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Everything posted by vFear

  1. Cheers, uh... uhm... comrade! Those flippin' parasprites, man.
  2. I would, but last time I tried to use an animated picture, the forums kinda' went OH GOD NO PLS NO SDIOFHSDFSDFLSDHFLSDFHLSDF MAKE IT STOPPPPPPPPPPPP Bloody oath I'd have a long walk with Twilight on the beach..! I wonder if I can slip in the cuddles bi- Uh... Uhm... T-Thanks for the welcome! Yea! Cheers, bud, you too! :3 YOU JUST SALUTED AND CALLED AN NCO SIR UAGHAUIGHAUGAUGHAUHG I'm kidding, hay thar! Now I have to think of something other than 'cheers bud :3' UAGHUAGHUAGH ...Cheers, mate! Backwards AND upside-down!
  3. If it weren't for that parasprite Bronykujo, I woudn't know a thing about econemy and government... It's really not my thing at all.
  4. I achtually have no idea how we've maintained a place above the U.S. dollar right now... It's quite a shock for a majority of us over here. We've all been manipulating it and buying items that is sold in U.S. dollar as much as we can in the rise above the U.S. dollar as we expect it to last about two days at the most.
  5. Aha, it's all good, bud. I can understand that. Our government? What, that red-headed parasprite? I mean, yea, our government is kinda' succesful, but I prefer someone like John Howard or Kevin Rudd back in power. Tony Abbot and Julia Gillard are just oh god imminent rant
  6. Um... I'm not in the Amercian Military at all, in the Australian Army Cadets, so you don't have to call me sir ^.^. Hey wait... You just deserted to the Australian military by posting that didn't you? I'MA CONTACT YOUR COMMANDER In the Australian Military, they don't call NCO's sir/ma'am either, they adress them by rank... This is kinda' awkward LOL. This guy know what's up, Twilight Sparkle face up in this! Cheers, bud! :3
  7. I just don't know what went wrong... Dude, nice! I hope you enjoy yourself when you join the army Good luck getting into Medics and Rangers!
  8. About Myself: I live on the border of Victoria and News South Wales. I'm an Army Cadet Corporal. I like cuddles and long walks on the beach. How I found Canterlot.com: This one parasprite called Bronykujo How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: This one parasprite called Bronykujo, once again. My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle So, uh... Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Sup guys.
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