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Posts posted by GreyMatter

  1. With a "BWONG" Grey recieved the message. He typed back, "I'm in Ponyville. Do you know why you can't send out sensory information? I'm not recieving any sight or sound. Also, are the touch sensors working? To what extent? I programmed it so you could feel, pain, tickle, or whatever else, but I tried to put in a failsafe so you would not be incapacitated in case of something like your broken wing."

  2. A word of note: As you may have guessed by Snowy's actions, I allow you to RP as multiple characters. If you want to, go right ahead. While I prefer to be informed of these, if I do not respond, you can go right ahead and incorporate the character. All I ask is that you ask yourself if you can handle the two, without getting them mixed up and confusing everypony.

  3. Grey matter got a notification that he was able to send a copy of the program. He sent it, now saved into the A:/ Drive, along with the attached message, "I upgraded the program to v3. It will tell you the progress, as well as allow you to take control of what areas to focus on. Also, if you have more power than you need, the program will work on maintenance and upkeep as well. It also will has three settings, Fast, Balanced, and Powersaver. Fast will reduce you to 5% power, but takes less time (The program will run an estimate). Balanced leaves you with 25%, and takes more time than fast. Power saver will leave you with 75%, but takes a lot of time to do."

  4. Grey recieved the message, and began typing feverishly. "I can prove it, by fixing your wing. There was a prototype, I put it in your C:/ Drive, so if it corrupted you, I could just wipe your memories, and keep your sentience. You have the technology inside of you, a kind of tiny robot, able to rebuild. It drains your power, to fix the wing will leave you with under 5% power, but you can use your solar array, or if you are flying, the windmill will provide easy power, but the nanobots can rebuild you. Slowly, it will take a while, but you will work again, without needing anypony to repair you. Since I don't know where you are, I can't go and repair you, and I don't think anypony else can rebuild you. Under your A:/ drive, there should be a filepath. It is broken, it won't work, because the area of the C:/ drive containing it is inaccessible. Still, tell me if you see filepath 'A:/Access-C:/Right Brain/Rear/Program File/Rebuildv2.0'. If so, I can resend it, so long as you allow access to your A:/ Drive, I will install it there."

  5. Grey Matter was unable to send a regular message, the lines were not opened for that, all he was able to do was send commands, and not many were useful at the moment. Then, his screen lit up,

    "Whoever you are...leave me alone! I do not wish to be controlled. I'm........I'm not some tool you can use!"

    He tapped out a reply onto his pad, and sent out the following message (In distinctive blue text, as opposed to his regular red, or black for commands):

    "Tool? No, you are much more than that. I made you to be much more than that. I'm not controlling you, I'm not making you do things. I can't do that, at least, not if your C:/ or D:/ drives are intact, which they apparently are. You are a pony. No, you don't have blood pumping, but you think like one. You were created to live, to be a companion, like all other ponies. Please, trust me on this. I made you, and you may not know who I am, but truth be told, I don't know why you are. I don't know why you are able to think, or even function. None of the others did. If you can just listen to me, I can prove I made you."

  6. Grey sat, waiting. He began to recount to himself the memory design. It was, mostly, flawless. Split into four drives, and two remote backups. The A:/ Drive was Autonomy, it was as simple as any computer drive, and was there to handle the computerized functions, like how to respond to commands, and it also contained the information to run the C:/ drive. The B:/ drive, which was used for Backup, was in essense a copy of the A:/ drive, along with info on running the D:/ drive. The C:/ Memory was the Complex memory, that was the name for the brain, and it stores the actual memories, as well as the ponyity ((OOC: I tried to ponify humanity, failed horribly)) of his creation. The D:/ Drive, or deep drive, was hidden within the C:/ drive, a small device, essentially using the C:/ drive as padding to keep it safe. It contained the emergency instructions, of what to do if all else failed.

    As he waited, he began to fear that the A:/ and B:/ drives failed, or the parts that ran the command had been in error. Fortunately, those worries were assuaged when he saw the following

    • External Damage: minimum, Minor scratches to outer armour
    • Internal Damage: Average, non-essential components and right side memory bank damaged but repairable.
    • ERROR: Left wing has sustained major damage, repairs necessary.

    An image appeared onscreen, then faded. When Grey attempted an override into the visual input system, he recieved the following error:


    As the diagnostic did not return any error with sensor equipment, he knew that communaction was limited to text, which makes his job, much, much harder.

  7. Grey began pouring over the plans again, this time, specifically the brain. He knew, to think like a pony, the mind must be organized like a pony. No amount of memories, stored in a cold format, could be...ALIVE. But, to create an electronic brain...one with synapses, nuerons, and able to create actual memories. That, he had always known, would be what makes it live. Suddenly, he got a readout.

    • Power: 95.2%
    • Damaged sustained: 86%
    • Location: Unknown
    • Sensors: Malfunctioning

    Something was happening. He was able to look into the catalog of memories. Remotely, he could not change them, or add any, but he could see one thing. There weren't any. Did the impact wipe the brain clear? Are the memories there, but corrupted? Are the links used to access them broken? Regardless, the memories acquired thus far would have taken very little of his brain. Just the right-rear part of the brain, which happened to be where the mechanical pony was first hit. Grey knew what he had to try.

    He sent a line of code, hoping it would reach his creation, wherever it was...

    "Command: Execute physical diagnostic. Assess internal and External damage. Full report."

  8. Just a query, which four ponies are you referring to? Because Grey met Neon by the front desk, where they were thereafter joined by Swash and Snowy, so unless you are actually asking the group that includes Grey, that seems unlikely. On the other hoof, Easy-Going, Thyme, Cloud, and Screw Loose are currently gathered together, but that is not at any specified location, and I would rather we clear this up before anypony responds, so the wrong group does not assume it is them.

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