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Status Updates posted by DarkStar

  1. Well... it turns out I just might have a mental disorder. >.>

  2. Well... now I'm gonna play some Amnesia: The Dark Descent. ...All alone... headphones CRANKED UP... and in the dark. Wish me luck, everypony! ^^

  3. Well... we have a new refridgerator now. xD

  4. Welp... my final verdict? Quake 4 is amazing. c:

  5. What do you think is the greatest movie ever? ^^

    1. weesh


      The Italian movie "Life is Beautiful"

  6. What I wouldn't do for my true friends...

  7. When in doubt, flip a coin.

  8. WHEW! THIRD POST! Now it's time for... the application =u=

  9. Who keeps an imp locked up in a storage cabinet??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh


      Free range imps are actually much healthier, so I let mine hang out in the courtyard.

    3. Warbrony


      Yeah. But if you let them have the courtyard, they'll want the inside of the house too.

    4. weesh


      Setting clear boundaries with imps is very important. I've found the following useful: "You are welcome in the house so long as you wipe the blood from your feet first", "I will be happy to provide access to the Robinson's apartment AFTER you return the Smith's kids", etc. Remember to lead with a positive statement!

  10. Whoa... I can hear the wind outside >.>

  11. WOOT!!! 100 POSTS!!! :D

  12. Yet another school day tomorrow... so far so good. ^^

  13. You can take his TARDIS, even his sonic screwdriver... but you don't EVER take Rose away! :D

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