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Posts posted by Ciraxis

  1. Dunder facehooves when he heard Swift's description, "Of course he is from Itaily, he said 'Saluti' and even said he was from Itaily. And of course he has no military training, most ponies don't even know how to hold a blade."

    [colour=green]"Yeah, yeah, yeah...just old habit of mine."[/colour] Swift dismissed Dunder comment. Unicorn proceeded to move on stage.

    "Oh wait. Who now is from Itaily?", Fire Walker foal-ishly asked, not even realizing there was only one pony in the group that she was unfamiliar with.

    [colour=green]"Him."[/colour] Squall pointed at Abbot without looking. He was ready to sing, and sing he will! Swift took the microphone into his telekinetic grasp and closed his eyes as first beats of the song filled the room. The memory of the song words flashed through his mind.

    [colour=green]"Your cruel device

    Your blood like ice

    One look could kill

    My pain, your thrill

    I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)

    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop

    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)

    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison

    You're poison runnin'thru my veins

    You're poison, I don't want to break these chains!"[/colour]

    At first Swift was just singing, but now he started swaying to the sides.

    [colour=green]"Your mouth, so hot

    Your web, I'm caught

    Your skin, so wet

    Black lace on sweat

    I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (And pins)

    I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name

    Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (Deep in)

    I want to kiss you but your lips are venomous poison

    You're poison runnin'thru my veins

    You're poison, I don't want to break these chains


    Now everypony could notice that Swift singing got even more passionate. His eyes were open now, but he apparently didn't saw them.

    [colour=green]One look could kill

    My pain, your thrill

    I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)

    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop

    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)

    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison

    You're poison runnin'thru my veins

    You're poison, I don't want to break these chains


    I want to love you, but I better not touch (Don't touch)

    I want to hold you but my senses tell me to stop

    I want to kiss you but I want it too much (Too much)

    I want to taste you but your lips are venomous poison, yeah

    I don't want to break these chains Poison, oh no

    Runnin'deep inside my veins, Burnin'deep inside my veins

    It's poison I don't want to break these chains[/colour]

    Finally, the music stopped and the swordstallion singing did as well. Unicorn still breathed fast, yet he himself came back from reality. There were a strange sparkles in his eyes.

  2. [colour=#daa520]"Oh thank you, Swift Squall! This will be an epic trip for sure!"[/colour]

    [colour=green]"That's what worries me..."[/colour] Swift muttered in response.

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    Two days later Swift was exiting his cabin on the board of the airship with an annoyed groan. Unicorn decided to rent an extra large one and insisted to take extra equipment ''Just in Case''. Sworstallion wasn't sleeping well. And not only because of his usual nightmare routine...

    While he was not allergic to catnip, the amount of the very stuff was large enough to make everything on board reek with it's smell, including ponies themselves.

    [colour=green]"Merciful Celestia...I never thought I would miss Endugu Swamps in Unyasi...and the place odour was horrible." [/colour] he said to himself. It's not like smell was especially horrible. It was it's intensity that was killing him, similar to sniffing strong perfume for too long. Swift shuffled slowly to the airship mess. Candy wasn't there yet. Either she was still sleeping, or took some flight both to warm up her wings and escape the stench even if for the little while.

    [colour=green]"Lucky girl."[/colour] stallion said in his mind. Squall took a plate of rice and his favourite broccoli for a breakfast and sat behind the empty table. Normally he would be very hungry at that hour, but catnip smell took all his appetite. Count knew that he needed too eat through, so he did just that even if without much of enthusiasm.

  3. Oh really...? Do tell, Mr. Ciraxis :shifty:

    I will but on PM. No reason to spoil others the fun with my theories.

    Also, isn't the Guin Saga a short-novel series? Oh, and also the author died in my book series too :( but thank Brandon Sanderson for taking it up and finishing it!

    R.I.P Robert Jordan...you were a sweet guy.

    Yes, total page count is waaaay shorter, but Guin Saga is still longest continuing work. It started in 1979 and finished in 2009. That means that even when Wheel of Time will be finished, it will be still one year too short to beat that record. If we going with page total then I believe that Xanth series would be better candidate (not to mention it's unbeatable in the amout of puns), 35 books total and no sign of stopping.

