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Status Updates posted by WhiteSlash

  1. So far so good for the Olympics!

  2. I'll be stuck in your mind! You won't be able to turn me off!

  3. See Rush and Electric Six? Or see Turbonegro and Twisted Wheel!? I dont know D:

    1. StarStorm


      Tough! I'd go Rush and Electric Six, but that's just me. ^^

    2. WhiteSlash


      I'd love to see Rush, but I've already seen Electric Six! But Twisted Wheel is an all time fave. Plus a friend would love to go see Turbonegro with me XD Its a tough choice :D

  4. I love my new hat XD

  5. No! My legs fell asleep D:

  6. YES! I can finally play something pretty well XD Ah James Bond theme, why you so easy XD

  7. (8)When did Punk become so safe!? When did the scene become a joke!? The kids who used to live for beer and speed! Now want their fries and coke!(8)

  8. I update this too much xD

  9. Close your eyes and count to ten. My mouth has spoken without asking my mind again (8)

  10. If the world doesn't want to love me, Then I'll teach it to fear me instead!

    1. Tenkan


      Loving the world is like a give and take thing. Even I have issues trying to love a floating piece of rock a million times the size of me. Keep it together, bro. ;)

    2. WhiteSlash


      Oh? Im fine XD Its just a quote from FIW XD

  11. I feel sullied and unusual

  12. The Spice Must Flow

  13. Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here.

  14. I dont even. What is up with me lately XD D:

  15. (8)Kitty at my foot and I want to touch it!(8) XD

  16. They could Incapacitate me but could not erase my sneer. I heard a thousand people screaming whilst three billion others cheered! (8)

    1. Tenkan


      Like a baws!

    2. WhiteSlash


      You recognize the song? XD

  17. Watching the Green Hornet movie makes me totally want to do a "Super Hero" OC XD

  18. Looking to get more involved with the Mane RP, so If anyone has anything open feel free to ask :)

  19. My grr face is displayed!

  20. Me and this guitar are going swinging blind into the unknown!

  21. When the going gets wierd. The wierd turn pro.

  22. You want a revolution! You gotta make a difference on your own!

  23. I aim to misbehave!

  24. Soon! Soon I shall record me playing guitar and singing. It will probally sound silly D: Curse you throaty scottish accent! D:

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Also you've got English vocab, then ya got Scottish. Its alot different :D

    3. shyshy


      dunno but do not want

    4. WhiteSlash


      I wouldn't either XD

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