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Posts posted by Thebluemage

  1. Mage! What does the scanner say about it's cutness level?

    It's over 9000!!!!{crush's scanner in hand.}

    Seriously though, I thought you had a human child when I read the title! But this is just as adorable!

  2. Strife took Silver's hit and turned it into a roll. Now that he was at full power, He wasn't going to be pushed around anymore!

    Strife was about to mock Silver for tearing his robes, but he heard a sucking sound and a sudden BOOM. Apparently, Discord had sent a huge ball of magical power straight at the Bony Monstrosity and Robot.

    Not waiting for the smoke to clear from the newly formed crater, Strife jumped right into the smoke, looking for something to kill with his magi-hoofblades.

    "CHAOS FOR THE CHAOS GOD!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, a monstrous rage he had never felt before blossoming in his chest.


    Discord gave a soft grunt as his old foe tried to drain his might, just like he tried all those years ago. But he learned from his mistakes, so just as the energy ball hit two of his foes, his servant luckily being knocked out of the way by the Chaos Lord wannabe.

    "Nice try old friend, I always admired you guts. If you want some magic, then take some!" He laughed as he sent a powerful surge of soul destroying energy into the beam, using it as a conduit to cause some serious damage to the mask itself.

    "My old foe, do you really think your vessel can stand agonist my champion?" He asked while he toyed with Strife's soul, gifting him with a berserk rage.

    Turning towards the one called Potey, Discord frowned a bit, "Your still conscious? Might as well have some fun with you!"

    He waved his arm once more, and sent a random mutation his way. It was always fun seeing what happened!

  3. Seeing the cannon shots coming from the Robot's armaments, Discord just had to laugh.

    "Really? Fine then, fire at will!" Discord laughed, he would just move at the last moment and-

    "That's for ruining my coat!"

    "Get off me you insolent foal!" Discord growled, easily reaching him with his paw and throwing him through a tree.

    Unfortunately, this gave the two beams enough time to reach him.

    Being hit directly in the chest by two high powered beams of energy would even hurt one of his power a bit.

    Discord's eyes grew darker and his voice became the embodiment of rage,"You are going to regret that. You idotic Machine."Ignoring the fact that one of his followers was currently engaged in combat with the offender, the asymmetrical Prankster charged a ball of pure, explosive energy, and with a cruel grin, sent it flying at the fighting duo.

  4. Strife's eyes narrowed as he saw the machine that had caused his capture, time to show this AI the power of Chaos!

    Not looking to see what had become of his first victom, Strife sprinted towards the machine and jumped. Forming claws of crimson magic while in the air.

    "Hey Tin-can! I'm going to enjoy making you into scrap!" He shouted as he got ready to strike at it's cannons.

  5. Easy stared at the belt as if Princess Celestia herself had blessed it,he would never wash this belt.Ever. His happiness was only boosted by the fact that Scratch had accepted Neon's request. Good for him!

    "Awesome! Dudes, After Thyme comes with her masterpiece, we can drop the bass!" he yelled and punched his hoof into the air, it was going to be a wild night!

    Gumbo shook his head and decided to find somepony who was sane, until he found a little filly he knew,"Hey there Twilight! How ya liking the party?"

    Mojo took the bottle of whisky, using her mouth to pluck it out of the air, and took a chug,"Ah! Now it is a party!" She declared happily before taking another chug, it was strong, she had to admit.

    "Hm, I've actually talked with him about going back on the road for a bit, not as much need for hoof readings or future tellings and such in a town like Ponyville. But of course we would always come back after a few months. This place has grown on me." She said with a smile,"Besides, Easy would be sad if we went back to our nomadic life style!"

  6. {Alright guys, let's do this. LEROY JEEEEEINKIIIINS}

    A chuckle echoed through the forest, until it slowly turned into a hysterical laugh.

    "THIS is what I'm up against? I admit, I was expecting Twilight and her "friends". But oh well, you take what is given I suppose!" A mocking voice rang out, before a being that seemed to be a foal's art project appeared in a flash of light.

    Discord, had arrived.

    "Now then, lets see...little toy robot, one of Celestia's little helpers, somepony covered in Chocolate Milk, and a-"His list was cut short as he caught sight of a very old enemy..."Well! It's been awhile! Eh, Song? I will enjoy this all the more now that I can destroy you!" He said with a demented smile, before looking at the last two ponies, one Earth colt and a...."Well, this is getting all the more fun! It seems I get to break one of the toys foolishly made to try and fight me! This WILL be fun!"

    Looking over at the damaged Willow Tree, Discord saw that a one of his servants seemed to be in a pickle...."Well! Look what I found! Have you been sleeping on the job? Strife?" Oh! The look of panic in his eyes is priceless!

    "No my lord! I've been fighting these fools! Waiting for you! I would never sleep while there is Chaos to be caused!" Strife declared with an almost ridiculous amount of panic in his voice.

    The God of Chaos simply rolled his eyes,"Good, now come! We have some new friends to play with!"

    With that, he raised his Eagle like arm and a bolt of massive, purple energy shot right into Strife's horn."Also, sense you seem a bit low, have some magic! Can't cause Chaos on an empty horn!"

    Strife felt the power rush through him, he was fully charged and then some! Rising from the ground, Strife fired a charged bolt at the Blue Unicorn, "Like that. But with much,much,much more power."

  7. {Hey, sense I'm already RPing on the chaos side of things, Is it alright if I go ahead and RP as Discord?}

    Strife looked over at "Song", she was one of the first Element Bearers? No wonder she was so powerful... and that mask, if it was made to fight his lord, then he would destroy it!

