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Posts posted by TwinkiePinkie

  1. Hi everyone, I pretty much disappeared for two days, sorry about that. The long and the short of it is, I'm home again, so I'm on a real computer! Woo!


    1. If your partner disappears, please post here so I can get you a new one.

    2. I'm going to be gone (again) for two weeks starting on July 21st, and I'll have no internet because I'll be in the wilderness. The mathematically inclined among you will notice that it's the last day of the current game. Ah, serendipity. If you would like to run the next game, please PM me and I'll show you how I do it. If no one wants to, it'll be postponed until I get back.

    3. Please apply for game 2! We only have 3 people on the waiting list!

  2. Bon Bon nodded at the three ponies, smiling a little. "Lovely to meet you all," she said. "So you flew Marshie ov-- wait, what?" She turned to Marshie, flabbergasted.

    "Ohmigosh, Bon, it was incredible! I got to go swooping way up in the sky, and they held onto me, and it was gorgeous, and so fast! You should try it, Bon, it's great!"

    While she was talking, a mint green unicorn walked out of the back room grinning. "That sounds so awesome, Marshie! Wow! You carried her?" she asked Cloud, appraising his strength. "I have to admit, I'm surprised you even needed to, her head's in the clouds already!" Lyra chortled at her own joke.

    "Yeah, they already heard that one, Lyra," Marshie said dryly.

    "Okay, how about... she eats so many marshmallows I'm surprised she didn't just float away!" Lyra laughed again, and Marshie couldn't help giggling.

    "Oh you. These are my new friends Belmont, Sour Lemonade, and Cloud. They're all from out of town."

    "Cool!" Lyra exclaimed, waving at them. "Say, you should take them on a tour of Ponyville or something!"

    ((OOC: I'm sorry these posts are so long. I guess it's because I have three characters now, haha. Does anyone want Lyra, by any chance?))

  3. "Yep!" Marshie chirped, trotting towards the cafe with a spring in her step. "Here's where I got the magic moon pies that disappeared so quickly! Shall we head in?"

    The snow white mare pushed the door to the cafe open and the four of them were hit with a wave of warm, sugary air. There were only a few ponies inside, but there were enough beautiful treats on colorful displays to feed the entire Royal Guard for a week.

    "Back already, Marshie?" said a voice almost as sugary as the goodies filling the cafe. It came from a warm cream earth pony with a curly blue-and-pink mane that matched most of the shop's decor. She was standing behind the counter bagging a small amount of candy for a customer, and grinning at the four ponies who had just walked in. "And you brought some friends, too! You keep my business afloat, no doubt about it." She finished helping the customer, who walked out the door they'd just come in, jangling the shop bell.

    "Now," she said, turning to them, "what are your names, all of you?"

  4. There was a slightly awkward pause after the mare answered him. Flare wasn't really expecting to have to interrogate his date, but maybe that was how things went at these places. "I've never played an instrument, wasn't dedicated enough," he offered, hoping to avoid an endless stream of questions. "We have them, you know, seaponies I mean. Although they can't get the same beautiful tones through water as they can through air. We are rather partial to singing; it's a huge part of our culture. There's this thing the really good performers do where they use the acoustic contrast of above water vs. below water to make these great dynamics. Land ponies are really missing out on that one."

    His voice trailed off as he realized he was monopolizing the conversation. "So, do you, uh," he paused, "like to do anything else?"

  5. Flare couldn't help smiling at the unicorn's bow. Old-fashioned, maybe, but charming, though he couldn't reciprocate due to his rolling aquarium. He looked around for a topic of conversation and decided cutie marks were always safest. "Violin, huh?" he said, nodding at the instrument on her flank. "Have you been playing long?" He immediately did a mental facepalm. Of course she had. It was her cutie mark.

    "Never mind, don't answer that, dumb question," he said with a short laugh. "Are you a professional, though?"

  6. Flare splashed a little bit in his wheelbarrow as he turned to his partner, smiled, and waved a front hoof. She was a white and blue unicorn, easily one of the prettiest females in the room, and apparently musical too, judging by the violin on her flank. So totally out of his league. But he'd already decided before he came tonight to have fun and run with whatever he got, whether a gorgeous supermodel, or... well, a giant spider.

    "Sorry you had to get stuck with one of the weirdos on your first round," he said with a wry smile. "And I don't just mean the seapony thing. I'm Flare. What's your name?"

  7. Kiss trotted over to the new arrival, smiling broadly. "Welcome, welcome! Refreshments on the back table!" She then turned and trotted to the table where the rest of the ponies were socializing.

    "Alright!" Kiss said over the chatting ponies, taking her place at the head of the table and settling her flank down on the cushion. She clopped her hooves together twice.

    "Alright everypony," she said again once they were all quiet. "I see you're all getting to know each other already, and that's wonderful. But now that all of us are here we can get started with the real business of the night - the dates! Each round will begin with me giving out a discussion question to help your conversations, but don't feel you have to use it."

    As she talked, Chocolate Drop came silently out of hiding and leapt onto her back, then nuzzled himself into her long red mane.

    "Each round will end when I ring this bell, then the mares will move one seat to the right and we'll begin again with new partners. Everybody understand? Okay, here's the first question: 'What's one thing you're good at besides your special talent?' And the first round starts... now!"

