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Posts posted by ONWARDconwardicus

  1. I actually got Windows 8 to replace my XP at my dad's house for only $2 from my Cisco teacher.

    It crashes every time i try to install someting. Sometimes I finish the download, but most often I get the new frowney face of death and my computer does an auto restart. It got annoying after two days of trying to get minecraft mods and other things i missed. Does anyone else have this problem?

  2. (Coalition HQ Hallway towards Breifing Room)

    Tank saw Fyre fly by. He felt the heat as she did so, nearly getting his mane on fire in the process. But the heat wasn't just physical for him. Something in his heart jumped whenever he saw that bright glow she gave off. He was quite used to bright lights in fact, being the weird one back home who watched the dynamite go off. Either way, the flare she had in her attitude was something he had to admire.

    He saw the door to the breifing room ahead, with Storm Hammer and somepony Discharge? in front of him. He heard thundering steps behind him, and stepped to the side to let Marcian by. This was an odd group, to say the least. The most powerful, deffinently, but also the most diverse. How would a group such as this work together to do anything? He pondered this as he walked down the hall.

    He just hoped they fixed the rubber suit for Livewire.

  3. (Somewhere in Equestria)

    [colour=#4B0082]"Now do you understand?"[/colour] the silhouette asked the frightened pony before him. [colour=#4B0082]"If ponykind is to continue on, we must not only survive, but go out. We must make our mark in Otherwhere, and we will need sacrifice to do so. You know your purpose, colt, now fulfill it. I have chosen you because you seem capable, but that was true for plenty of others. What are you still standing here for? GO!"[/colour] The silhouette sternly pointed with a hoof.The colt dashed out of there within seconds, heading for his destination. The silhouette would've smiled if it were visible. This would be better than he had hoped to be.

    (Coalition HQ: Deep inside the mountain range)

    Tank was at lunch. It was around noon, and the fork he was munching was getting to be a nub. Everypony around him was smiling and chatting, except for a few he could or couldn't name even if he cared. He had already given his food to another hungry member, and the metal tray was the part he always ate first. It contained the more useful materials, while the fork was rather flimsy. He had popped the last bit of fork into his mouth when he heard the familiar voice of Princess Celestia in his head.

    [colour=#ADD8E6]"Will Tank, Livewire, Fyre, Storm Hammer, Marcian, and Discharge please assemble at the briefing room. Again, Tank, Livewire, Fyre, Storm Hammer, Marcian and Discharge please come to the briefing room."[/colour]

    Livewire. Discharge. They are going to be on a mission together. Let's hope all of Equestria doesn't end up with permanent nerve damage after this. He stood up and put his unimpressed look on his face. He didn't want to appear too happy when going away.

  4. Both apps accepted. Since he is not a true alicorn (aka no magic) That's alright. With four people on, I think five will make a good team, so I'll let one more on. I'll make the actual RP sometime tonight. And I have a beginning and end to the plot, but I'm going to have the middle be up to the RPers, so feel free to do whatever as long as you don't force another's character into doing something. I will do that on the odd occasion, but mostly I will be a normal RPer.

    And another Idea would to put in a nickname sort of thing your pony might go by. Like Clark Kent goes by Superman. Or Wade Wilson goes by Deadpool.

    Here is my main character BTW

    Character Name: Cotton Button

    Nickname: Tank

    Race/Species: Earth Pony

    Physical Description: Dark blueish black coat with a grey-silver mane. His eyes are maroon, with his cutie mark being a pickaxe.Seen usually with a smirk or a blank stare.

    Power/Skill: Eats metal, not regular food. At any point in time he can make the metal exit his body through any pore, effectivley allowing him to make an instant suit of armor and weapon. He can also absorb metal through his pores, basically retracting whatever suit of armor he has made. This makes him very dense (only litterally) and highly indistructible.

    Weapon of Choice: A pair of large swords that come out of his wrists.

    Background (Before the Sunburst): Grew up near a gold mine, where was employed later in his life. He earned little, despite what he was digging up, so he learned to live with what he had. He got his cutie mark when he rescued some others from a cave in that happened from poor support systems. He came to the CUT for a place to live, since his hometown threw him out for eating their earnings.

    Personality: Hard headed, stubborn, and hates it when others call him his real name. When given a task, he will do it one way and one way only, not even thinking of another way to do it. He also doesn't give his opinions on too many things, prefering to keep them to himself. He is steadfast and can take verbal, physical, and mental abuse, and tries to solve a conflict with something other than fists first. But just once.

  5. So this will be the first Free for All RP I am going to try to lead. Don’t expect something great. But give it your all please! I came up with the idea on the spot and refined it for a few days, but please feel free to give me suggestions on what I may need to do. Anyways, keep reading to see what I’m talking about.

    Plot: A summer day in Equestria was the time this all started. It would change Equestria forever, but for now it was a normal day. Nopony thought about looking to the sky. The few that were looking up would notice how strange the sun was, but none took too much notice. They continued their lives.

    Princess Celestia was perfectly fine. In fact, she felt better waking up than she had at any point in the year. What she didn’t know is that her power over the sun, while still as strong as ever, was changing. It was fluxing into a different connection. And nothing could prepare anything for what would happen next.

    Celestia moved the sun into the highest point in the sky. At the point where Equestria’s atmosphere acted as a lens. Nopony really knows what happened, but a beam of light was immediately seen coming between the Princess and the sun. Where it originated remains a mystery, as Princess Celestia becomes quiet at the sheer mention of the day.

    But the beam of light was the least memorable part of the day, sadly. From the place the princess stood, a wave of energy flashed over all of Equestria. This is now known as the Sunburst. Mostly everypony was only blinded for a few seconds, for the energy wave was headed by an intense white light. But there were a few ponies, dragons, and even a small amount of hippogryphs that were altered by the energy.

