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Everything posted by Talex

  1. Talex


    brb. I'm preparing for the hug of my life.
  2. Talex receives an invitation. I liked this idea from the start, and now I want it to bloom and prosper.
  3. But she can already do that herself? 0.o
  4. *slow golf clap for MyLittlePonyTales as she passes me on her way to the stage*
  5. It's perfect Canterlot says this image is not allowed so I had to hyper link it Thank you for the support. Now, with our pictures combined, we can hold off until someone posts another picture! >:3
  6. That's Nightmare moon with Nocturne's blades. Nocturne is a champion who's abilities are all night, and darkness related. Well played good sir, well played... Now that you know what they are, I COUNTER YOU WITH A LAMP! form of, a wreaking ball!
  7. Is this a game show where there are like three contestants? If so, I wish to join. If not, then I'll go sit back down in the audience. ._.
  8. I think you might be going about it the wrong way. While I do agree, I have wanted to do something similar in the past, It's just a fandom and it's just a hobby. It might have it's own subculture but still; you don't need to go about the town, stapling pictures of ponies and pony memes to the sides of buildings in an attempt to either convince others to try the show, or stick it to those that resent it. I've heard that one of the most annoying things to someone who is neutral about fandom is the constant fight between bronys and haters. We must show that it isn't the bronys at fault and we can do this by simply ignoring or "tolerating" the haters. I'm not saying to be a pacifist but rather just shrug them off. If they physically or verbally abuse you then all bets are off. But if they just don't agree with your hobbies then why should you do something that would probably annoy them more? HOWEVER, I did come here with pictures in mind: Oh, and if you're going to officially join the site, I think it's part of the rules that you make an introduction thread here with at least three posts from yourself.
  9. Talex stares in awe at the amazing fellow that just wisped past him, while at the same time scoring a hole in one. "That Stallion is amazing! I wish I could be like that!" he exclaims. He then turns back to the golf house to replace his dog team with that of giant king Cobras and trades in all of his golf balls for rare pink diamond spheres. Finally he gets a cape the color of pure copper with a detailed silver trim. He then proceeds back on his coarse to the first hole and awaits a potential companion.
  10. Oh, you too? I was thinking this would make a good RP also. I will certainly try to follow up ^u^
  11. Hmmm, four blocks to the north is a bit of a walk, and If all the holes are going to be relatively the same distance apart then I may get tired of walking. Any golf carts? Can I use that dog sled team over there? Dog sleds are always more fun. And the fairway is a great substitute for snow. Also, I do not wish to golf alone. Anyone want to come with me? I'll let you keep the scoring pad :3 I always seem to loose count anyway. xD
  12. Nice people like you are the reason why the world keeps spinning ^u^ lol
  13. I have chosen my "club". Where is the first hole? Or do I get to decide that?
  14. haha, rapidash x3 I never actually used that pokemon Being Pokemon is a whole new RP then being a pony WITH a pokemon. And I personally like the later better.
  15. Why can't we have pokemon pony trainers? Humanized get's ride of all the fun. xD and I want to see how this will work with some people's favorite OCs :3 Your OC's name is canvas, why not have smeargle? x3 I think it just fits a bit more xDD
  16. It's not only Celestia, but it's Celestia with Leona's armor! (for those of you who don't know, Leona is a champion from League of Legends who's abilities are all sun related.) @Starfox63x no quotes are necessary.
  17. I think it would be better if the question was "what's your OCs companion/signature pokemon?" Sort of how like how gym leaders always have their one pokemon they seem to care for the most. I think the answers would be quite interesting. Defiantly a crossover I would like to try.
  18. I think what might be cool, is if some one donates then they get to write up some of the questions. Or maybe one question. I don't know, just a suggestion. And like Rosewind said, a summery would help. Your advertising to people that are just browsing what they could donate in, not someone who is already interested. Try to format a last paragraph that really pitches what you are doing to someone who is just glancing over.
  19. Nah! I've got my own pocket pokedex book x3 My inner pokemon master shall be unleashed once more! I don't think I ever finished my old team though lol, and I call myself a pokemon master xD
  20. Yay! Canterlot thinks I'm "Excellent" ^3^ Thank you everpony! :D

  21. ~and such riches aplenty. I'm sorry I had to finish that I think I might start a new team, and then If it's lacking a bit I might transfer some of my older pokemon to complete it, and make it a worthy lineup for PvP battles against friends. I can't remember the pokemons names though! Dx It's horrible! I used to be able to toss out names like a pro and now I feel weak and vulnerable ._.
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