for running and endurance.

    Occupation: Rapture Structural Engineer

    History: Hailing from a den near Stalliongrad, Kasimir is one of the primer engineering minds that were chosen to help plan and construct Rapture. The dog was chosen for his exceptional memory and efficient designs structural designs. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

    Personality: look up nonchalant in a dictionary and you’d get a picture of Kasimir. His facial expression rarely ever gets more excited looking than half-lidded. Though he does get excited about situations and has what would be considered “normal” reactions, but they are all internalized. He is generally nice and has decent manners. His morals aren’t all together because he believes in survival of the fittest, but he almost never does anything with a malicious purpose.

    Orientation: Females, species is irrelevant to him.

    Favorite Color: White

    Role: Recurring Splicer

  10. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll find your big stallion voice. You know, become an inspiration to ponies." Though he spoke in jest he felt that those words were more true than he expected. Soul could easily see the charismatic young stallion standing in front of a crowd rousing them with a heartfelt speak. It made Soul wonder what the empire would be like if the young prince was in charge instead of his mother.

    "Yeah, I think I can manage," He said as he stumbled away from Silvan and steadied himself. "Thank you Silvan," Soul said shakily. "But if you don't mind me asking, why'd you come out here?"

  11. Hahaha, the NLR is a lie based on propaganda?

    Says who? You a follower of the mare that had practically no guards during Cadence's wedding.

    The mare who couldn't tell her niece was an imposter and couldn't tell that the captain of her entire guard was being manipulated.

    The mare who literally lay down on a carpet and did nothing while discord ran amok on in ponyville.

    The mare who bet the safety of her nation on a gambit?

    The mare who was easily defeated by Chrysalis (love or no love Celestia has the power to move the sun, you think for a moment that I believe that lose was legit? It screamed staged).

    She didn't even know what a parasprite was!

    Either Celestia is the most incompetant mare ever or she is a genius and has hidden her tyranny well.

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