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Posts posted by TotalEcplise

  1. "No, not yet at least, but if we leave this alone it probably will come to that." He shook his head at Wrenchy. "I'm part of the Firemind Wrenchy, Niv-Mizzet already knows everything that's happening right now." He was dropped his head sadly.

    "With how is right now, Rakdos and Izzet will become open targets for the Boros Legion." He pawed at the ground.

    He looked over to Faithful "Yeah, I have an idea, but you wont like it."

    "Assass-No, I mean Shadowcloak...Everyone is in this together so we need to collaborate for this." He looked over to the assassin and used his gauntlet to create a small projection of a map on the wall. He called Shadowcloak's attention to Nivix. "Can you make a portal from here to 345 meters below and 200 meters to the east of the main tower of Nivix?" He said to him. "I'll have to feed you mana or else the portal wont work."

    "If we are to survive this and stop an all out war we need to go to my workshop." He said turning to everyone.

    [OOC: Once everyone decides to leave I suggest we create a thread specifically for this whole ordeal.]

  2. "I'll assist you in you on this," She took a deep breath. "I could use a change of scenery." He'd also need to meet up with these Forerunners and this Black Moon, if he was an Envoy of the Empresss Soul would have to see if she could assist him in anyway and keep Silvan out of his hair. Dammit. She spat mentally. Will there be a time when her honor is allowed to recover? Though blood bond to serve the Specter, Silvan was a pony he thought could take him to a world he could truly forget himself in.

    One would burn everything he hated.

    The other would liberate him from it.

  3. "Dammit, I was hoping they didn't see her face." He said stomping his front hooves. "I could just as easily make copies of both of you to feed to the Boros but the aren't that stupid."

    "This makes it so much worse, and those legionnaires still live." He snorted. "By now they've already told their higher up what you look like. No amount of false information will deter them. You think they follow the law? They are the law, it curves for them."

    "No, this is probably the first time you've bucked up like this...and by the looks of your organization and how you talk of connections you've been at this for a while. Boros is likely tired of you and if you use banking connections to arrest two ponies that don't match the descriptions and Boros will have Orzhov's head. Orzhov depend on Boros for defense so they will track that tip, and they will point Boros back at you and Wrenchy."

    "Faithful, how are the Boros handling assassins undermining them as of late?" He asked with his head down.

    "Everything we do will only delay them." he said sadly. "I was hoping to avoid this, but I have to go to Sunhome." He stated dryly.

  4. "Sorry but I can't change back at the moment, I can only do it twice a day, so I'll have to change back after I tell Orion I'm leaving."

    Soul Slasher studied the map with eyes trained to pick-out details and listened with ears capable of hearing a pin drop on a hay stack from down the road. She had absorbed all or the information, it wasn't complicated. But one thing nagged at her mind.

    "Two," she said casually "One, when do we leave? I have a few things to take care of. Two, you don't have to tell me, but what do you plan on doing in this other land?"

  5. "NO assassin, I have not only considered the short term. Though my solution is fast it in fact answers the problem the legion believes a cloaked pony is the assassin, they know nothing more! They will keep up the hunt until the cloaked pony is captured. Boros acts fast and with ruthless justice, while you attempt to formulate a shadowy espionage plan to manipulate them, they are increasing the number of legionnaires patrolling the streets, they are invading the homes of ponies, looking for a cloaked assassin, and even holding innocents in an attempt to intimidate information out of them." He said challenging the assassin's plan. "We give them what they want and this ends."

    "Tell me i'm wrong in my assessment." He dared.

    "Besides, The Firemind enjoys a little rowdy behavior from his League every so often." He said with a smirk.

    Silver turned to the mare and met her hoof with his in a shake. "Ah, You must be Boros if you can bring in an assassin." He said as a half question half statement. "anyway on topic, yes I accept the offer."

    "I can have a dead copy of Wrenchy ready in about twenty minutes." He looked at the mare in front of him and realized that they haven't exchanged names yet. "I'm Silver Charger by the way."

  6. "Pfft! Can we do it, do you even have to ask?" he said as he put a hoof on her shoulder. "Best engineer i've seen in Izzet plus a master of energy flow and elemental research...how could we not figure this out?" He said beaming with confidence, he needed a good project. How long has it been since he actually did regular Izzet work, one, two years? I didn't matter, all that mattered was that the thought of this project lit a fire inside of him that had lain dormant for far too long.

