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Status Updates posted by Talex

  1. Four horsemen of the apocalypse? Why not four horsemen of salvation? QUICKLY! Pick 4 of the mane6 in the comments!

    1. Talex


      Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death are the four horses of the apocalypse. But what would their opposites be? Use characters from the show. I didn't feel like a thread would be necessary. :/ Just a fun status game ^^

  2. That moment when you want to sleep but are too creative to... >.>

    1. StarStorm


      Lol, tree drawing..? ^^

  3. Last weekend untill school. *sniffel*

  4. "Talex is back." says Talex in third person.

  5. I'm sad! I need hugs! I need cuddles! Anything! D8

  6. Mourning a friend. I need someone to talk to. Please chat with me if I'm on.

  7. Dealing with my emotions, one feel at a time.

  8. Halloween is my favorite time of the year :D

  9. Going to homecoming, be back in 5 hours (10:20 est))

  10. spreading the fandom, one friend at a time...

  11. Gimp + sketch art = happy Talex

  12. Over 1,000 profile views? You all are too nice :3

  13. There's more starlight in the daytime than in the night time.

  14. DawnGuard just came out for skyrim. It's slogan? "end the tyranny of the sun!" I can only think of one mare who would say this....

  15. Another brony joins the herd! xD I just showed a friend the show :3

  16. I start school august 20th ;_; I don't want to go to school! Dx I want to stay on canterlot ._.

  17. PMVs are amazing

  18. Four horsemen of the appocolypse? Why not four horsemen of salvation? QUCIKLY! pick four of the mane6 in the comments!

  19. Yay! Canterlot thinks I'm "Excellent" ^3^ Thank you everpony! :D

  20. Go to edit your profile in the top right after viewing your page. Then in the top left will be profile customizations. Then it should be right there ^^ I'm doing this off of memory so it might be a wee bit off :P

  21. My 100th post WILL be my character application! *determined glare at the sky*

  22. Happy 4th of July everypony!

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