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Posts posted by GreyMatter

  1. (I figured out a better one!)

    Grey rests his head atop hers, a cute little thing that they did often. As the fireworks died down, Grey had two more tricks up his sleeves. He gently nudged her so that she would know they they were going somewhere else now, and began downhill. Grey had found out that the local theater was putting on a production of her favorite play, Little Shop of Horrors. Regardless, they walked in unison, in about that same position, without a word, all the way until she could see the marquee.

  2. Grey turned to look at her, because he knew what to expect next. When he saw her looking at him, he pointed over the water again, as, at exactly that moment, as the sun fell off the horizon, fireworks began. "This scene is almost as beautiful as you are..." he whisperred into her ear.

  3. Grey always loved when Pesto used her wings instead of her hoof to do something. It was what made her stand out, what made her unique. Grey noticed she was looking at paintings, and was torn. He didn't want to be rude by asking her to stop, but the next step on his night was even better, and he knew she would love it, and love them being together for it.

  4. Grey looked into her eyes, and knew what she was thinking. Granted, it was what both of them were always thinking, but nonetheless, the two were a perfect match, and almost always on the same page. Grey Matter began to eat, awaiting the other events he had arranged for the night.

  5. Grey Matter chuckled. Syd had mostly faded from his memory of that day, obscured by the memory of everything involving Pesto. "Do you know what you want to eat, Pesto?" Whenever the two weren't actually talking, they still knew what the other thought, and knew how the other felt. Pesto knew how much Grey loved her.

  6. Grey pressed his hoof to her mouth, as if to shush her, "I don't need thanks, I just need your company." The waiter left to get the Apple cider for them, as Grey just looked at Pesto, amazed at his luck. As she had admitted to him, he continued to her, "I was starting to think I would never have a fillyfriend. I guess good things DO come to those who wait."

  7. Grey, as if reading her mind, turned to her and said, "I can't wait to see whatever garden you got cooking up in there," as he touched his hoof to her head. "I'm sure plenty of the ponies here need help with the gardens, especially since they are starting from scratch. Besides, crazier things than that has happened. Remember how I found you?"

  8. "No, no, you pick another place. I've already picked where we go after this place. We just need to be there in a half an hour." Said Grey, hoping not to give away his plan for the two of them. The meal was only just the start... "You lead the way, I will follow you to the ends of Equestria, and whatever lays beyond."

  9. Grey followed Pesto in, and saw her reading books. as she was reading books on trees, he couldn't help but notice that his stomach was growling. It can wait. And he did wait, for her to do what she needed. He wasn't too hungry, and he took the time to make another call, reserving a spot at the best restaurant in town. He set it for 30 minutes, figuring they should be able to squeeze something else in. "What are you looking at, honey?"

  10. Does anypony know why the site has been going down repetedly over the past couple weeks? I have noticed it three times, two in the past 24 hours. Do we need to donate to get a new server? Is this scheduled maintenence I did not know about? Is this perfectly normal for Canterlot.com? In short, anypony know why this is happening, and how we can fix it?

  11. Grey called up his parents, and promtply called the number listed to make an ofer. A large one, if only to save time, and ensure they got the house, that finished, he turned to Pesto. "Mares first," he said, pointing the way to the town. "Where do you want to go first?"

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