  4. ~ Black Knight, within Diamond Halls

    Black Knight couldn't shake the feeling that something will happen tonight. Even more, because for the brief moment, General could feel a killing intent in the air. While now the enmity disappeared without trace, stallion knew better then believe that all had returned to normal.

    He was as surprised as all other when Tupalia announced that young Moonfire will be personal Gardener of the Prince. The gaze of Black Knight and Eisar meet over the crowd. In this short moment they exchanged all what was needed. Black Knight waited unlit two baraki and the Prince left the room before he spoke to the Empress.

    "It was bold move Your Majesty. Are you sure she have what it takes? The cub can have the blood of the Viola and skill with magic but does she have what it takes?" he asked, with a doubt in his deep voice. Black Knight was one of the few who had guts to question Tupalia decisions. "Especially now...they may be many who will seek to...dispose of the Prince. And this young Moonfire seemed a little too innocent." Black Knight felt silent for the moment. "And about your son...I heard much about him from Goodwin. Wise Goodwin was a student of mine, and he himself was teacher of the Young Prince...not that Rubyn knows this. Goodwin written me many letters about him." Black Knight shifted in place and gazed at the moonlight.

    "In his opinion, Prince was patient, disciplined and wise over his years. And I also heard that he chose the Way of the Spear. Even before sickness triumphed over him three months ago, my pupil written more about Rubyn then about his own health." Black Knight paused and looked at Tupalia "Because of this,Prince training is not complete...he needs a new teacher. If that would be possible, I would like to instruct him ponysonaly, Your Majesty."

  5. Swift sat in the silence for the moment, staring at the sketch and trying to conceive the monstrous size of the animal depicted on it.

    [colour=green]".......Let's get straight. You, Candy - was sent to study and possibly catch this? Ridiculous... It can stomp on you and not notice..."[/colour] Squall expressed his disbelief. He stood up and begun to trot back and forth at the opposite side of the table.

    [colour=green]"You realize why I tagged along during our first trip? It was because of Dunder and Dunder only. I just couldn't allow him to participate in such reckless and stupid operation on his own. Dunder is my friend...my first real friend I got. And you too know he can be just like kid sometimes."[/colour] unicorn said, shaking his head. While he complained over pegasus childish behaviour, Candy could notice the affection in swordstallion tone.

    [colour=green]"And where this brought me? To another ridiculous trip. You know what that means?"[/colour] Swifts stopped and looked directly at Candy.

    [colour=green]"That means that I will not let you to go alone Candy. Celestia preserve me and curse your kamikaze tendencies but I will go with you. Because your my friend as well. The length of things I do for you guys.... Besides I was boring the horesapples from myself anyway."[/colour] count said, adding a quite mutter to himself.

    [colour=green]"So you have me...and with me you have funds. What else do you need?"[/colour] Squall asked a mare. Now that he counted himself in, Swift knew that preparations were to be made.

  6. ~Tulipia Dragoran, Empress of the Empire. Within the Diamond Hall~

    "...my dearest Black Knight. I am surprised to see you returned to me so early. Of course, not that I am complaining, for your comfort has always been appreciated after the Emperor's death. However...I take it you found what you seek? Oh, and you may speak freely...the others are busy with their schemes and gossip, and my son here will not speak a word." The young unicorn at her side said nothing, simply eyeing the two of them sideways. Servants began to pour into the hall, and one of them approached them with glasses of wine. The Empress took hers, then Rubyn, and the servant finally offered the tray to the fearsome Black Knight, the young mare's legs shaking.

    "But maybe he should? You know what they say, Your Majesty 'One should not fear the questions...and the answers.' " Black Knight said slowly, weighting each word. "But they also say, that silence is the greatest advisor." he added. When servant finally offered him some wine, he just shook his helm bearing head "I need beverage not, child. And don't fear...as long as you serve Empress faithfully your heart and my blade shall never meet."

    General waited a moment it took Tulipia to taste her wine before he continued.

    "Indeed I found one who I was seeking. Boisterous pony he was, in his arrogance he challenged me... Surely he believed that barrier of distance will protect him, and that I will not answer his call..." Black Knight stopped for a moment to gaze the crowd before he continued.

    "I spared his life, but took the flight....will he work hard, he can regain it. And if that fool became any wiser from the experience, he would not seek attention of those above him without reason."

