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Posts posted by Mistfire

  1. well i'll put this into an easy description:

    say there IS a pony universe or planet, and its REALLY REALLY BAL- i mean far away, the probability of a spacecraft lasting that long would be a miracle, considering that theres all the comet storms and black holes and whatnot. Even if we did have the technology, the world will just LOL at us and tell us to find a better reason to go there.

    Although i do manage to picture them as paranormal entities causing shifts in the area around us, i live near a forest and i sometimes hear whimpering as if someone was hiding from me, and when i DO look around theres nothing, not even a bird. I have also experienced having something run away from me frantically and hide under the porch, and having not even a raccoon waiting for me under it. I say this is a bit like fluttershy behavior, and when i DO manage to lure something out with food, theres always a wierd blur that resembles heat waves around the said place...

    or maybe again for the third time, im just skeptic

    either way, there can be many ways for ponies to ACTUALLY exist, but only 1 out of the many ways can they exist in our world.

    HOWEVER... if a my little dashie thing is going on...

    celestia better learn to live without an element present in equestria


  2. Ouch

    yes, ouch

    lol so funny to see people ask

    "4kids is still alive?"

    yes, thanks to religiously obsessed parents promoting the company just because they leave out a cigarette and place a lollipop in his hand and call it "Quality"(not that i hate religion, it formed our world up to today, its just that people take it too far now with the "god will punish us on december 21'st and all that rapture stuff, and of course they want to have "little angels" for kids so they just sit them in front of the TV and slap 4kids on there since the police ALL have fingers for guns)

  3. hi everypony,

    so this is obviously one of the better generations of mlp that we've had so far, the show has good script, and everything else ranging from fangames to official products have been successful along with the show.

    So do you think that mlp will still strive after gen 4? I feel that its a bit of a "renovation" to the brand

    or maybe again, im just skeptic

  4. Um... why would that matter? They'd just air it, not own it.

    Hasbro has owned MLP for like 30+ years.

    i guess im just skeptic then

    have you seen the edits they've made to to other shows? They dont own sonic the hedgehog but they still ruined it (at least the show)

    it is proven that every show that is on 4kids is ruined in some way

  5. I don't really know the plot, but if I can get in the RP I'll gladly be a part of it...

    i'll join, sounds interesting and dark... kinda like how the six heroes are replaced by different characters in blazblue, starting with how ragna replaced bloodedge and became ragna the bloodedge


    6 heroes

    6 elements of harmony...


  6. This is gonna be a sub-story to my series "Mistfire" on deviantART and its gonna be a fantasy/action/dark humor thing...

    Its gonna be about Shade interacting with some villagers he met before he started his true quest

    this WILL be part of the story considering its not done, it'll just be written in a way as if they were humans instead of ponies (example:

    shade picked up the pencil with his hoof = RP

    shade picked up the pencil with his hand=Story)

    Anyone is free to join in until june 14th, it will start june 24th

    NOTE:if anyone is willing to take the role of Duskus or Yuki, ask and i'll PM you descriptions of them so it can play out naturally

    i am also expecting around 20 RP participants in this at least, so yah

    check 4 updates occasionally!

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