    Looking over at Song, Strife gave a greedy grin,"Hey, he never told me! It could be anything! And I can't wait to get it!"

    He just needed to get his gear....wait a moment...he felt a very familiar presence. Warm and comforting, yet with barely contained insanity just waiting to be released...

    "Master! You've returned! I knew you wouldn't abandon your champion!" He yelled in glee, not unlike a foal finding their father after being lost in the market.

  8. {We were on a building, but it blew up, NOW we are at the forest, my guy, Strife is being questioned for information.}

    Strife just laughed at his question.

    "Really? You want to know that? Fine, I got no bucking idea where those fools with the rocks are, as for if they can defeat Discord, I don't think so. This time he is not underestimating anypony. Your doomed, comprenda?"

    {Hey guys, I think one of us will have to RP as Discord to move the story along some more, I would love to do it. But if any of you think you would do a better job, just say so.}

  9. {Sorry, I had to leave for a bit.}

    Easy seemed just as starstruck as his little green pal at the sight of THE Vinyl Scratch:

    "In the name of all that is awesome! You got the Scratch man!C'EST SCRATCH VINYL! C'est incroyable " Easy exclaimed, he could hardly believe it! His favorite DJ! "Can you sign my tool-belt?!" He asked, his usual mellow attitude melting away in the presence of one of his musical idles.

    Gumbo on the other hoof:"Oh, nice job Grey. While I prefer some banjos, I suppose I could dance to a bass." He shrugged, he never got why ponies always got so starstruck, they were just like everypony else, it's not like they were the spirits or something.

    Mojo looked over at her friend, Watcher, "Well, hey there Watch. Feel like sharing some of that whisky?" She asked, she couldn't party fueled on punch!

  10. "Aw thanks Grey! I love all you guys!" Easy's eyes watered a bit, this was such a touching moment.

    Mojo on the other hand, just shook her head, this was a party! Not a cheesy soap copra!

    "Alright Easy, let the poor colt go and go find something non-huggy to do."Mojo ordered as she made her way to the drinks, she found what she was going to do!

    Easy, non-surprisingly, let go of Grey with a sheepish smile.

    "Hey Grey, which DJ did you hire? Vinyl Scratch? Bass Drop?"Gumbo named off a few, lesser known DJ's as well, with hopes that he could meet an actual celebrity.

  11. Pff, them? Strife could talk about them all day!

    "Ya see, after studying them, I realized each one is the embodiment of their stupid element, Applejack is honesty, Fluttershy is "kindness, Rarity is generosity, never got that one, That rainbow chick, Dash I think her name is, is Loyalty, and the worst one of them all: Twilight Sparkle, Magic. As for my " affiliation" with them: Enemies, each and every one. I disliked Twilight even back in my days at Canterlot!" Strife went on and on about one of his least favorite ponies, until he came to an stop.

    Chuckling weakly, Strife finished,"Ahem, Sorry bout that, I don't like them very much. Does that answer you question? Are you going to let me go now?"

  12. Strife's eyes narrowed at the mention of his former masters, weaklings! They couldn't hold a candle to Discord!

    "NO!" He yelled weakly,"Those....fools didn't do a single thing! I'm talking about those blasted Element Bearers, Applejack! Fluttershy! That dang librarian Twilight Sparkle! They got the drop on Discord in the center of this idiotic town and turned him to stone!" He hissed, he hated talking about them! Why if he ever got the chance he would...he would....

    "Next question." he huffed, he hoped it wasn't another...sore topic.

  13. Easy gave a trademark smile at his boss's kind words.

    "Aw thanks man! I've loved building for you! Now come here!" He said as he went in for a hug, Leaving Mojo and Gumbo to roll their eyes, before the paint coverd Wielder of Witchcraft spoke up.

    "So where are the drinks? You can't have a party with drinks! Right Gummy?"

    "First off:Don't call me Gummy. Second off: I'm not sure you should be near any punch. There won't be any for anypony else then!" An exasperated Gumbo exhaled once more, maybe he could blow off his steam with some good 'ol fashioned dancing.

    "Oh forget you! So, Grey. Where are the drinks?" She asked with greed in her eyes.

  14. Easy trotted down the halls with a lit clover-stick in his mouth, it had been a fantastic lunch as usual! He had some fantastic blue-berry muffins topped with icing!

    It was perfect and the only thing that made it better was that he got to hang out with all his friends! Snowy, Swash, Thyme obviously, Nyan, his security bros, some of the new guys and of course Mojo and Gumbo. Who happened to be trotting alongside him.

    "-And that's how I got bag full of Hydra eggs!" Mojo's voice rang out, she had been telling a story about her many adventures that Easy was hardly paying attention to, he was too busy trying to figure out why Grey had sent them all to lunch at the same time, that rarely happened as they all had different work schedules...

    "Uh, Sis. Weren't those the same Hydra's that hatched and now roam the country side?"Gumbo asked worriedly, he had a bad feeling about the answer...

    "Ya, what about it?" she answered oblivious to her brother's face-hoof.

    Easy just laughed as he heard their banter, it had been great having them as neighbors!

    Putting a fore-arm around each of their necks, Easy led the way to the way to lobby, ignoring Gumbo's coughing as the clover smoke got in his face and not seeing Mojo's slight blush.

    Entering the Lobby, the trio's collective jaw dropped as they saw the lavishly decorated room.

    "Sweet Spirits/Measurements!" The trio exclaimed, this was amazing! After a minute of stunned silence, Easy asked the question on everypony's mind.

    "Dude...is this for us?"

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