    Gigantic stallion turned his head slightly, to look directly at Empress. "But it was not as interesting as some things that I found out while travelling there and back...I even made a few side-trips to pursue them. I can say only some of them here thought" he explained and once more looked around a room. Somehow the atmosphere of this night felt familiar to Black Knight...but he couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

    "First, - the 'Boundary' is shifting. It is possible that something...or somepony could come to our side. The disturbance seems to come from the 'other' land. It will last a full lunar cycle. Watchers expect that opposite will be achievable during next one." general stopped to give Empress time to digest the information "I also collected some whereabouts about one of Sages. I was surprised that he...or her is still alive but the proof I found is undeniable. However it costed me...few of my soldiers. With you permission, I will pick their replacements from the Army ponysonaly, like usual." he requested.

    "And finally...'They' are making their move. They believe that the Young One could be incarnation of 'Him'. Not surprising considering a 'last time'. But even I couldn't find what exactly 'They' are planning to do with that suspicion..." he told in apologizing tone. Suddenly Black Knight frame stiffened. He straighten up to his full high and looked around.

    "Something is wrong..." he growled "It's just like then..."

  7. The very next day ~ Waterside Resort, Clock Tower Plaza, 7:50 AM

    Swift Squall was waiting for young filly for quite a while. Of course he wasn't waiting outside, he instead kept himself occupied, by pretending that he was interested with stamps in Post Office at the plaza. Squall had a clear look for a Clock Tower from there.

    [colour=green]"She is late...did she gave up on the book already?"[/colour] he thought [colour=green]"I wonder why it was so important to her. A diary, perhaps? Cover didn't had a title."[/colour]

    "Sir, will you buying ANYTHING? Not that you hinder businesses. But to be honest, this is getting annoying" said an irritated post mare, cutting Swift pondering short.

    [colour=green]"Oh...yes, I am sorry. Umm... I will take four. No, wait....SIX stamps and the same amount of envelopes."[/colour] swordstallion ordered.

    At the same time, he gave a look outside, through the large window.

    [colour=green]"It's almost eight..."[/colour]

  8. Within the Diamond Hall~

    As the applause died out and the hall was illuminated in the silver light, suddenly a clanking sound was heard in the floors below...and it was closing in. Despite the fact that was almost a year since this metallic sound echoed in the home of the Imperial Family, all of the creatures who gathered in the Silver Hall this evening, knew who was heralded by it.

    The clanking was heard closer and closer, until it stopped just outside the room. A single pony in whole of the Coltara had nerve to be such late at the celebration...or how other would put it; had privilege to do so. And then the massive iron gates of Diamond Hall opened once more. Only one pony came through the entrance, temporarily drawing all attention. Huge towering amongst the crowd, clad in the onyx black plate armor and with a crimson red cape waving behind him. The pony known as the 'Black Knight' , the most famous of all Great Generals, first sword in the Coltara and Empress confidant have returned. Despite being such late he walked proudly straight forward, completely ignoring all others aside from Empress and Prince of Ravens. The Black Knight finally stopped before both and the he kneeled.

    "Your Majesty, I had returned." said the pony with a deep voice, hidden behind his black helm, which distorted his words even further. Even through no one could see his eyes or expression, Empress knew Black Knight so well the she could guess just by tone of his voice that he brought a good news. Obviously his latest assignment was resolved successfully, even if they couldn't discuss it with detail right now. A warrior raised from his knees before he turned his head around and gave a gathered an amused look. He then walked over the steps an took his place standing just behind the Crystal Throne, at the Empress right side.

  9. "That's my friend, Swift. Don't ask him, but I could beat him in a sword fight."

    [colour=green]"I heard that Blusty. Still delusional with a little dreams here and there? Well, maybe not so much delusional. One is fulfilling today after all."[/colour] he smiled and waved. Swift was actually beaming, with his best pal getting married today. Dudner would probably not go on as many voyages as before...at last for a while. Still unicorn guessed that he was happy, and this was enough to make him joyful as well. Even if Swift had problems with expressing that.

    "Hey Swift! Get your face over here!" Dunder said and landed back among his circle of friends.

