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Everything posted by a23223

  1. He growled and backed up," I think I'll be on my way then." He said," I'm sure Discord will love to kill you later/" He teleported away, back to the Temple, right in front of the Mask. He smiled, and shot the Mask with a giant ray of Chaos energy, enough to do serious damage, as he was charged by the power of two gems." Take this you order slave!" He snarled
  2. "Strife is MY allie." He pointed out," Why are you taking him? Are you kidnapping our members now?" He growled, charging his horn.
  3. He traced the teleportation signal. Because that's possible now. And followed after Song, teleporting behind her." Hello sweety," He growled behind her, grabbing Strifes body," What do you think you're doing?"
  4. Potey laughed as he saw Strife," Yeah, wittle Strife is in pain!" He laughed, seeing the pony cringe in pain." Are you ok wiitle Strifey?" He called out to him.
  5. He laughed at him and sped up, running under a bridge where he could hide safely, he felt warm with the power that the gem inbued him with." Strife you suck!" He called curling up in a ball, content with the power he had.... for now....
  6. He held the gem in his mouth, then got a wonderful idea." You can have it! In 8-10 hours!" He then swallowed the gem, and for good measure, swallowed his own. He felt a power increase, and laughed.
  7. He nodded, and after a few minutes, Teleported out, and on top of Strife. He eyed The red leviated gem and said" Heeyy Strife," And grabbed his jewel out of mid air,holding it in his hoof and running.
  8. Potey whimpered in pain and trotted off, cleaning himself at a pond at the bottom, and trotted back, his front legs aching," S-Sire I can hardly fight like this, I'll surly fail if you send me out with these wounds." He said, he front legs burning in pain.
  9. He choaked out," How could I beat a pony equal to you?" Unable to see the greivous error in his words.
  10. Well, I can't go on 18+ I'm too young.
  11. Cookie stumbled out of the bathroom, Drunk as hell, he bumped into Mr. Grey," Hello sir!" He hiccuped," I trust you're doing well?" He put a hoof around his shoulder and whispered," I think the cookies are spiked," He said giggling," I should know, I made them!"
  12. Magic? YOU KILLED TWILIGHT SPARKLE! *Tackles, stealing cupcake and bits into* Delicious!
  13. *Dances* We did it! We should have Pie, I like pie, And because I'm nerd enough to have memorized it.... 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...
  14. "I-I snapped Ambers wand, and now she's amber," He giggled a bit," But My leige, it's not my fault, how was I supposed to defeat someone equal to YOUR power?" He asked, trying to flatter him and get him to understand. Flutter shy ran out," What are you doing? Stop it!" She said, shocked and scared that Strife was ruining her home.
  15. Potey lay on the ground, near dead." D-d-discord will get you," He spat, Utterly spent of magic, he drew upon the gems magic and teleported to the temple of Chaos, bleeding next to the statue of Discord.
  16. Potey looked in disbelief as he began to float a bit." Will you calm down?" He growled," Discord! I need help!" he called out to the sky, hoping the spirt of chaos was listening.
  17. He growled," You're so annoying," He activated his horn and encased him in a bubble," I think I'll take you to Discord." He said, magically attaching the orb to his side.
  18. Potey hit him with his hoof, knocking him out of the air, hitting him to the ground, his blasters being damaged by the impact a bit." Sure," He said," Toy robot." He smirked
  19. Potey rolled his eyes and Put his hoof over Nemesis," I could crush you in a moment." He smiled," I would recomend you stay quiet."
  20. The electricity hit Potey's horn directly, and dazed him." Hello world!" He said, his eyes derping out." I bet you'd make a nice slave to Discord," He smiled," I could take you to him, sense your amber now." He giggled.
  21. Quickly, while he still had the chance, he dived for her wand and said," Though I can't use it, you won't be able to either!" He snapped her wand on the spot.
  22. OO: He shot Chaos energy at a gem of Chaos? The gem glowed, Potey exclaimed," That was stupid!" He said, as the gem glowed, it began to float and returned to it's owner." he smiled insanely," Amber, you look like you're in a sticky situation." He grinned, putting the gem back in his pocket.
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