    "Yea, actually I do have a better idea, one that's much faster and less likely to blow up in somepony's face," He said rolling his eyes. "I replicate Wrenchy, you give the copy your cloak, the copy goes out and roams the city, it gets killed. Problem Solved" he shrugged.

  7. Sweet Taffy strolled into the kitchen with her eyes closed and a wide grin plastered across her face, she had every intent on bringing Gallows that last pint of cider, then she felt it. The righteous soul she-no, that Soul Slasher had felt last night. She looked around until she Still holding her smile she trotted over to Silvan and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

    "I'm sorry sir, but you aren't allowed to be back here," She motion for him to follow her to a back room. "If you would, follow me please."

    The two headed into the back room of the kitchen, the looks and reactions from the on duty staff ranged from a silent smirk to obvious cheering.

    "I always knew you were a cute one Taffy, but he's quite the catch!" Said a mare beating eggs.

    "Whoohoo Taffy," Called the stallion grilling vegetables.

    "Don't break anything you two." Teased a mare mixing pancake batter.

    Once the reached the oak door to the room Taffy opened the door and motioned for Silvan to go in ahead of her. He closed them in, muffling the sounds of the outside world.

    "What do you need of me?" Soul Slasher asked.

  8. Upon seeing the note Luna's face immediately caved into a frown. Her eye's scanned the parchment over and over again, but her mind could not believe what her eyes were registering. She knew better than to jump to conclusions, after all the chances of what she was thinking of were slim to none. Still though, it beat at her from the back of her mind, constantly clawing at her. It couldn't be. She thought to herself.

    Luna's distress didn't go unnoticed though. The night princess' eyes had a far off look to them, but GearShift stayed by her side the entire time.

    When Shining Armor mentioned something about a cult Luna nearly tripped and face-planted into the pristine marble floors of the castle hallways. GearShift helped Luna regain her balance, but she also turned her head attention to the Captain.

    "Magical manipulation seems highly unlikely, Even when Queen Chrysalis had enough power to out duel Celestia she could only mind control you...The power required to influence any significant amount of ponies would be pretty immense." She guessed as Luna steadied herself with her help.

    They turned the final corner and now stood face to face with a massive gold plated titanite door. Luna, legs shaking and breathing labored raised a hoof and knocked three times.

    "Sister, we need to speak." She said shakily.

  9. Taffy hadn't felt this alive in a good while. She bounced gracefully from table to table, earning smiles and open admiration from many stallions (much to the chagrin of many mares). Her entire form glowed with an exuberance that just isn't seen anymore, like she just belonged here. The mare floated from to and fro depositing orders and picking up dishes in a smooth fashion, her movements were effortless, like silk gliding across fur.

    With a back load of dishes she disappeared into the Kitchen, moments later she walked back out into the lobby free of any load. Her ears twitched when she picked up Gallow's cat call. Taffy turned her head and saw the pony who whistled her over sitting with Silvan and his guard, she trotted over to their table with a hope in her step and gave the three stallions one of her brightest smiles.

    "Hi, what can I get you?" She asked Gallows. The gravedigger asked if they had any hot cider. "We are almost out, but for you I think I can snag the last lil bit." She blew Gallows and Silvertongue a sweet little kiss and sashayed away towards the kitchen.

  10. Silver stared into Wrenchy's eyes as she raised the flux glove to Silver's face. He didn't attempt to stop her, he didn't even try to move out of the way. It wouldn't be a problem for Silver to redirect the energy, but he needed Wrenchy to see that he was being sincere.

    "Look Wrenchy," She started "I-I apologize, I came off harsher than I needed to be. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to demean your invention." Silver gulped visibly he was more afraid of what he was about to say than of the death beam trained on his head. "I chased after you to apologize, and...and offer my help, I'm sure that together we can revise your flux glove and make it usable for every Izzet." What had gotten into Silver, the laziest Izzet running willingly into a dangerous situation because he hurt somepony's feelings. The red mana must be strong in him today.

    His eyes snapped to look behind him as another pony came through the portal, another mare, this one was quite the timid pony. "I agree with the other mare."