    [colour=green]"I comming...[/colour] he answered, ready to join him, but upon seeing Fire - who made her way towards him - he changed his mind. Swift had a crush on crimson mare for a while, and honestly speaking Dunder being married made him joyful ever more because of this. Fire Walker used to have a crush on Dunder himself, much to stallion obliviousness. That was the reason why Swift didn't invite her on date yet. Broken heart needed time to heal.

    [colour=green]"Few moments."[/colour] he assured Dunder. Fire Walker was a tough mare, and if he want a chance to win her heart, he have to be confidant! And this was a perfect opportunity.

    He looked at Fire, ready to greet her. But before Swift could open his mouth, she berated him over his 'Dynamic Entry'.

    [colour=green]"Errr...good to see you too Fire."[/colour] he said, totally non-apologetic. Instead he was just staring at her, suspiciously happy.

    [colour=green]"Believe me or not, I couldn't. I was in Las Pegasus, preparing a little surprise for the weeding. Some rampaging dragon, turned a rail road into junk metal and I had no choice but to travel along with my 'Little Surprise' by the air. Don't ask what it is, you will see for yourself soon enough."[/colour] he explained.

    [colour=green]"When I was training for Honor Guard we made jumps every three days. And at worst, Dunder and Ice would get world richest fireplace rug."[/colour] swordstallion said, giving a sample of a gallows humour.

    [colour=green]"But it was cute that you were worried about me."[/colour] he teased.

    Yet when Fire said about something on his face an awkward silence creep in, and Swift's confidence dissipated. Worse yet, unicorn couldn't help but notice that her happy demeanour seemed forced.

    [colour=green]"T-thanks."[/colour] Swift quickly said, wiping his face. [colour=green]"Fire...can you wait for a moment while I say 'Hi' to Dunder? I...I want to ask you about something."[/colour] he muttered, giving her an strange look. Was it hope? Anyway he dashed off quickly towards an stallion pegasus, surrounded by friends. To be frankly, he wasn't exactly comfortable with this. Dunder apparently had many friends and while Swift Squall had nothing against meeting them, he preferred to do this one per time - not en masse.

    He was familiar with Muggo and Candy at last. Yet unlike others, the dark green, earth pony mare seemed familiar to him somehow. He decied to be hold it for himself for now. Squall was sure they never meet...maybe he was told about her? No matter, that can wait for later.

    [colour=green]"I see that the Princess showed up after all."[/colour] swordstallion commented, looking at the side before returning his attention to Dunder. [colour=green]"You did wisely that you mentioned this to me in the invitation latter. I pulled a few strings - there will be no paparazzi around today."[/colour] Swift informed. He was quite sure that Princess heard this as well - he intended her too. After all, alicorns were rumoured to have senses much more sharper than any other kind of pony. And princess or no, everypony deserved some privacy.

    [colour=green]"Sooo Blusty. Who is your witness?"[/colour] he asked just to make a talk going. He was more concerned with the Fire Walker, even turning his head around trying to follow her in the crowd.

  10. " He said and trotted over behind Squall. He began to examine some of the songs alongside his fellow sword stallion. "Ehh... I'm indifferent to all of these songs. You can pick one, preferably if it is a duet."

    [colour=green]"Indifferent? Really? Where had you been, when the Rock and Roll Age came?"[/colour] Swift expressed his disbelief, at Dunder comment. [colour=green]"No duets, sorry. And I don't think you can sing any of these...unless you can pull a guttural growl singing voice. To be honest I was thinking about myself when choosing those."[/colour]

    "We should save a slow and female singer song for Fire when we give her enough cider. Or if she gets brave and goes up sober." Dunder said and glanced over at her.

    [colour=green]"Ohh come on, she's not so..."[/colour] unicorn started but was cut short by Fire complains...which in turn was stopped by Fire herself, with confusion over half empty mug.

    [colour=green]"Thank Celestia that I am a teetotaller."[/colour] he shook his head while seeping his pineapple juice.

    At the same time, swordstallion was listening carefully to each word of newly arrived pony.

    [colour=green]"That accent...what an coincidence...he's an Itailan. And from Roam if I am not wrong. Must left it quite a while ago, it's barely noticeable."[/colour] he muttered quietly to Dunder and both sisters. [colour=green]"Athletic...somewhat. Lacks any military training."[/colour] he added. His life experiences allowed Swift Squall to deduce such basic informations easily, just by watching other ponies in motion or hearing them talk.

