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Everything posted by Mistfire

  1. ..oh wow, that last one DID make it to 5.. anyways I have some concepts down, maybe you could give your say before I edit them in? I was thinking this: Duskus could be a filly who wants to do something big in life, but tries too much and tends to be a bit awkward (Personally I think people doing RP can work with a character who is a bit awkward) (This is an explanation) the markings on her back aren't really markings. I meant to say like spots that a dog or cat might have on their fur, my bad ^^" The orphanage thing, I think that with the "aspire for greatness" thing it could work, and the reason she's there is because although I didn't specify how many siblings she had, her parents weren't about to have their own kids look after Duskus. They would have looked for help, but I feel that if you look at it form their point of view, you can't focus on paperwork or meeting when you have kids running around. Her life in the orphanage.. Well you got me there.. I guess that if its going to be the "aspire for greatness" kind of story I should just write down that she won many contests that the kids had between themselves, and enjoyed some private time out in the woods. Now i don't know if you read this in the app but she eventually got out and lived with Shade, she isn't at the orphanage anymore Her cutie mark was what it was because whenever she took her "nature walks" she loved drawing what she saw. I feel that this would be a good place to bring back the meadow painting. The butterfly, well I see butterflies as the embodiment of nature art, so I felt that it would make sense to make that her cutie mark. Also, the reason i'm changing her look at things to a more positive, hopeful kind is so It can kind of show that because she was so focused on doing bigger things, she didn't exactly have time to look at her cutie mark all the time. Yes she was happy, Shade and Yuki were too, but she is just caught up with other things. And lastly, you were right, it was pretty dark. But I think that if I keep the same interests and such but make it more positive, it can work. Phew.. spent all night thinking about what to do.. I'm gonna sleep. Tell me what you think before I edit the app, thanks!
  2. Hoo.. yep. This thing has been collecting dust for DAYS *cough*. I'll think about what to write then have it edited by tomorrow around 3:00 P.M. pacific time
  3. Actually the game will have no real main character, you'll just be an Abstergo employee I think, no real name
  4. NONONO WAIT, sorry I'm grounded, I can't work on it till the end of this month. Please just give me some time after the end of this month, I'm grounded and can't use the pc after today
  5. Yeah, thats right too, but still, you never know how Ubisoft may surprise us. When AC3 first mentioned the word gun everyone just begged no, but the way it worked went great, maybe there could be a good way to do that with more modern gins as well.. thats what i think idk about you
  6. Actually I just read your ideas here sorry ^^ but sure ill add these ideas in and see if anything works out by maybe next weekend!
  7. Just got the blue screen ;A; my first one too!