    He looked Shadowcloak surprised when he mentioned all of Ravnica walking into the den. "That's not my fault, sloppy portal is sloppy. Anypony from House Dimir or the Azurious Senate should be able to reopen a portal like that easy enough. Boros and Gruul Clans could to if they weren't to busy trying to stab everything."

    Shadowcloak suddenly anger began to flare and the stallion began radiating a strong aura of black and red mana the torches went out and his voice even began to change. Silver just stared at him with the same half lidded expression he's been wearing. Silver has fought Dimir's vamponies, Orzhov's gargoyles, and Rakdos' Demon's, heck he recline back when face to face with Niv-Mizzert...Color Silver not impressed.

    After Shadowcloak's little personality lapse Silver chuckled at Faithful's little rant.

    "Silver Charger, not 'whoever that is'." He said.

  11. Shining Armor's entrance surprised GearShift slightly causing the mare to trip ask she turned from the table to see who came in. Luna quickly helped her friend up and turned to address Shining Armor.

    "It's quite alright Captain," She said looking up from the elastic tubing.

    She trotted over to Shining Armor "I believe I saw her last in her private study, come let us walk and talk." Luna waved GearShift over to her as they began to their trek.

    "One second, I need to stabilize this....done!" She lowered her goggles from her face and smiled at Luna and Shining Armor. "Didn't want it to blow up you know." She straightened up her vest and trotted over to Luna.

    "Shall we?" Luna said as she extend a hoof outward signalling Shining to take the lead. "Tell me, what new evidence have you found?"

  12. Sweet Taffy giggled into her hoof at Dusk's comment and prepared a snappy comeback of her own, but the pony was distracted by something. Taffy followed the pony's eyes to until he saw Silvan and his guard.

    "You're welcome sugar," she said softly as he took the mug away from her. She sauntered across the room while balancing a tray across her back, he casually trotted past Silvan's table. With a sensual swing of her hips she nonchalantly flicked a small, barely noticeable note to Silvan.

    Eyes up, watch the pony with the wide brimmed hat. Is all the note said.

    She continued walking, like she hadn't done anything at all. Soon Taffy had returned the dishes and was back out working the floor and interacting with the guests.

  13. Charger's throat was quickly about to make friends several pointy objects, but he just stared at the assassins lazily. He face showed no signs of fear, rather a small twinge of annoyance was noticeable on his face. This sort of thing happened way to often to Silver after he started working directly under Niv-Mizzet, the stallion didn't know if it was good or bad that he was use to facing down death. Luckily the situation didn't escalate, Shadowcloak called his dogs off.

    "Nice to see that we can solve this without turning this room into a slaughter house," he said dryly as he trotted past the werewolves, red and blue lightning jumped between his coat and their blades as he cancelled his spells, though he allowed Azumeril to remain at the ready. He saw Wrenchy standing near near Shadowcloak and breathed a mental sigh.

  14. GearShift had been awake all night with Princess Luna. The two were going the specs for a very peculiar device that the princesses had ask her to create for them. For six months she had been shacked up in the castle working day in and day out to create a portable device that could mimic teleportation. The implication of teleportation for everypony both fascinated and frightened her, but in the name of scientific advancement she took the offer.

    She mostly worked on the project with Luna and during the time they were together they became good friends. GearShift proved herself to be more genius and resourceful with everyday that passed. And Luna proved herself capable of understand and even placing forth suggestions during the brainstorm session, if asked GearShift would say they both went in 50-50 on the project.

    Today had proven to be a particularly productive day, the device actually managed to teleport itself and come back in one piece, problem was that it only managed to do it once before it burnt out its power source and anything that teleported with it would be burned to a crisp. Like the flowers around it, this is probably way Celestia didn't want them to experimenting in the royal gardens.

    "Ugh, So close, fooling with this device is proving most stressful." Luna huffed as the the device returned to normal space.

    "Well that's science for you," GearShift said staring at the steaming metal orb in front of her. "At least it went somewhere this time."

    "True. GearShift, what do you think the problem was?" Luna sprays a burst of snowy wind at the device.

    "Well, from the looks of things i'd say that there is just too much power flowing through it. Copper wiring can only handle so much then when the wiring can't handle anymore the device overloads and purges the excess energy as heat..." Tapping her hoof on her chin, an idea strikes her.