  11. A crossover idea I am surprised no one did already. With what? Penguins of Madagascar of course!

    This thread is interest check obviously

    "I world of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia personal student fins in newly shipped book a spell that allows her her to take a peek into another dimension. Twilight being Twilight decides to try it as soon as possible. But what is this? Oh no! They coming here! HEEELP!"

    "In Central Park Zoo, Kowalski builds a machine that allows to see into another dimension. It works surprisingly well, until Skipper mistakes it for the blender and throws few fruits into it. *KABOOM!*

    Hmm, fascinating wormhole phenomenon. Oh, it sucking us in."

    Cast? Penguins, possibly lemurs and lot's and lot's of ponies.

  12. Swift Squall was sitting behind the mahogany desk at the study in his manor. He bit his lip, unicorn was not expecting writing this letter to be so...hard. But he postponed this too many time already, and it was now or never... swordstallion knew that if he will not write this now, it will keep to eating him from the inside.

    Too Princess Celestia

    I was meant to write this letter for the long time. Yet, when I search my memory I can't recall why it

    took me so long. For I was postponing sending this letter not by days or months

    but actual years. Was it a fear? Perhaps, but I believe I found a better


    It was a pride.

    Up until now, that pride prevented me from writing. Until some months ago, I used to believe that I can take on a problems presented before me all alone.

    And oh, how wrong I was.

    It wasn't the most painful lesson I received - but it made me think about myself more then any other before it. It made me revalue my opinions...and I glad I did it. I guess that now, that I found some friends I am little happier. Neither mission I gave to myself nor problems are gone, yet now their somehow easier to get trough. While I still have my pride (and there are some things to be proud for!) it no longer hinders me.

    Heh...I written so much already, and yet I didn't introduced myself. For now, until the end of the

    letter think about me as Persistent Quill. I am sure it rings a bell - Yes, I am the very same one who wrote articles about situation in Unyasi some years ago.

    What I DIDN'T wrote in them though, was the fact that I was one who was at last, partially responsible for the situation in the first place.

    The only thing that I can say in my own defence - I had no clue that operations that happened there were illegal, both in the law and morality and that both I and another mercenaries happened to be just another pawns in the hoofs of others, as I found out later. I must admit - I was disgusted with myself back then, when after finding out the truth about this 'trading operations'. And when I return to memory of this days I still am. That was my reason for turning against my former comrades, for them it was just another source of money. I believe you know what happened after this - about articles, militia and finally and end of smuggling activities in that region.

    As I mentioned before, I was too proud to write this years ago, so I will write it now.

    Thank you.

    I don't know if it was you Princess who put your hoof ponysonaly in stopping them, or somepony else, from your administration. Regardless I grateful that this operations was putted to

    stop. Now I know that no amounts of articles or militia members would've help, if not for some kind heart that was ready to listen our plea.

    Yet, while this chapter of my life is closed and behind me, I am still haunted by memories of that time. It was guilt that made me quite my mercenary life, and while problems in Unyasi are gone the guilt itself remains.

    Sometimes I wonder that if I would realize sooner or put more effort, that many things could be avoided. I just can't shake the feeling that what I did back then wasn't enough...this feeling still torments me at nights, plaguing the my sleep with nightmares.

    As a pony who had lived for so long I simply must ask - How do you deal with guilt Your Highness?

    One does not simply lives for so long without any regrets. Is there some recipe for remaining cheerful and optimistic, despite that? And if there is, could you share it with me?


    Swift Squall from the House Squallcoast - Fillydelphia


    Now that I managed to write for first time, I think it will be just first of the many letters. If that is possible, send my regards too General Spearstep. While I never joined Honor Guard, as he had hoped, too this day I make good use of the skills he tough me.

    Unicorn putted the quill aside at the piece of paper - now filled with his thoughts. He folded it before putting into envelope. And now to send it...

  13. [colour=#0080FF]She sat back down, crossing her front hooves over each other as she pouted. “Oh, look at you, setting a fine example for the youth of Equestria. Stealing from innocent little fillies. Now, if I yell out “thief”, who do you think the pony who comes running is going to believe?” She was a pony of the streets. Though this stallion may have been bigger and older, he didn't have her expertise—or her young and innocent age.[/colour]

    Wow...aren't she a smart cookie? Her note made him stop for the moment but second later a confident smirk returend to his face.

