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Everything posted by Dahlia

  1. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    I'll have to wait a bit to mess with my avatar and become a regular poster. Got a lot of stuff going on IRL at the moment. Thanks for all the welcoming and I'll be back on to post regularly some time soon. ^_^
  2. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Yay. I feel quite welcome. Sorry I haven't been on all day. My internet has decided to hate me. I just realized something... I made my name Dahlia because that's the name of my OC. Never thought about the fact that it might just be better to use a normal username. Bah, should be fine. Just a thought. I'll mess with my picture now. Hopefully I can get it working and still have it look nice. (Incase no one realized, I use a lot of smilies. I apologize if that upsets anyone for some reason. D: ) By the way, just to put this out there, Dahlia (My OC not myself ) isn't a blank flank. I skipped her cutie mark cause I hadn't decided on it at the time of drawing the picture. Gonna put that on later since I decided what it should be. Taking advantage of the fact that I have a good amount of people (hopefully) ready and willing to help me with any questions i might have... I was looking of joining the RP forums on here. Probably the main one (I forgot what it was called specifically, but the canon RP). I wanted to know what the situation for OOC is on there. Is OOC exclusive to the OOC forums or are they there purely for talking and planning things that might take a long time through the use of OOC? I've seen it done both ways on various forums in the past. I just wanted to have it clarified. ^_^
  3. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Oh okay. I realized that when I opened the link to send it. I didn't realize I had the size set to be so large. XD My apologies. By the way I should lighten up a little bit once I get a bit more comfortable. It seems any time I join a new community (Whether it be for a game, website or real life thing) I'm shy and nervous at first. I'm off to go crop that picture down significantly and to go practice violin. I'll be back in a bit. ^_^
  4. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Alright. I'll take it I'm allowed to post off-site links, then. http://i.imgur.com/8LTuG.jpg I didn't think about this before but I just did. Should I be editing my posts instead of making new ones? D: I'm quite nervous I'll break the rules in one way or another. PS: That's not quite an example of my drawing prowess. Normally it'd be much worse. That's the product of me using a reference and not changing the pose in any way at all so that I'm only mimicking. For the sake of practice and having a custom avatar.
  5. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Okeydoke. Should I upload it to imgur and then post it on here or what? (It's a picture I drew of my OC, by the way.)
  6. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Thanks! I was just having trouble uploading a profile picture either by URL or from my computer. It's a jpeg, so I'm not sure if the profile pictures can't be jpegs or anything. I don't get an error message, just a red box with no words in it. D:
  7. Dahlia

    Hello! :D

    Not quite sure what to put here. I suppose I rambled enough in the section about hobbies. T_T I do have a question on editing my profile which I desperately need help with, but I don't want to be off topic on this forum and get in trouble. If anyone could confirm if that would be okay or not, I'd appreciate that. Speaking of rambling, I apologize for how much of it I've done in this post. I kind of have an off setting and a full blast setting. Not really anything in between. It's why I don't usually like to start talking about myself. ^_^ Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. Glad to be here and I hope I did this all correctly. I'd hate to cause any trouble, especially after just showing up. If anyone wants to know more about me for whatever reason, I'd be happy to elaborate. I've got to have something to talk about in those 3 posts, anyways! PS: (I apologize if any of this got deleted or something. I hit preview post and it appeared to delete everything. The trusty back button fixed everything, but I'm not sure if something happened that I didn't notice.
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