    "Any Ideas?"

    "Yeah actually. We can try crushing gems into powder and mixing them with a binding agent to create a gel then, charge the gel with lightning and run it through elastomer tubing. That should stop the overloading. Then, as a fail safe, we enchant the device itself with a cold plasma field to cool any heat that does discharge."

    Luna stared at her friend in awe, it was unbelievable to the alicorn that such a sharp young mare didn't have any official credentials, but then again she remembered how rigid scholars could be and how they could easily turn down radical ideas like the ones GearShift formed.

    Luna could do nothing but smirk as she watched the salmon colored mare happily take apart her invention, seeing such a display of magic and skill fascinated Luna it was rare to see a unicorn so talented, in fact she only knew two. The Night Princess trotted over to her friend and began assisting her by crushing gems into powder, they'll probably be working through the night again, but neither mare cared.

  15. Silver chases after Wrenchy, he simply can't let things end in such a bad state. He had been harsh when there was no need, and it was obvious that that She wasn't listening when he told her to use her unique talents. He galloped though the streets of the lower city, trying his best keep up with the distraught mare. He saw that she never looked up the entire time she ran, he'd have to be sure to apologize when he could get her to calm down.

    She dipped in to a alleyway and Silver heard the crash of two colliding ponies, turning the corner he saw the cloaked pony from the bar helping her up and draping his cloak over her. He breathed a sigh of relief and began to trot up to them, his good mood was short lived though because Boros Legion pegasi appeared over the rooftops yelling assassin and pointing vehemently at Wrenchy.

    Realization struck him as he put two and two together, he draped his cloak over her to get a moments breather from the Legion. Dammit. He thought as he started to gallop towards them. Shadowcloak's horn began to glow and the wall next to him seemed to be swallowed up by a void of never ending darkness, he grabbed Wrenchy and a pulled her through the darkness with him . The portal collapsed in on itself and left the Legion fliers confused. Silver hid behind a crate while the pegasi searched the alleyway, stomped and pissed the fliers eventually gave up.

    Silver walked over to the wall where Shadowcloak had opened his portal and ran his hoof across the surface. "Hmm," he said as the residual mana flow reverberated through his mind. He looked around to make sure no Boros were watching, he'd rather not bring them into this. Tapping the bond with his elemental, he duplicated the spell used to created the rip in space time. With his usual calm half lidded expression he stepped though the portal.

    "WRENCHY!" he yelled as he stepped though.

    He came out into a large stone room filled to the brimmed werewolves, he rubbed his face with a hoof...This is going to be one of those days.

  16. "He had to die." Was all Soul could bring himself to say.

    Soul fell back on to the grass and simply stared off into the night. Silvan had already walked off, leaving Soul to his musings. The night truly is beautiful. The thought. His thoughts roamed back to a young fily and a her mother that he rescued a while back. They had remained good friends for several months after he helped them, that is until they were found and killed by the Empire for dissension.

    The mother was slaughtered in cold blood and the filly was soul shackled and used as a weapon against him. In the end he killed all the imperials, but the filly didn't have the drive to continue, she willingly fell onto Necrosa Tomori and let the weapon drink her soul. She'd rather give herself to me then be hunted for the rest of her life. He clutched his chest as the thoughts and emotions began to cut at him, tonight was the first time he had used her chains to bind another.

    Soul shifted uncomfortably and decided that It was time he headed back toward his room, tomorrow Soul - No, Sweet Taffy had work had work.

    *Next Morning*

    The work day was just beginning, another day another bit. The sun poured into Sweet Taffy's suite and slowly bathed the 'mare' in warm yellow rays. Groggily, she slid herself out of bed and made her way to the redwood counter top vanity mirror. Graceful hooves applied light lavender eyeshadow and groomed her beautiful taupe coat. She combed and brushed her light beige mane until it swooped back back in elegant waves, She finished by applying a small spritz of perfume. She trotted over to the closet and pulled out a caramel colored shirtdress with with a black waist belt. She got dressed quickly, the inn keeper wouldn't tolerate her being tardy too many more times.

    She made her way down stairs as quickly as she could. She soon arrived in kitchen and storage area of the Inn.