  8. Yeah lots of well proven points on the iron cross part... but hey Hitler is still mentioned in-game as a Templar. The only way a WWII setting would work is if the tanks couldnt be driven and any guns that are picked up have low ammo and they can only be swapped AND some people anticipate for an AC4 set in China/Feudal Japan. There can be many roads to take with the possibilities the first 3 games have made, so if it was going to be a WWII game, they'd have to tread carefully and have lots of beta testing to see if its what the fans want
  9. Ok, so this is like a giant fountain of ideas that just ran through my mind after beating Assassins Creed 3. To begin with, look at the templar symbol shown below http://encrypted-tbn...-Id2bIrsq3elvTa Now look at the Nazi iron cross (Sorry if i get into some delicate topics with those of you in the Jewish religion) http://encrypted-tbn...onYLvS8nOzvQenz Now, what I'm trying to get at here is that AC4 might just take place in WWII. To begin with, look at the timespan between games 2 and 3. They work over a 2 century timespan. If this were to happen once more, we'd be from approximately 1750 to the 1950's. Give or take a few years, we are close to WWII. What i think may happen is that the beginning of the game revolves around a Jewish child (who will take the role of the assassin) who is living through the struggles of WWI. Following history, the character (Lets call him Aksel) will learn about his assassin roots near the age of 6. Then we meet Aksel again near the age of lets say... 28 where we see him return from a trip in Jerusalem -insert potential AC2 reference here- and come home only to find out his parents were taken by the Nazis to the camps. He eventually aims to save them once the truth of the camps are revealed to everyone as an assassin, but a group of Nazi leaders (Including Hitler maybe) don't want him to interfere because he is not only Jewish, but because the assassin and templar conflict still persists. Let's stop here Looking into AC2, there was mention of Hitler being associated with the templars. Now if you put two and two together, you can see why i put the iron cross and templar symbol together, they look alike and support the info from AC2. Back to the story and a few thing that support my thoughts No one is exactly sure how Hitler died. I think a fitting way is to have him die in the game the same way Charles Lee did in AC3, except its Hitler giving up because he lost and letting Aksel kill him to end this once and for all. Its graceful, fits the assassin's swift, quiet ways of killing, and shows yet another way of how Hitler's mysterious death was caused. Part of the game could revolve around infiltrating concentration camps and maybe sparing a few sent to gas chambers or executions like in AC3. Elements created in the game can be open conflict increasing as the game's story goes by, for example If you were to be on your way to a mission, you would notice a few Nazi soldiers might be following you near the middle of the storyline. Near the end, You would have Nazi soldiers chasing you as soon as they could recognize you without warning. Gameplay: Its WWII, guns are more advanced and tanks now exist, but we don't want Aksel getting killed to easily and we dont want this to turn into a CoD and AC hybrid. So, i propose we make Aksel's health last a bit more from better protection, and if he were to pick up an enemy weapon, the bullets would be limited to say... 20 if its a machine gun and 10 if its something like a glock. The tanks could be entered, but you wouldn't be able to drive them around all over the map, it'd be more of a "kill the driver and trash it" deal where you would be rewarded. Side-quests could be things like saving prisoners from soldiers or just delivering things around town for money. Of course Nazis wouldn't be your only problem in-game, some other axis/allies members could be involved as well, like maybe Italian raids somewhere in town or an aerial attack from the U.S.A. where you have to escape. It would be a game where its just you vs. the world, literally. Aksel has a meaning as well. It means "To revolve around peace". What Aksel is fighting for is the peace he wants so much as the war rages on and the Jewish population diminishes from the Nazis and the battles they get caught in. Overall, this wouldn't be another game with Nazi zombies or a man shooting down robotic Hitlers, this would be another assassins creed game that follows another date in History the way it should be. My final thoughts: This can be a good game, it fits nicely in the assassin's creed timeline, and can offer a safe jump into AC5 which will obviously take place in modern times. If Ubisoft can successfully avoid having AC4 become a CoD adventure/shooter, we have another GoTY nominee I'd love to hear from you on what you think. Is this a good idea? Or is AC4 most likely going to be something else. Anything, from a simple "Agreed" to a completely different concept is fine. I'll be waiting! -M!$T
  10. Oh i just made the changes i felt were necessary. Sorry i haven't updated you guys recently, someone sabotaged my laptop and i had to get a new one .A.
  11. Ah, yes, Shade was accepted into the WoE rp, i tweaked his story completely so his story shows what he strives for. I might do the same with Duskus, and show the story in the way it was supposed to represent her, a strong artist. I'll take note of what you want removed and changed and twist that in to the new story :3
  12. Ok so Shade's app went through, now we can get back to this one. Any new observations that i should change?
  13. Thanks off to keep it up with duskus
  14. It ddoes say why he chose to live there but i forgot a part, so i put that in too. Thanks!
  15. good, made some changes, also he doesn't live alone in a cabin, it now says he lives with yuki and duskus as a roommate. I think that changes some stuff. Also, I was a bit lazy on the cute mark story, sorry... but now that i thought it through i think that ill make it a notebook with a warm glow around it since i realized i wanted him to be a hard working student who cares about his family and future instead of extremely independent. And sure, ill make sure it focuses more on Shade and not anybody else.
  16. making a brighter description and story for shade and doing other things too. Changing the cutie mark story too
  17. just really small edits, nothing really noticable, but i promise itll be have changes by the 3rd of january
  18. oh, well idk what exactly shows that its too dark... could you point them out for me? I thought it displayed him as a hard-working studious pony, and he's happy with Duskus and Yuki
  19. oh it is sorry, last minute school things, be done during winter break
  20. Well I'm just thinking on how i can put what bramble wants into the story, but i think im close
  21. Oh yeah Yuki got approved really quick. He's fine
  22. Oh i put this one as ready and duskus as WIP, sorry i didn't notify you guys!
  23. I think *hope* its good. Maybe now it can work?
  24. Loving these speakers i got today!

  25. Loving these speakers i got today!

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