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Posts posted by Thebluemage

  1. Strife the Crimson Unicorn laughed as he outran some guards and dropped several bags of marbels behind him,"TAKE THAT YA IDIOTS! I KNOW ALL YOUR TRICKS AND I AIN'T GETTING CAUGHT!" He mocked and sped up.

    Unfortunately, he did not notice the pony right in front of him. Whom he not a moment later crashed into, causing his totally-not-stolen bits to spill all over the ground,"BUCK! Thanks allot bud!" He glared down at the foal who dared get in his way.

  2. Mojo did a mental head hit, why would she say that? She should know that nopony here would know about Bog-Trotters!

    Clearing her throat, she began a nice, lengthy explanation,"Well, Bog-Walkers are troubled ponies that seek wisdom and physical strength in the Swamp. So they go out and live in the most dangerous parts of the Mareabian for years at a time, gaining invaluable knowledge and some of the sharpest survival skills on the planet."She explained,"As you would expect, not many ponies return."She added grimly.

    "But enough about that!" She waved off with a laugh,"Where do you live?"She asked, wait....was that creepy?

  3. "Wow,That's really brave!"Mojo praised, she did not expect the shy pony to be capable of such things, but he had surprised her quite a bit, hadn't he?

    "My cutie mark? Well, I got it when I was a little filly living on Vada and I was chosen to be the Apprentice of a local Witch Doctor to see if I had any potential in Voodoo."She began, long forgotten memories rising to the surface, as crisp and sharp as the day they were formed,"I was expected to have trouble with even the simplest potions,like most of the ponies my age, but during the first 2 days I was able to make a Voodoo doll of my brother!"She said proudly, and rose alittle to display her Voodoo doll Cutie Mark.

  4. Mojo nodded as he gave his explanation, that made sense, and she was flattered he thought her pet was "cool". Most Equestrians "ewwed" at the thought of such animals,"Oh! It is from my homeland, the Mareabian. I brought Funguy over with me mostly because the Mushrooms that grow on his back are very useful for potion making."She explained,"It is actually one of the few friendly animals where I come from!" She laughed.

  5. "Aw, life guard, that sounds fun! They don't have those where I come from!" She laughed, well, at least he had a good job!

    Her smile widened as she heard his question,"Well my fun friend! I happion to travel Equestria! Bringing wondrous sights to the foals and telling the future's of the adults!" She declared flamboyantly, before realizing she might make him feel inferior. So she quickly got into a "normal" sitting position and put on a small smile,"But you know, nothing as important as saving ponies or anything!"

    Deciding that now she should let him ask a question, she waited for him to say something.

  6. Discord was taken by surprise as a bolt of lighting shot down at him, he didn't want to waste any energy deflecting it, so he decided on a far simpler solution. He picked up the dark crimson colored mage and raised him above his head, letting him take the blow.

    "How rude! You know how hard it is to find a minion?" He asked his newly spotted foe as Strife fell to the ground in pain,"Not very hard actually. But that was still rude!" He winked and sent a wave of acidic Strawberry Milk at him, before picking Strife up and throwing him at the warrior.{behind the milk, of course....actually that would of been quite funny...)

    "You two play nice now! Tata!" He gave a mocking salute and teleported to the entrance of the palace.

    Strife fell to the ground 10 feet infront of Bowie,"wElL...tHAT hUrt AlOT..."He mumbled in his strange double-voice, before jumping to his still smoking feet,"bUT nOt aS mUCH HurT sa yoUR goING tO Be iN!" It yelled and launched itself at the legendary swordsmen, creating a vast assortment of weapons with his greatly increased magic to strike his foe down.

  7. Discord laughed as Strife fell throw the sky and onto a large statue,"Good show Strife! Now...Skyhaven is mine!"He laughed as he used the now weak chaos magic to gain a hold there, demanding the rooms become inverted and a new color be invented for every room.

    "wHAT OD wE Do NoW?" The Discorded Strife asked as he removed the head from one of the Warriors still roaming the Maze.

