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Posts posted by ONWARDconwardicus

  1. The Equestioner let out a breath. There was one gone. Now he just needed to get out of sight of the queen. But being the Equestioner, he was naturally curious about some things that he knew would nag him for the rest of his life if he didn't ask them.

    [colour=#daa520]"In response to your earlier question, if changelings could find an alternative food source, the best relationship we could have would probably be that of us and Germaney. But how exactly do you feed on something with no physical qualities?"[/colour]

  2. Maybe it was part of her plan of winning the population, maybe it was a moment of weakness but Chrysalis decided to tell them a little bit about her true intentions.

    [colour=#009966]"That sounds very much like someone who would join the RLF but is too scared for his or her life"[/colour], her voice did tell that she did not think bad of her for being afraid of dying - it was a good thing.[colour=#009966] "I know you fear me - but you also feared Luna at first. Maybe there will be new princesses after this second civil war... and things will be even better than with Celestia and Luna. At least for my people."[/colour]

    The Equestioner thought hurriedly. He knew that ever since Reina had gone missing, he had been part of the loyalists. But to say he was an interrogator was too much. He simply said to the queen "I consider myself a part of the resistance."

  3. Queen? This was not good for The Equestioner. He had just insulted the queen of an army of deadly insect-pony things. The mare which had just appeared, which he swore he had seen somewhere, did what somewhat looked like a bow. Was she a changeling too? This was starting to get awkward. One second he had been crying over loss, and now he was in fear for his life. He tried to think of a plan, but his mind was not what it once was. Why he had chosen to break down and not be his usual self was barley understood by his mind right now, but he needed a way to be alive. He thought of only one way to get out.

    [colour=#daa520]"Err, nice eyes you have there." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said with a cheesy grin.[/colour]

  4. The Equestioner turned around with one swift movement. Seeing Crysalis, anger welled up inside him. Changelings had helped the GEF/NEO. But he didn't know just how powerful this changeling was. And considering his recent epiphany, he didn't want to harm it. He instead screamed [colour=#daa520]"Aah! Changeling!" [/colour][colour=#000000]worried expression on his face. He backed up from it, hoping to reach the voice that had called him earlier before the changeling tried anything. But what he ended up doing is backing himself into a tree. He was now actually worried. In his haste he had forgotten his dagger, and his leather armor was no use if he wasn't wearing it. He hoped the owner of the voice was somewhere near. He had heard rumors of changelings, and none seemed too pretty. They still paled in comparison to what he did, but he couldn't think of that now.[/colour]

  5. The Equestioner froze. Somepony else was here. Somepony who heard him crying. And by the sound of the voice, a female somepony. The Equestioner drew his dagger in his hoof, but stopped when it was halfway out of his scabbard. He was just thinking about how much he had lost. And here he was about to take from somepony else. Something that could never be replaced. How many times had he done that and not thought a single bit about what another felt? He couldn't even fathom it.

    [colour=#daa520]"Hello? Can you hear me?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He hastily took off his armor, which he stowed away in a tiny space he knew of below the oak. He put the dagger on the ground and followed the origin of the voice. [/colour][colour=#daa520]"Where are you?"[/colour]

  6. The Equestioner had cleaned his dagger to the point where it almost seemed new, the barb looking nice and shiny. Nopony had come looking for him. At least this far. He wondered how far he had actually ran to let off steam. Anyway, he knew they wouldn't find him if they hadn't found him by now.

    He stood on his legs and began walking towards no direction in particular. He kept in a straight line, hoping to find some source of civilization. He realized he still had his armor on, but decided to do nothing about it. Other ponies could think whatever they wanted to about him. If they asked, he would say what it was, where he got it, and maybe even tell them how. He was so caught up in thought that he failed to realize where he was going. Only coming to the edge of a cliff and nearly falling off made him stop. He heard a familiar sound of rushing water, which had steadily grown louder as he had walked in thought. Neighra falls. The only place that had that sound.

    He loved this place. At least what had been this place. The river was now grey and soggy looking. That sounded redundant in his mind, but the water looked like it was a bit more solid than it had been before. He could only imagine the pollution the one's under the Red Fox's rule had put into it.

    He lay down next to a dead, leafless oak tree. He knew this tree by heart, even though it was old and grey. It was the tree he and his somepony had spent their first date. Without any external provocation, he began crying. Crying for the river. Crying for the tree. Crying for his lost love. So many things had been lost in the past five years. And he only helped it. No matter what he did, things would be lost. How could he stop it? Salty rain poured on the broken roots of the tree. He let it all come out. He was just glad he was alone.

  7. The Equestioner had calmed down somewhat. At the expense of a few specimens of wildlife. He was pretty sure he wouldn't cause anypony in his group harm.

    That is, if he had actually paid attention to where he was going.

    Realizing he was lost, he did something not many other ponies other than the Equestioner would do. He took out his dagger and began polishing it. He was sure somepony had seen him storm off, and he calmly waited for rescue. Getting back to base was not his job anymore.

  8. The Equestioner was not the one known for his mild manners. He was, in fact, known for his cool take on everything. But being denied his way to take out his semi-sadistic mentality, that made matters not good for anypony in the vicinity. He knew of this from past experience, where a few to several other stallions had been a little too close. So he did something good for everypony and left the vicinity. He wasn't tired, so he couldn't go back to bed. He decided a good walk was in order. Something to get rid of the energy he had saved up for the fight ahead. Grabbing a dagger for any unfortunate critter on his journey, he stormed out of where the cell was stationed.

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