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Everything posted by RhapsodySparkles

  1. Rhapsody looked up at her brother. "Yeah, sounds good. Seems like people don't know eachother around here. " She ate quietly for a few minutes, then exclaimed, "We should have a party!"
  2. Name: Rhapsody Sparkles Race: The horny kind Appearance: White coat. Rainbow mane with side bangs. Blue gray eyes. Big eyelashes. Rainbow tail. Cutie mark is a bright pink heart. Brief Backstory: As Cloud said, Rhapsody and Cloud's parents died when they were young. That meant that Rhapsody was mostly raised by her brother. When he walked put, she got even more depressed and attempted suicide. But he came back in time. Relationships: My big brother best friend forever Cloudy is here Personality: I'm quite a pessimistic downer, but I'm funny. When I'm on a sugar high which is often, I'm very hyper and pinkie ish. But I'm depressed a lot. Flaws: I'm depressed a lot and get easily pissed off when ponies brag. Likes and Dislikes: I like drawing singing acting and hearing music. I hate bragging, crappy pop music, spicy food, and seeing couples being romantic. I like mares and colts. I love baking cupcakes and muffins. I love my brother. Anything Else: I'm bi. I work at Sugarcube Corner. Who Do You Share A Room With: Cloudy
  3. This roleplay is open to however many ponies applications I approve, for now at least. The Plot: We are all outcast. We have all had expiriences no pony should have to have. But here, we all accept eachother. We live in a big building on the edge of ponyville. Everypony shares a bedroom and bathroom with another pony of their choice. We have one large kitchen and one large living area in our building. Ponies wonder about us. About why we all choose to live together. It's because we are maybe down on our luck (and bits), because we want ponies to understand, we want a friendly community. We pull pranks, we have our sad moments, and we all just live together as a family. We have hard lives, but we will carry on. Rules: No intense combat. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG13. Have fun. Or you will be shown the broken screen door. APPLICATION (I made this myself, sorry if its a bit janky) Name: Race: Appearance: Brief Backstory: (within the roleplay you can explain further) Relationships: any family or friends in this roleplay with you? Personality: Flaws: Likes and Dislikes: Anything Else We Should Know: Who Do You Share a Room With: If you're not sure yet, you can say no pony for now. Carry On
  4. Rhapsody got up and slowly walked down the sttairs. She pushed her bangs out of her face and went to the kitchen.
  5. Rhapsody rolled over on her bed and hugged a pillow. She felt alone. Living in a nice house with two other people, she felt so alone. She opened one of the drawers on her bedside thingy and took out a bag of skittles. She popped a few in her mouth, and buried her head in her pillow.
  6. Rhapsody yelled from her room, "When's dinner gonna be ready?!"
  7. "Thanks guys," Rhapsody mumbled. She retreated to her bedroom and flopped down o her bed and took out a sketchbook. She began sketching herself, her brother, and Mackell.
  8. "...yeah, everything's fine," Rhapsody mumbled as she stared at her bright pink socks. She had propped up her feet on the table, and was comfortably sulking on the couch.
  9. Rhapsody saw Mackell and Cloud cuddling in the kitchen, and sighed. "You guys....never mind." She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
  10. "Yeah, sounds fine," Rhapsody called to Cloud. She walked down stairs to the kitchen.
  11. Cloud Mackell and Rhapsody's House: Rhapsody heard Cloud from her bedroom and called out, "What do we have? I'm starving!"
  12. Oh I forgot to mention. Rhapsody wears makeup. Usually black eyeliner with a little black heart or star drawn under the eyebrow of one eye. And black mascara. Sometimes purple and blue liner, sometimes gold eyeshadow.
  13. Name: Rhapsody Sparkles Gender: That one that starts with a fe and ends with a male Race: The horny kind Brief History: I come from Canterlot, and have been moving through houses in Canterlot all my life. I have a sad history with good parts. I was neglected a lot. But as I said, good parts. Looks: I am five foot four, and skinny ish. I have rainbow mid length hair with shaggy bangs. Grey blue eyes, big eyes. I'm not super tan or pale. I have freckles. My ears and horn are white. I wear a lot of rainbow and a lot of pink, but blacks and grays depending on my mood. I wear shorts, jeans, dresses, skirts, anything. Cutie Mark: A pink heart. I got it when I found that I have few talents, but that doesn't matter because all you need is love. Personality: I am very outgoing. I am often on a sugar high. So I'm hyper and obnoxious. Hilarious. With much dark humor and sexual humor involved. I get depressed alot in which case I seem shy. Likes and Dislikes: I like singing. I like acting. I like drawing. I like mares and colts. I dislike anyone who brags. I dislike seeing couples being romantic. I dislike glass and safety pins. I like cupcakes. I like baking. I like fruit. Character Flaws: I'm easily depressed. I'm not the smartest. I can't hold my liquor. I bug people alot. I have no self esteem. Family: I'm living with my BBBFF, Cloud. And his colt friend. Random Fact: I'm a baker. I perform in plays. I sit weird. I love singing. My horn brings all the mates to the yard.
  14. Before the mare had a chance to answer, a young-ish unicorn leaped over to Cloud. "Found you, Cloudy!" she exclaimed, then turned to the mare. "Hey, you were really good, what's your name?" she brushed her rainbow mane put of her eyes. "I'm Rhapsody, by the way. "
  15. About Myself: My name is Rhapsody Sparkles. Cloud Shimmers is my big bro! the end. How I found Canterlot.com: My brother told me about it How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: i got bored and watched it. woooohoooooo My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie meow. . thats all. hi.
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