    "Oh dear Strife! Is it not obvious? I want to introduce you to my old friends! I think you know them!"He laughed as Strife glared at the Royal Palace.

    "YOu dON'T mEAn THe PrINCESs, dO you?"

    Discord popped up right next to him, wearing a rather sweet pair of shades,"Why yes I do. Out with the old and in with the new you know! Besides...I need to start MY statue collection."He grinned as they began walking towards out of the maze and towards the palace.

    Why did they walk? Because walking is cool.

  8. Strife laughed as the Mare allowed him to leave, maybe he would just destroy her! For the heck of it! He was beginning to feel like his old self again! Thanks to the voice!

    "Oh? I can leave? How nice of you!" He laughed mockingly as the voice laughed with him, Very good Strife....glad to have you back....now I'm ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL.

    With that he fell to the ground in pain, writhing and twitching as a being entered a place he was never meant too. After a full ten minutes of him screaming in pain,"Strife" rose and in a voice he seemed to share with Chaos itself, said," WeLl, wElL, Well, sO THis si sKYHAVEN? nEeDS MOrE ChAoS!" It laughed and sent out a purple beam directed at his caretaker.


    Discord smiled,"They must think that they have a solid plan....but Chaos always finds a way." He then continued to focus on Strife, thanks to the little idiot he could finally destroy the Skyhaven! HE WAS FINALLY INSIDE!

    Of course, Strife may die, but that was acceptable.

  9. Mojo looked up at the Spider Lady with a smile, meh, she'd seen weirder,"Yeah, my name's Mojo by the way! Let's go in.." And with that, she entered the fairly...clean building, parting ways with the spider. It was nice and all, it just was too...frilly for her liking, with the fluffy seats and such. She expected the table to separate the two sexes though.

    Deciding that she had better things to do then criticize the place, she took a seat next to some mare with a violin and began looking around the room to see what kind of ponies were here,Let's see...: Nice Spider lady she had already met, the violin playing mare she was sitting next, a guitar-playing stallion, a bookish looking fella, a mysterious cloaked looking....Pegasus{?}, and a mare that looked very nervous.....wait a minute....is that a Sea Pony?

    "Well! This will be a fun day!" She laughed to the Cloaked stallion and put her hind legs onto the table and her front legs behind her neck, a good, comfortable position.

  10. The Lime colored Earth Pony known as Mojo grumbled to herself as she turned the corner to the street that the Speed Dating place was supposed to be at, why did her brother sign her up for this? It's not like she would meet anypony remotely interesting!

    "Stupid Gumbo and his stupid ideas, why, who does he think he is? Telling me I need to get a date? I've never seen HIM with somepony before!" She mumbled. Seriously! If anypony needed a girl/boyfriend, it would be him!

    She stopped her internal rant as she bumped into something that felt...different, "Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was goi-SWEET SPIRITS!" She jumped a few feet off the ground as she saw who she had bumped into, she didn't think there would be any of those spiders in the city!

    "Oh, I'm sorry! I just wasn't expecting...you!" She tried to apologize, making appropriate hoof movements towards the Spider...lady?

  11. Meh, why not. I'll give this a shot.

    Name: Mojo Mystic

    Gender: Female

    Species: Earth Pony.

    Description/cutie mark: A medium sized, Lime Green Earth Pony covered in the Tribal Tattoos of her people. Cutie Mark is a Voodoo doll. Mojo is a showmare who goes around Equestria telling the future, performing "Voodoo" and other such things that make the crowd go wild. As such, she is quite....exuberant, she also cares very deeply about her brother and children in general, she enjoys cracking jokes and talking to ponies that are she finds interesting. But may the sprits help you if you offend her in any way, for she has a very feisty temper and you may find yourself "cursing" the day you ever crossed her path. At the urging of her older brother, she has come to "Quick Kisses Speed Dating Service" to see if she meets somepony special or some crud like that.

    Picture: (optional)

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