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Posts posted by Thebluemage

  1. I was looking upon Knowyourmeme one day and noticed that the number 1 image gallery was something called My Little Pony, Freindship is Magic. At first I thought it was a joke and I decided to humor the website and as I looked through the gallery, I thought to myself, Some of this is really well-made!

    I soon realised, that it was not a joke and their was an ENTIRE FANDOM dedicated to....ponies.

    Not wanting to judge them without getting any information, I decided to watch 1 episode to see what was up.

    I ended up watching every episode that was out at the time and emerged a Brony.

  2. Slightly unhinged Scientist, Quantum, walked the freezing streets of his current residence, Stalliongrad, with a barley hidden anxiety. He had just finished his biggest project to date, and while most ponies in his position would be jumping for joy, he was very, very, nervous. You see, while his experiment had so far been successful in lab tests, today would be the first time it would be taken for field testing.

    Which,because he was deemed overworked from the weeks of sleepless work nights, he was not allowed to help with.

    This caused him to become very frustrated, what if it didn't work? What if he showed up at work tomorrow and he was fired for being a terrible scientist? What if-

    "Sweet Celestia, ah need something to distract myself before ah go insane!" Quantum said to himself desperately, he was about to learn to watch what you wish for...


    "What was that!" Quantum yelled out, it looked like somepony had fallen through a window of some fancy looking house! He quickly ran up behind another pony with a note-pad waiting behind the closed door, and greeted him with a quick howdy, he had to make sure the poor fella was okay!




    yes, it is the only way to survive because our goverment banned making stuff easy.




    Enough to put my sawmill out of busness...


    No.No Golgo does not


    Because on your travels in your Comet boat, a SPACE wizard cursed so everything you say would be taken seriously.


    He already has most likely,,,

  4. So our Fandom is creating DVD menus?

    This is but a step towards the quality, Fan-Made, FiM movie that was spoken of in the prophecy.

    In all seriousness, I understand and accept that we aren't the target audience, but they should at least make a good menu without static and good music for the little girls to listen to while they search the house for the remote control that is never there to start the darn show.

  5. Sneak slowly looked up and sighed at the ringing alarm and brought the intelligence closer to his chest.

    "Well, looks like the game of cat and mouse has begun." the gold Unicorn said to himself, a slight hint of excitement to his voice along with an accent often found amongst the elite of Canterlot. It was a game he often played, he would steal their intelligence and whoever it was he was against would try and stop him. It was an old game but fun nonetheless.

    So pulling out his trusty Butterfly knife and cloaking himself to ensure he wasn't spotted, Sneak began to sprint out the door and down the hallway. He would of continued to run had he not for the sounds of explosions erupting nearby.."Confound it! Does that Demo-fanatic not know I'm still in here? I swear If I die then I am going to kill that maniac!" Sneak thought to himself angrily before rising to his hoofs and removing any wrinkles from his Red colored busniss suit.

    He had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

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