    Chocolate Drop purred against her neck as the conversations began. Quick Kisses' grin looked like it could split her face in half. Her dream was finally coming true.


    This round will last until July 9th at noon PST. The pairs are as follows:

    Heidiara Nobeli and Draco

    Moonlite Frost and Brightfire

    Stagefright and Lore Weaver

    Nien and String Heart

    Mojo Mystic and Stony Shores

    Sweet Melody and Flare

    I suggest you take a look at your partner's app in the OOC thread. Have fun!


  8. "Refreshments," Kiss replied smoothly to the soft-spoken mare. "Of course! Please give me one moment."

    She trotted in a dignified manner to the door that led to the cafe's kitchen and unlocked it, slipping through to the other side and shutting it behind her. With a groan, she smacked her forehead as hard as she could, startling Chocolate Drop into leaping off her back.

    "Kiss, you brainless twit!" she hissed. "Of course they want refreshments! How could you have overlooked that? You've already ruined the night and it hasn't even started yet. I hope you're satisfied. Now just watch as your dreams crumble to ruins around you."

    She took a couple of deep breaths to try and calm herself. "Okay," she said a little louder. "It's not the end of the world, Kissy, calm down. I'll scavenge Sweet Stuff's kitchen and pay him back later. Let's see what we have."

    Kiss began to prowl around the kitchen. She found a small cart which she loaded with a pitcher of water, twelve glasses, napkins, and a platter of candied daisy petals and plain crackers. On the way out she spied a bag of chocolate mini muffins and grabbed those too.

    She took a deep breath and put on a smile before opening the door. "Refreshments everyone!" she sang out. "I'm going to lay them out on this back table. Enjoy!"

  9. "First of all, they're not actually windows, you... you sot," Gleam said, looking the hungover pony up and down with contempt as he stumbled around the room. He knelt down to allow Shimmer to scramble onto his back, and as she wiped the remainder of the tears from her eyes she whispered, "What's a sot, daddy?"

    "Tell you later, Shimmy," he whispered back. "And B," he said louder, "We should find out what's on the other side of a wall before we rush through it heedlessly, don't you think, miss...?" He smiled at the purple mare.

    He lowered his horn again to a second wall, and with a bit of effort, the watching ponies were able to see a smaller room full of soft red light and shadowy furniture.

    ((OOC: TasteTheRainbow, how much do you have this planned out and how much is improvisation? I don't want to hijack your thread. :) ))

  10. "Oh dear, I'm --" Marshie began, intending to apologize to Cloud for assuming it was a marefriend, but she didn't have time as they started to descend. She buried her face in Cloud's neck and gritted her teeth until she felt her back hooves touch the ground gently.

    "Ah, solid earth beneath my feet!" she said blissfully, dropping her front hooves to the ground and doing a little happy dance. "No offense guys, but I'm an earth pony through and through even if I do tend to have my head in the clouds." She giggled. "Oh, and thanks, Belmont. I'm glad you didn't have to catch me."

    ((OOC: I'll play her I guess :D ))

  11. Gleam glared at the hung-over pony complaining about Shimmer, but decided it wasn't worth his time to make a scene. He nodded at the other pony's explanation. "There has to be a way out," he repeated, thinking. "This might help to start." He lit his horn and cast a glow around the room. Not much to see, really. Just the same white walls and the group of ponies looking around. He thought again.

    "Well, I have one more trick up my sleeve," he said hopefully, looking back at his cutie mark (a round paned window). He focused his horn's energy on one of the walls, and slowly, a watery opening appeared, allowing them to see through (though not get through).

    Disappointingly, it was another room adjoining theirs, too dark to see anything. He shrugged and dropped the spell. "Shall I try the other walls?"

    ((OOC: This was legitimately his special talent before this thread, haha. :P ))

  12. "Welcome, welcome, please take a seat," Quick Kisses said to the shy mare and apprehensive-looking stallion that had just walked in. "I'm Quick Kisses, but you can call me Kiss." The door swung shut behind them, and a minute later came another knock. She opened it to see a mare carrying a violin. "Welcome," she said again, getting a little tired of repeating herself. "I'm Quick Kisses. You can sit down at that table over there, mares on one side, stallions on the other."

    "Here we are, Sestant," the orange seapony said. He was sitting comfortably in what appeared to be some kind of wheelbarrow full of water, which was being pushed along by a grinning green earth pony.

    "You sure you'll be okay without me in there, Flare?"

    "Of course," Flare said dismissively. "How am I supposed to impress all the beautiful mares with my handsome visage and sparkling wit with an ugly mug like yours hanging around behind me?"

    "Well, if you feel you can't handle the competition, I'll be back at 8 to pick you up and wheel you home, Casaneighva," the earth pony replied smugly, opening the door and pushing him in. Nearly everybody appeared to be here already, and they saw the mare who must be the host standing next to a... giant spider? Flare jumped when he saw her.

    "Looks like you're not the only weirdo here," muttered Sestant.

    "Shut up," muttered Flare. Sestant wheeled him over to the table and threw a cushion to the side to make room, earning a glare from the hostess.

    "I'll see you at 8, have fun," Sestant said, and left. Flare settled into his wheelbarrow and waited for the night to start.

    Kiss smiled at the new arrival. "You must be Flare, welcome. Let me know if there's anything you need." She did a quick head count. Still waiting for three ponies, she thought.

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