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Posts posted by GreyMatter

  1. Then you don't love and tolerate stoners. And...I'm not gonna touch the occasions when a person SHOULD get an abortion, such as if their life is in danger, or if they were raped. Not gonna say you don't love them, just pointing them out. Of course, you deserve a right to defend yourself. But after that, I'm not gonna reply, not in a political sense at least, not gonna fight. This isn't the place.

  2. "I know you do. I love you too. I just can't believe my luck. That somepony as beautiful as you ends up with somepony like me. A part of me just doesn't believe it. I can't help it, but either way, I would not stop treating you like a queen. Because you and the foals are everything to me..." Grey's eyes were also watering, as he set a hoof against her belly, trying to reassure himself that she loved him, and that they would always be together. He knew they would, but still, worries. "I mean, think about it. If things were even the slightest bit different, we wouldn't be here. If your brother was a pegasus, you would never have left Cloudsdale. If I were to arrive at Canterlot U the next day, you would have already been gone. If I had acted just a little differently when I first met him, I would not have been hanging out Sydphony when you came in. And that is just us not meeting! Countless other things could have prevented us from going out."

  3. "It's because I take the time to know what it is you want. I know you. That's what a coltfriend is supposed to do, make his fillyfriend happy. I figure it is just what I have to do. I feel compelled to do it. I feel that I have to do it. Maybe I'm just insecure, but i feel that it is my job to make you happy. I worry about losing you if I don't, and I love you too much to risk that."

  4. "What about your paint room?" He led Pesto down the hall, holding her the whole time. At the end of the hall was another room with blank walls, empty canvases, buckets of paint, and for the ground, nothing but concrete covered with blankets. The perfect place for her to do whatever she wanted, to experiment with paint, to paint over the window and see how it affects light, or anything else. It was also positioned perfectly so she could always look to the foal's room for inspiration.

  5. Grey rested his chin on his hoof for a second, in thought. "Well, I think we should figure out if our first foal is a boy or a girl first, wouldn't you say?" He said, patting his hoof on her belly, before leaning over and saying to the unborn foal, "I love you. And I love you too dear."

  6. Grey led her back down to the second floor, where the foal's room was. It was pretty much bare, giving her a blank canvas to work with, and only had one crib and a very basic light in it. "I didn't want you to feel compelled to paint based on the furniture. Instead, we buy furniture to match the design you give the room."

  7. "Like it? I had it done up just for you. That window there? Lets in light just so, that this would be the prefect spot for a potted plant, so inspiration is always in view." Said Grey, stepping into an area with more sunlight than the rest of the room, before opening the window and sticking his head out. "Quite a view of the ocean too. If we ever need a break, we could just watch our foals from up here."

  8. Grey Matter and Pesto stared off into the horizon together, knowing they would always have each other


    And then the plot abruptly jumped several months.

    The house was now finished, and the two were moving in that day. As any gentlecolt would, Grey Matter carried in all the bags that he could, making sure to get anything heavy so his dearest could rest. "What do you think?" He asks, as he enters the main room.

  9. But, you guys are missing one vital piece of the puzzle. Us. You see, MLP: FiM is actually government sanctioned. The government LET it be good. And they are training us to be the next generation of american soldiers. Not killing them with kindness, no. We will be armed with party cannons, magic, and flying. Like Fluttershy, we will fight with weaponized cuteness. WE are a part of the conspiracy.

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