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Posts posted by ONWARDconwardicus

  1. "Now who said that?" Knowledge chuckled. "All I'm saying is she has a fox tattoo." Then he realized he had dragged her along with him towards the director. She had anchored him, and he moved the anchor. Thus moving her. "Well, this is a predicament." he said to himself. He stopped halfway to the destination and dispersed the anchor with a spell of his own. "if you value your magical ability Mistress, you will not come with me. I am Knowledge, and I know how to get rid of planets. What do you think you will be like?" With that it conjured a fish from the monk's pond to land on the head of the shadow, slapping it repeatedly.

  2. "Knoledge is power. I am knowledge." he said to the Mistress. "Now I can't tell you much more than that. If you want to comprehend Universal guardians, stay around for a while. Other than that I'm entitled to my vacation, Mistress. And while your name is of no concern, please do tell Twilight AKA Ms. Fox I mean no harm." With that the empty space he was went somewhere else, such as to the location of a certain director.

  3. A friendly "Hi there!" was heard by every being currently on the hill. Knowledge made sure the Freelancer scouts also heard it. "Just letting you all know that Universal surveillance will be taking place in..." at this point flipping pages were heard, "Equstria... For the next few years. Or whenever I get bored. Just doing protocol mares and colts. Have a nice day!" Knowledge then viewed everybo- everypony's reaction to the broadcast. Dis gon b guud

  4. (also posting from phone)

    Knowledge watched the proceedings from ten different points of view. During three days (that he had found shortened thanks to the one known as *insert conspiracy here*) he had been visiting the non-living information centers. He had found a lot. This GEF leader was the same as the first. Freelancers had a big project going on. And Goliath was not something to tickle. Either way, he would try to get a lot of info from this meeting. And mabye he would introduce himself. He complimented himself on his plot. Plotting to have a good time, of course.

  5. A poem I wrote and didn't want to wait to post until this was all done.

    What War Thinks

    You want it to end

    By ending others

    You cry for your dead

    And detest theirs

    You know your right

    Just have to prove it

    Through a violent plight

    Which you view through a slit

    A wondrous explosion

    That none can admire

    Causes the finish

    No one desired

    A war is gone

    It’s done for now

    The winners are justified

    With empty words

  6. [colour=#d3d3d3]"Whew. What a trip that was." [/colour][colour=#000000]Knowledge expressed to himself. Being made up of nothing, it was hard for him to use a word other than expressed. He knew many different words, most in the Universal language that translated to whatever the hearer was most fluent in. Either way, Knowledge was happy to be on vacation.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]He took a scan of the nearest 500 thousand hexademical meters. After doing said scan, he found only five places containing a good enough ammount of knowledge to last him until next week. Two were living, two were information storages, and one was ommited from this post becasue he likes to keep suspense like that.[/colour]

  7. He heard voices. He hadn't heard another pony's voice in three days. Three days of debating weather to be Lon or The Equestioner. Calm insanity or natural normalness? He had been debating for a long time, eating the disgusting grass around the tree when he got hungry, drinking from the putrid water when he got thirsty. He knew he would have to make a decision when the others found him. He simply waited for them to notice him. He still didn't enjoy company, but he was able to handle it in this current state.

  8. Name: Knowledge

    *Age: "Well, lets put it this way. I'm knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power is a form of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. So I've been around since the beggining of what you ponies call time."

    Gender: "Meh, it depends on if you are viewing the latin or germanic roots. Oh I'm sorry you don't have those languages do you? Well then might as well be male."

    Race: Extradimensional

    **Faction: "So you have how many factions in this war? This might turn out to be interesting on my part. Oh the knowlegde I'll acquire! Oh, and I'm just here for the, what is that word you ponies use again... bucks. Yes. I'm here because I have nothing better to do and quite frankly the other dimensions got boring."

    Occupation: Keeper of information and data, appointed by Universe himself

    ***Goal/Motivation: "I just want to know what the... err... "buck" is going on right now. Sure I'm technically just a void empty of matter and energy, but keeping track of things gets boring. Universe said I could have a two year break, and I think this is worth putting in my archives."

    Background Story: "You want to hear about how it all began? TOO BAD! NOT MY JOB! But serriously, being immortal isn't all it is cracked up to be. You can't physically interact with anything around you, and you can only make vibrations in the air that sounds somewhat like a voice to communicate with anybo- anypony else. That does come in handy when running from a crazed maniac, but not too fun when you found a good read and can't flip the page."

    Basically a character that would just be there to be annoying. He wouldn't share any information that he learned, but he would talk to the Freelancer leader and Twilight just to see how much information he could glean off them before pretending to copy their memories into his and appearing somewhere else.

  9. [colour=#daa520]"Look, I just had a life changing emotional breakdown." [/colour]The Equestioner pointed out. [colour=#daa520]"I'm not going to tell you what about, because of two reasons. 1: It's my life that I'm living, not yours. 2: You are no ruler to me. You are a general. A general leads an army. You have an army. And until you prove to me you have actual folowers and not a brainwashed hive, I would be happy to call you a queen."[/colour]

    The Equestioner was starting to doubt his new perspective on life. This 'queen' made him feel confined. Why with all the questions?

  10. To say that he came here because he was lost would be true. And safer than saying that this was the spot that was romanticaly significant to him wouldn't be a good choice, considering who he was talking to. Honestly, Coming here was something he never had wanted to do again in his life. But he was here, so he might as well go along with whatever happened.

    [colour=#daa520]"I got lost."[/colour] He explained with a nod.

  11. ((OOC: Sorry for not posting. I thought I had been but apparently htey have not been going through.))

    The Equestioner was keen on getting out of the situation with Chrysalis. Nopony would want to be around one of the most infamous things in Equestria for long. But being The Equestioner, he needed his curiosity satisfied first.

    [colour=#daa520]"So how do you feed on things that don't actually have mass or energy?" [/colour][colour=#000000]The Equestioner asked Chrysalis.[/colour]

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