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Posts posted by Mistfire

  1. I was referring to giving the hater attention by proxy. Granted he likely will never see this thread...

    OH! We should find a way to send a copy of this thread to him! That'd be fun!

    ... we should


  2. toleratin___stamp_by_sonic_chaos-d4hlr67.gif

    Try not to worry. I highly doubt anything will ever come of it. I mean, if anyone ever did anything as crazy (and frankly rather idiotic) as to go out and kill someone simply because they watch and enjoy a KIDS show...well, let's just say they'd be caught and dealt with justly. Besides, the Bronies outnumber the anti-Brony extremists. Actually, if this guy's serious, he's really the only anti-Brony "extremist" I've ever seen.

    We've got your back, friend. Nothing like this would ever go far if anywhere at all. He sounds like he just needs a nice hug, a hot cup of tea, a long vacation, and someway to better his time than making stupid threats like that.

    Stay strong, my fellow Pegasister! :)

    thanks but... im a dude

  3. I am positively terrified... Oh dear what am I going to do? A person on the internet wants to hurt me because of a TV show that I watch... OH woe is me! WOE I say, woe!

    lol i see what you did there AND here!

  4. forever asleep by omnipony

    i had it on full blast through two tiny earbuds...

    we survived... but it was like a gunshot to the head when the drop came

    (summary of the track:

    some yays and chopped up fluttershy text, then two transformers breaking glass while fighting each other with machetes, som,e more flutteryays, same chorus, then LOUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!! *that did mean louder in my case*)


  5. I was going to say the 18+ forums, but I realized you're 12 so that's no-go.

    I understand it's easy to go overboard, especially since you're passionate about pony -- just be aware that this forum has a strict guideline that stuff posted in the public forums should be G-rated (e.g. don't post anything you wouldn't want your parents reading). Saying you'd want to harm someone that you don't agree with might get you in trouble, so I'm just trying to give you a friendly heads up. :)

    oh... ok o3o

  6. It's great you're passionate about something like this, but I don't think this is really worth the effort.

    Also keep in mind this forum has an "all ages" rating, so it might be a good idea to vent elsewhere -- just to avoid any problems, yanno? :smirk:

    by the way... where IS elsewhere...

  7. It's great you're passionate about something like this, but I don't think this is really worth the effort.

    Also keep in mind this forum has an "all ages" rating, so it might be a good idea to vent elsewhere -- just to avoid any problems, yanno? :smirk:

    133618011106.pngeh, its ok, thats me, a psychotically happy 12 year old! :halo:

  8. *just read the comments*

    New response... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    People like that never do anything. EVER! It is the quiet ones (or at least the ones whom DON'T give away their plans outright) that you gotta worry about. Aside from the fact what he is saying is very illegal, people don't tend to follow lunatics. Especially not those who would commit homicide over a TELEVISION show. Oh man... that... just made me laugh.

    I'll say again... Love and tolerate. Nothing will happen. ;-)

    yeah, i may as well mail his video to the government and let them handle this guy, either way, nobody needs him around

  9. Like that could ever happen A lot of Bronies like my self look compleetly Normal so it would be very hard to Get all of us

    And I agree with Star swirl

    ... man i feel stubborn, sorry if i do

    but... theres IP addresses

  10. "what if there were to be a brony holocaust..." there wouldn't be enough male population to support life, and the apocalypse in 2012. Great Scott's, it might happen!

    2012 is just a few months away...

    im a bit of a rebel so i'll rebel against 2012 and live

  11. Honestly anyone who makes a video like that has no life in the first place. There's no way he'd be able to start anything bigger than throwing a couple of flaming poo bags into a brony's yard. And besides, there haven't been any mass executions based on show preference yet. If history is doomed to repeat itself then we should be safe.

    eh, you're right there... but im more of the "think about the what if" people

  12. Unfortunately, there a ton of ignorant and psychotic people out there. But these are idle threats somebody put out there to make themselves feel bigger. And nobody could kill a ton of Bronies without getting caught or killed. You are safe, and just to prove it, HERES A DIAGRAM

    That dude: :mad:

    You: :smirk:


    That Dude: :mad:

    Me: :mad::D

  13. Screw that noise, I am a fighter i will take anything on and I am not afraid to die.

    I shall die like a warrior, qapla!

    I hear rap. Nope not doing that.

    My response...

    Love and tolerate <3

    well for starswirl:

    I meant for you to see how serious he is in the comments (and i admit, i do feel a bit dumb "Wording" him to death on youtube)\and that it seemes that he's serious about the holocaust part

    and for YOU ColtOfPersonality:

    lol, you make me want to pick up my two machetes i have in my backyard again and fight alongside you

  14. Dont sweat it dude. look at the view count, its like 50 something. I'll admit there are crazy messed up bigots out there that certainly discriminate and make threats that they intend to carry out but I doubt this is going o pick up any momentum ever. Do you really think a KKK member or a Neo-Nazi knows what a brony is? I highly doubt it. To them there are probly bigger fish to fry. You're safe relax, besides this army of artaxes will protect you!

    :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax:

    :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax: :artax:

    well at least the fact that i see someone who can comfort me, being a psychotically happy 12 year old, is around


  15. Since I've embraced the show and the fandom/community with it, I've done nothing but gain. Pony goes so well with so many other interests, it's more of a challenge finding ways to put it into stuff where it didn't exist before. A good example would be baking -- a lot of my work there is inspired by some of the dishes and desserts I've seen in FiM.

    i guess that just makes me one in a million i guess...


  16. ok, once you see this, you'll get the idea from the start, a butt-hurt anti-brony

    and i know most of you will say

    "he's just a troll" or "get real"

    but after seeing a brony holocaust forum...

    i think he's serious

    so i need help on trying to get this idiot to understand that all he's going to do is make a huge disaster...

    and plus... i don't want to grow up knowing that in the future...

    ...someone might actually pull this off and be hunting for me

  17. The reason i'm asking this:

    I heard a good question come from my friend Sam:

    Is being a brony worth it if you gave up something you loved?

    Well THAT got me thinking...

    Lets face it, we may have ALL been into something before ponies, am i right? Some were into Music, others maybe theatre, I knew that i was interested in sword fighting and anime. But when i came upon ponies, i decided to leave those two things to be able to enjoy the show at its fullest, but over time, i might feel nostalgia because i stopped doing my hobbies... i was actually about to make a battlebot, but again, ponies.

    (well, I admit, I MIGHT watch a few anime or swing around one of my machetes a minute or two, maybe even play Robot Arena 2)

    But i dont regret BECOMING a brony, here, I feel welcome, free to talk about things i worry about, as if i had a third family (i already have my mom and dad's sides of the family) to socialize with

    So i want to know:

    Did you give anything up or leave something to be able to engage in the community better? and if yes, what was it and do you regret it sometimes?

    (NOTE: For those who aren't sure of what i'm saying: I am VERYglad that i am a brony, i just feel sad because i left other things to become a stable brony, and take note this could apply to someone who wants to be in a call of duty community or a blazblue fanbase, so im not targeting anyone here)

  18. Ok, so i have a friend name Lia Simonet, and she insists on being anti-brony (a softcore one anyways), and she came back from colorado today, so i asked if i could see any of the drawings she made over there, and right there, was a drawing of herself and her boyfriend Dom as ponies, so i asked her if she became converted while she was over there, but she keeps denying it, so i left her this on her locker door:


    ... I am so evil...

    so i want to know:

    do you suspect anyone of being a brony in YOUR life?

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