    "Oh, you're here just in time!" Orion [i named the innkeeper] said. "A stallion with a wide brimmed hat ordered a pint of mead, could you serve him please?"

    "Sure no problem," she said, her voice coming out smooth as silk. Sweet Taffy trotted over to a wooden barrel, she grabbed up a tray and a mug and balanced the two on her back in an expert display of dexterity. She filled the mug with shining golden mead. She trotted out of the front into the guest area of the lobby and scanned for a pony that met the description the innkeeper gave her. Spotting him immediately (since there were no other ponies yet), she cantered over to him, her gait overflowing with pulchritude. She locked her her soft golden eyes on him and asked with a voice made of cotton.

    "Did you order the mead sir?"

  17. Have you ever felt like s*** before? Silver hadn't, until now he'd never really cared how other ponies felt, but as he watched his words crush the young inventor's heart his chest began to tighten.

    Her words stung at him like a fiery dagger, he remembered when he felt the way she did, they were even about the same age. When she thundered out of the bar he reacted the only way he could, without thought and on pure impulse he ran out after her.

    "Wrenchy! Wait," He held his head low. "Dammit!".....Yep s*** he felt like it. The only other Izzet that talked to him, he just run them away by telling her she wasted her life. If only he could find her He could help, energy flow was his mastery after all.

  18. Name: GearShift (original name was Morning Dew)

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Amber

    Coat Color:White, with a slight red tint.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:the Left side of her mane is dull red and the right side is black. The black and red on her tail make sort of a swirl pattern. The tip of her left ear is nicked off.

    Physique: Tone, but not overtly muscular

    Cutie Mark: Two intersecting gears

    Origin/Residence: Born in Stalliongrad, currently residing in Manehattan

    Nationality: Equestrian

    Occupation: Inventor, Royal Technomagic Adviser

    Family: Mother and Father still in Stalliongrad.

    Motivation: She wants to pioneer a new age of technology (the combination of magic, clockwork and steam), and become a well respected member mechanical engineering field.

    Likes: Studying/practicing magic and machinery, potatoes, chaos (as in crap being everywhere, and sound dissonance like in a workshop), showing off inventions, lecturing, relaxing.

    Dislikes: Peace and quiet, close mindedness, empty spaces.

    Character Summary: Gearshift lived with her parents Red Comet (a pegasus) and Honeydew (a unicorn) in Stalliongrad. Her parents ran a catering business out of stalliongrad for a living, Honeydew specializing in foods that included or was centered around honeydew and Red Comet (self taught stunt flier) providing aerial shows for entertainment. Both her parents tried to get their little filly interested in the business but she'd always run off to her room to tinker. Gearshift was always taking things apart and analyzing them, she was fascinated with technology for as long as she could remember.

    As she continued to feed her interest the years cultivated her mind allowing her to think with a level of clarity and critical thinking that most ponies lacked. Pretty soon her skill and knowledge of mechanics and basic engineer reached the point where mundane, day to day problem were an easy fix to her, whether it was a something simple like a burst pipe of something complicated like shorted out magitech Gearshift was the filly to call. She once she was secure in her ability to repair, modify and build one thing at a time she decided to attempt to increase her productivity by multitasking. She found she had a natural talent for telekinesis, scanning, diagnostic, and temperature altering spells. At this realization she realized how much magic could compliment her skills, she turned her eyes to the practice of magic and how to apply magic to technology. Within no time Gearshift works practiced to the point where she could telekinetically assemble a watch, scan the piece for flaws, and cut and weld metal for continued construction of the watch all simultaneously. On day there was a emergency at stalliongrad water treatment plant, the system was overloaded because a freeze backed up the piping. No one had the skill or no how to fix the problem and if left alone the pipes would burst and leave the town without running water. Gearshift was on the scene within the hour, she skillfully cut and welded pipes where necessary while replacing, reshaping, reconstructing, and modifying the entire system. At the end of the day the system had been remade to use a Gearshift valve system to shift pressure to a secondary pipe system in case this happens again. After the entire ordeal the young the filly got her cutie mark.

