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Posts posted by Inuchan

  1. Sour nodded slightly, smiling warmly.

    "It is a beautiful sight." She cooed, starting to slow down sub-consciously. As she did so, she realized that she had caused Marshie to lose her grip! Sour gritted her teeth and flapped her lime-green wings hard to help Marshie stay in the air. It was very helpful that Belmont followed on the ground, in case the worst thing happened.

    (Because it's the 'WORST, POSSIBLE, THING!' :wail: )

  2. OOC: Of course :)

    Metal turned his head to China.

    "Dear Celestia no. I hardly know anyone here." He laughed, swishing his tail so it wasn't caught under his hoof. He flinched a little at Prancer's statement about having to get China back, and sort of smiled nervously. Turning to the aforementioned stallion, he spoke calmly.

    "My name is Metal Song."

  3. A soft red pegasus stood impatiently in the line to the Griffin exhibit, boredly tapping her hoof on the ground beneath her.

    Even more boredly, she scanned the room for something to occupy her eyes with. She did this until she caught sight of a pony exclaiming seomthing rather loudly.

    An accusation, it seemed, followed by questions. She turned her head slowly, face set to a snarl.

    "Can you guys shut up? Museums shouldn't be filled with such racket."

  4. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Shooting Star

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Medium Blue

    Coat Color: Light blue-ish lavender

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: White Appaloosa body and leg markings. Spiky powder blue mane with light blue streaks. Spiky tail with same colouring as mane.

    Physique: He is quite slender, with strong hind legs.

    Cutie Mark: A comet with a trail behind it.

    Origin/Residence: Manehattan

    Occupation: He works at a bakery as a chore pony. Shooting Star isn't very good at this job but he has to do it to earn a meager living. He wants to take his science big-time but struggles to get time away from his job. At the moment, he is looking for a way to either change jobs to something less time-consuming or try and negotiate with his boss about having fewer hours.

    Motivation: Shooting Star is inspired by the great ponies at the science ward! He believes that someday he will rise to the ranks of those mighty minds and become a top astrologer.

    Likes: (optional)Stars, astronomy, science, studying, quiet, peace.

    Dislikes: (optional) Mean or greedy ponies, foals, music, most food (very fussy eater)

    Character Summary:

    Shooting Star was born in a Manehattan Hospital, to mother and father Juniper Kiss (Possibly NPC, might make her an OC Later) and Lifting Storm (Possibly NPC also) and spent a lot of his time learning. As a colt, he was a shy bookworm and was frequently bullied by aggressive ponies, so that added to his shy and quiet manner. The bullies targeted him because he was always applying science and math to real-life situations, out of the classroom, and this annoyed the said bullies. His mother, Juniper Kiss is a teacher at a local school, and she teaches a science class to young colts and fillies. This is also a reason for Shooting Star's love of that subject. Lifting Storm was a builder, and he was frequently off on work, so Shooting Star didn't see him much. Juniper Kiss is still working at a Manehattan Public State School, but Lifting Storm went missing a few years ago. Shooting Star often went to sit out by a small hill where he last saw his father. After a mere month had passed, he realized that his father wasn't going to return. Due to this, Shooting Star is overly possessive of those he loves to protect them from whatever might hurt them. Juniper is very distraught over this and clingy to her son, a trait that he returns to her.. Shooting Star's Cutie Mark is a star with a small curving trail behind it. He recieved it after discovering a small star in the sky as a colt and showing it to some big-time scientist ponies. This star was a bright blue, a very pretty one in fact. The discovery wasn't very big but Shooting Star still watches it in the sky each night. The said big-time Scientists were a bit shocked that a colt had found a star that they, major scientists, had missed altogether. He is very interested in science and astronomy, and this sets him apart from the majority of other ponies as his interest in the 'art' is extremely high and he believes that if he studies astronomy enough he will understand the way of the world. He is very reluctant to make serious friends, and doesn't trust many ponies at all. On a night of the Winter Solstice he snuck into an observatory to watch the stars and moon. He was caught and punished for trespassing, and he is very cautious about this kind of thing nowadays. Shooting Star is very calculating and serious, and he doesn't like to make mistakes. He speaks slowly but with cold tones. He can't deal with noise very well, and often snaps out of his shyness to yell or shout at the noise-maker. The stallion is very irritable also, with an easily frayed-temper. Despite this, he manages to keep calm most of the time.


  5. OOC: It said that he came to Lemonade stand, didn't it? I probably misread. XP Ignore my last post then >.> I don't really see anythin Sour can add to this roleplay. Is it alright I I sort of drop Sour out?

    Sour frowned as she noticed the pitcher missing. Sighing slightly, she turned around and started to remake the lemonade into pre-made pourings.

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