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Status Updates posted by Autumn

  1. Yes... it was purely "research" @jmhorse was watching it for. :">

  2. Posted one of my Photoshop tutorials in the creativity section. Enjoy!

  3. Now available to fulfill your wildest needs! (for answers) http://www.canterlot.com/topic/15623-ask-an-admin-autumn/

  4. Nerdy new t-shirt! <3

  5. Just trying to manage a new guy that wants to do delivery job without satnav in areas never visited. StressLevel=4 for now.

  6. Why yes... yes I AM playing a game where I'm dating a Ukulele playing Tyrannosaurus Rex! http://t.co/B060STV4hX

  7. New CD has arrived! Extra tracks and gatorskin is the reason I prefer physical over digital.

  8. ArtaxUK on skype! Please tell me who you are if your username is different to what I know you by.

  9. Arty's Ringtones - WakeUp 1 Not exactly a ringtone but new Alarm tone to wake up to! http://t.co/z6tjR3xdtc #tumblr

  10. Arty's Ringtones, Dub 1 A bit of a moody DubStep-ish ringtone... http://t.co/SqfjJDkG8r #tumblr

  11. Those free ringtones I mentioned will be supplied here: http://t.co/FymE1byv3T - More to come during the week. Different genres etc.

  12. Reason 7 from @propellerheadsw announced! Has Midi-OUT. Kinda feels more like Reason 6.7 than a whole new version.

  13. *will be making lots of tea for @BezelFolf

  14. Love my new Lumia920, only thing that's stopping me being 100% WinPhone8 convert is waiting and hoping @msevensoftware release mSecure soon.

  15. Categorised and grouped!

  16. "...everything I know about the USA comes from the film 'Deliverance' and from musicians such as 'ICP' and 'NWA'"

  17. Tamed unruly bassline thanks to @MrReasonToWork EQ tips! Still much work to do. Tips & suggestions welcome! http://t.co/7KYgbaL0ZJ

  18. Setting up new phone. Transfer details/contacts via Bluetooth is a nice touch. Happy so far! http://t.co/upI2vF3SkV

  19. Just picked up a Lumia 920 instead.

  20. Sleepy thoughts... might pick up an HTC 8x in the morning to play around with Windows Phone 8. I don't think I need Nokia 920, same cpu etc.

  21. Eating a CurlyWurly! ♡♥♡

  22. Just prepared Quorn tikka masala with my own raita and seasoned rice for Bez and I. http://t.co/WWSm0nKA8B

  23. Hmm, the Galaxy S4 doesn't make S3 redundant. New screen's the only useful improvement for me. Touch with gloves etc.

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