    Because she always tinkered with machines at all hours of the day for practice her father took to calling her Gearshift as a joke, a name she took to heart. Once she was old enough to leave home she went to canterlot for schooling in mechanical and magical engineering. She exceeled in most fields but never graduated because of her off the wall radical thinking and "impractical" theories. She told her family of her failure and she was offered a place at home and in her parents business. She politely refused and opted to move to Manehattan where she would try and set up base for a repair business (The business sole purpose is to fund her while she travels across equestria gathering inspiration for her inventions). One day she plans on returning to her professor in Canterlot with a million inventions that will change the world, all made from her impractical ideas.

    During her years of travel and research she has become quite well known in equestria and has gathered many high profile contacts such as Fancy Pants, Filthy Rich, and even Princess Luna. Currently she has been employed by Celestia and Luna as a Royal Technomagic Adviser. At the moment she is the only known technomancer in Equestria, one can find the most advance technology in the nation in her travel caravan.


    Gearshift, was never a pony to have many friends but she was far from anti social the opposite actually. The problem was that most ponies didnt understand half of what came out of her mouth and were somewhat intimidated by her intellect. Because of this she's become somewhat with drawn finding comfort and companionship in machines.

  19. Silver chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of head awkwardly. "Well umm, you aren't really privy to the information. But I work directly for Niv, before I got where I am now I was going to become the head of energy flow research and the adviser to elemental conjuring and weird creation." Other than his adoptive father Steam Charger this was the most he had ever talked to any other Izzet.

    He thought back on what he had seen of Wrenchy and he instantly knew the how to help her, though it would probably break her heart. "Your flux glove is worthless to the guild," he said dryly. "It's not the machine, It's flawless engineering. The problem is flux itself." He began to explain. "You see flux, red and blue mana, is naturally unstable and will always be unstable as long as it's together, It can't be help." He then lifted up her gauntlet with the gem on it and inspected it, he analyzed the entire system powering the flux glove with a quick glance over. "You talk to elementals, a rare gift, when you can hear one in your mind it means you mana pools are linked. This works because the elemental bonded your power source keeps the blue mana and red mana seperated." He looked at Wrenchy and sighed. "This can't be reproduced because the elemental bounded to it has to have somewhere to drain the extra mana, in your case it would be to you." He shook his head.

    "Sorry, but that's why they can't figure it out." He looked at her with hopeful eyes. "Don't worry about it too much, instead use your unique talents to raise through the guild and help more directly with things that only you can do."

  20. Silvan's intuition surprised him, had he figured out the one of the powers of his Aishanidari or had he taken a blind gamble? No matter, the short duel was over and both ponies were somewhat settling down. Soul lay with his back to the earth and his eyes to the clouds. He continued to absorb what he had gathered from the prince in the duel. Though unable to match him in combat, Silvan's blades struck true and his eyes burned with righteous passion. Silvan embodied the very traits that Soul had been brought up and trained to honor; Traits that were no longer respected in the Empire.

    He thought long and hard in the short moment he lay there. the Empress' son was exiled. This had several implications to him, first was that the Empress was associated with The Night Children same as he, so the fact that Silvan yet lived means that he is no way a threat to the plans of the Specter. Second was that his Nightingale guard would have to be a deserter, all of them were suppose to be Tov'Kin to the Empress. This told him that Silvan was of such character that he could call loyalty to himself even from those held by great bounds. Soul was thoroughly impressed.

    "No, not to show you," He said as he sat up and pushed back his hood. "To show me, I've learned through blood that words can be hollow. I had to know that you were trustworthy." His light beige mane caught the wind revealing his golden eyes. The fire was gone from his eyes, instead he wore a mask of indifference.

    "Only half correct, I think the whole of the Empire is corrupt." He looked off into the night and closed his eyes. He let himself relive a some segment of his life that would burn at him forever. Soul Slasher took a deep breath and bite his bottom lip, now was not the time to sink into the past. Though he allowed himself to shed a single tear in respect for the dead.

    Soul watched as Silvan let his mane fly loose, a sign of the stallion's rebirth.

    "Yes, we have a deal," he said as he nodded at Silvan. He face grew stern as he drew in breath to introduce him self. "I am Soul Slasher, son of General Honor Bound." He coated his father's name in venom. Even though he was an outcast and deemed a traitor to the Empire he never feared speaking his name.

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