    [colour=green]"Hah! Innocent? You way too clever to be considered innocent kid. And playing a victim would be great idea if not for the few things."[/colour] unicorn said.

    [colour=green]"First...what 'young innocent filly' are doing here, alone in the park at such late hour? Second - I so happen to know half of soldiers in this city, and besides that - streets are empty now anyway. And finally third..."[/colour] stallion face suddenly turned serious. His horn flashed and in the air in front of him a small ball of fire materialized. Swift Squall was no mage, but at Honor Guard training he learned useful basics.

    [colour=green]"...and third thing is, if you rise you voice for even a moment this book turn into charcoal. Even if you screem and somepony would come the book will be finished regardless."[/colour] he said dryly. Now count out-gambited the young thief and both of them known it.

    [colour=green]"If you want that book back, meet me tomorrow under the Clock Tower in Waterside Resorts at 8 A.M. I will then tell you what I want, and when you do it, you will get the book back. I will not read it, that I can assure you."[/colour] Squall said instructions slowly and clearly so the filly could remember it.

    [colour=green]"So, until tomorrow, young 'rogue'. I hope you come."[/colour] Swift said before he teleported away, along with the book. Only a fireball remained for the few seconds, before it shrunk into nothing with a quite "TSSsssss...".

    Of course Swift couldn't teleport far, it was very tiring for him and he wasn't a Beta class unicorn. On the roof of the nearby building, he breathed heavily for the few moments before he moved forward quickly and away from the park.

  14. After a while Swift returned, levitating the table, two chairs, two cups off coffee and sugar.

    [colour=green]"I brought some sugar if you want it."[/colour] Squall said as he put the furniture on the ground. He sat across the table and faced Candy.

    [colour=green]"Well no point in hiding it any more...not that it much too hide left. As you see I am not the poorest pony...and you probably guessed that I am a noble too."[/colour] he started, putting one of his legs on the table.

    [colour=green]"I am sorry I didn't told you about that during our first journey, but I didn't perceived my status as something important at the time. After all, what matter is what you become, not who you are born...at last it's what my family and myself believe."[/colour] Swift said smiling slightly. Then he noticed Royal Canterlot Zoological Society seal. Now, that explained a lot.

    [colour=green]"I should had guessed...it isn't courteous kind of visit isn't it? What is it this time Candy? A terror of the sky, Argentavis? Or maybe a crocodile from unapproachable swamp? It's obvious you came for help, and you wouldn't need it if it was a simple rodent or turtle."[/colour] swordstallions commented. He leaned forward in her direction, putting his front hooves against each other in such a way that they covered his mouth. He glared at her over his sunglasses, his eyes awaiting even slightest movement of mare lips.[colour=green]"Well?"[/colour]

  15. [colour=green]"Yes Candy, what is it?"[/colour] unicorn replied without thinking, not even looking at the voice source. Then he realized who was talking to him. [colour=green]"CANDY!"[/colour] he sprung upwards, overjoyed. Bad idea. Laws of gravity kicked in and hammock swung to the side, dropping Swift to the ground. Yet he pulled himself back together so quickly that one could swore that there was no movement between him laying on the ground and being back on all four legs. He brushed his sleeveless jacked before he spoke to her.

    [colour=green]"Candy...that's a pleasant surprise! And yes, yes I have lots of...spare time."[/colour] the tone of the last part implied that Squall wasn't exactly happy with this. [colour=green]"Why don't you stop hovering and fly over here Candy? You always welcome at my house, you know. Care for cup of coffee?"[/colour]

    While he wasn't showing it, the excitement of his eyes - seen over his green shades - implied that count was very pleased with the unexpected visit.

  16. It was warm spring morning in City of Sibling Love. Swift Squall - unofficial Count of Fillydelphia - was lounging at the hammock in impressive garden situated at the back of his uphill manor. The last two weeks proved to be uneventful. There were no serious crimes in the city at the moment, most of his friends were now busy and he himself didn't have any plans for the while.

    In short. Swift Squall was bored.

    Now that he finished his morning training routine, unicorn just stared in the sky trying to figure out some kind of activity he can get himself busy with. He really disliked doing noting...maybe some kind of tip out of city would be good idea?

    [colour=green]"Adventure"[/colour] he muttered to himself.

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