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Posts posted by Chapien

  1. Tomorrow I am leaving for nine days to a camp. I will have no internet access (that I am aware of), and if I do it will be extremely limited and from a mobile phone. As such, I will not be posting for those nine days. I shall return on the 29th, and any RP's I am apart of will have to do without me.

  2. Sparks stood up from the chair as he saw Snowfall and her date approach, forcing a nervous smile onto his face. Quick you dunce, think of something clever to say! "Oh, uh, hello." I can do better than that...

    He blinked and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Pathfinder. Nice dress."

    Upon saying that his smile twitched away for just a slight second, before returning. He felt like an immense idiot, particularly over what he had just said. He was clearly failing to impress either his boss or his boss's marefriend, and he was severely beginning to question himself even coming to the party, the thought that he should have simply not come crossing his mind for the fifteenth time that evening. He extended his hoof for a hoofshake to Pathfinder, hoping that his current state of mind was not particularly obvious or noticeable.

  3. I am aware, but Changelings are in a bit of a weird situation right now, and again, I doubt the REA would have mobilized in that very very tiny encounter. Perhaps it could have been a routine exercise? I'm sorry; but it is just a bit hard to create a military character that fits with the theme of the show, so I'm just being extra careful.

  4. Sparks nodded, not really listening to what Snowfall was saying. He was still extremely nervous; although he had worked at NSI for a few months already, he still hardly knew anypony and felt very much like the new pony. Snowfall said something about introducing him to someone, and he nodded slightly. The moment she turned her back, Sparks immediately turned around and began to consume more of the free food and drink. He wasn't really hungry, but it certainly helped calm his nerves. It wasn't until moments later that Sparks processed what exactly his boss said.

    "Date...?" he questioned to himself, a small cupcake in his half-eaten in his hoof.

    He turned back around, looking back at Snowfall, who was now talking to another mare. He finished eating the cupcake and sat down on a near by chair, taking a deep breath. "Huh. Right then. Another important pony to impress..."

  5. When Sparks had first received his invitation to the party, he had his doubts. He had never been an exactly social pony, and he still had very few friends within the company. He felt dressed out of place, wearing his work uniform (although it was probably the nicest thing he owned), and quickly slunk into the background of the party, hoping not to be too noticeable in his clearly unfamiliar environment. He found himself lurking near the food bar, enjoying the free food and drink (although nothing alcoholic, for obvious reasons). When someone finally approached him and asked for him by name, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, doubly so when he realized who it was.

    "Oh! Hello, Miss Snowfall," he began, clearly trying his hardest to sound polite and overly-formal, "it is good to see you again! Manehatten was nice. It was rather large and crowded, but I learned a lot. Although, I must admit, it is very good to be back home in Stalliongrad."

    Sparks smiled politely, although how out of place he felt at the party was extremely obvious.

  6. Honestly I'm still not 100% sold on this application. It is pretty good but, soldier characters are always a bit harder to pass due to the nature of the Equestrian setting. The entire Changeling debacle was not really a battle- more of an ambush- and did not last very long at all- not long enough for any REA mobilization, at least. It may be wise to change the conditions of his injury to a different time/setting?

  7. Don't worry too much about the grammar; it wasn't my top concern ^^ It is readable, which is all it needs to be (even I make grammatical mistakes!), and most of your errors are negligeable. However, your font for your backstory is now a bit small and hard for me to read... ^^

  8. Sparks nodded. "Just point me in the right direction and I'm sure I'll find a place to stay. I could stay just about anywhere, so I do not mind the conditions."

    He glanced towards the lab. It wasn't quite as large as the facilities back in Stalliongrad, but it was still rather massive, at least in width, if not height. "Will I be shown the interior of the building tomorrow, as well as my workspace?"

  9. No, of course you don't, and I prefer a lack of tragedy/drama. It isn't even necessary. But a little detail can go a long way; I'm not asking for a massive, long explanation. Just a bit of motivation goes a long way. I am just confused as to why he wants such a great degree of separation from his parents if he maintains good relations with them; that is to say, why would he separate himself from his parents entirely? Independence is one thing, complete disassociation is another. Perhaps I am simply misunderstanding the application.

  10. Hello hello! This is a pretty good application and a fascinating character.

    I feel the biggest problem, however, is the grammar. Some of it is a bit hard to understand and there are a number of typos- this can usually be overlooked, but it would be nice if you could polish it up just a tiny bit more! I do have a few questions. First, I feel that the cutie mark story could be expanded on- what exactly did she paint, why was her brother upset, what inspired her to paint/sing to cheer him up (or was it a random decision)? The Cutie Mark Story is overall pretty good; it could just be more detailed. Why did she get so upset at her parents for moving? I understand that many hate moving (myself included) because of the loss of friends and the need to find more friends, but you were not very specific beyond the fact that she was upset. Finally, her personality change; you said she was a bit more inward/shy as a child, but is a lot louder and more social as an adult- what exactly prompted this change?

    Other than that this is an interesting character that I hope to see more of. :)

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