    These ponies had gained, to say it simply, superpowers. Varying from strength to enhanced magic to supreme regeneration, the altered ones found out their powers. It was discovered over time who these select few were, because often it was the case that they shunned themselves from society for being

    considered “freaks”, either by their neighbors or themselves.

    Not three days later, the sky went dark. It was the middle of the night during a full moon, and Princess Luna was beginning to worry Nightmare Moon had something planned. But the disaster of her past was a bit in the royal bank compared to what was here.

    Legion, or so they called themselves, blacked out the sky for five days. From wherever they came, they came for malice. During those days, they sent wave after wave of beasts, fiends, and abominations to try and seize Equestria and call it their own. The power of the Elements of Harmony plus all the guards and both the princesses managed to only protect Canterlot for the duration, where the outside world was left to fend for itself.

    During that time, the affected ones fought back. What would take the Royal Canterlot Guard years to accomplish was finished within a month by these select few beings who were hit by the radiance of the sun. They drove Legion back, back into

    Thus, the new generation of super ponies was gathered by princess Celestia and Luna. There, they formed The Coalition of Unusually Talented Ponies, who swore by the sun that they would protect all of Equestria from any harm that would come across their world. And they have been known to keep a lookout across Equestria for anything that could threaten their utopia again.

    Everywhere, but inside…

    How’s that for a plot?

    So here is the character summary outline. Never done one before, so add anything you want to it.

    Character Name:


    Physical Description:


    Weapon of Choice:

    Background (Before the Sunburst):


    I’ll be taking four or five other RPers for this, so get ‘em while their hot!

  6. Reina got up from her sprawled position on the floor next to a part of the crystal wall where a small chunk was missing. She rubbed her sore head and heard the dragoness, who she recognized as Tundra, call them to follow her and Cloudmane. Looking back at the wall, she saw it had magically healed itself. That was handy.

    At this point, she heard a pair of iron gates open, and she joined with the others in heading into the castle. She was impressed in many ways with the citadel, but she didn't show it. Her 24 hour rule applied to not just beings, but places as well. As she got deeper into the castle, she realized how many Scalehearts there truly were, besides the ones that regularly went out to prevent trouble and conflict.

    She listened to Cloudmane name the different halls, and giggled a bit when his mane was frozen and a bit chipped off. She followed with the other novices towards the dorms, hoping that they were not co-ed. She had known too many males as a foal, and knew what they could get up to as they got older.

  7. After listening to Cloudmane,she nodded intensely and said [colour=#FFFF00]"Understood."[/colour] Then she saw the portal open, which made her eyes widen in exitement, to say the least. She would finally see what she had wanted to see since she had the thought that she might have the chance to see it. That's how it turned out in her mind anyways.

    Abruptly, she yelled [colour=#FFFF00]""ONWARD!" [/colour][colour=#000000]and raised her hoof in the air, pointing towards the top of the portal. She then proceeded to gallop towards the portal, entering it's swirling blueness headfirst, her trusty hammer bouncing on her back.[/colour]

  8. I get how Knowledge is not humorous in the way applicable to the RP, but being badly executed idea is the part I don't get. All he has truly done is told trixie about Twilight, made some stuff such as a fish and club stuff appear, and been in on things he shouldn't be involved in. If you can tell me something OP he has acutally done, I could agree with you, which i know you don't care about, but I honestly can't tell how Knowledge is a badly executed idea.

    Can someone other than Ferm also give me their opinion please?

  9. [colour=#FFFF00]"Yeah are we allowed to carry our weapons on us? I mean, all the time?" [/colour]Reina piped up. [colour=#FFFF00]"I just don't feel natural if I don't have my hammer on my back. It helps with stability. Not really physical, mainly mental. Oh, what is the food like there? How are we going to find our heart partner? Are there good restroom facilities? And what is the process for becoming a better Scaleheart?" [/colour]She stopped there, despite the looks she had started getting halfway through her inquiry.

  10. Reina shook herself. She took no offence to the comment about being blind. Some ponies were just rude. The B word wasn’t really necessary, but she couldn’t think about anything but her cane at the moment.[colour=#FFFF00] “I wish I could.” [/colour]she solemnly said to the other mare she had apparently crashed into.

    Then she heard somepony else ask if she were okay. She thought about it for a split second and decided [colour=#FFFF00]“No. I’m not terribly fine. And I don’t know about the other mare, either. I think I lost my cane in the river. I am close to the bridge right now, correct? Oh Celestia, if I can’t find that cane I don’t know how I’ll get around. Stupid hanging sign!”[/colour] She stomped on the ground.

    An idea popped into her head just then. It was humiliating to ask for help, but she couldn’t find her cane without another pair of eyes. She turned toward where she heard the other two voices. She rubbed her shoulder nervously and stammered[colour=#FFFF00] “Err, do you think one of you could help me find my cane? It’s an enchanted one, so it would be hard to replace. It’s okay if you don’t want to. I might be able to find somepony else.”[/colour] She hated herself right now. She shouldn’t be so clumsy. She felt stupid.

  11. Reina was amazed at the power the oath had in it. It felt incredible how the words she had just spoken created this power that bound her. And the best part was, she still felt just as limitless as she had before.

    After the light disappeared, Reina looked at her hammer. It was still her hammer yes, but some of the significance had gone away. She felt she had lost something, but she knew she had just gained something few could ever obtain. She looked at the other four, observing their reactions to the light and oath.

    [colour=#FFFF00]If only Seirka could see me now.[/colour]

    A cloaked figure in the crowd nodded and walked away, a similar looking warhammer to Reina's on his back. A smile crept across his lips, and he knew he had done his duty. [colour=#00FFFF]Go with pride, Reina. Go with pride.[/colour]

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