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Everything posted by CanyonDrop

  1. Thanks for all the welcomes guys. It's much appreciated.
  2. About Myself: Well, not much to say about myself but here it goes. I spend my freetime by you guessed it using the internets! Another hobby of mine is art and I strive everyday to get better and better. How I found Canterlot.com: I found Canterlot.com when I was quietly browsing the net for MLP:FIM role play sites. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, I was introduced to the show about the time The Elements of Harmony Part 2 came out.. I had seen lot's of talk about the show and being I'm not very picky of what I watch I decided to give it a go.. Been in love ever since. My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash So there it is... Now a warm welcome to all of you who just joined as well. Good day/evening/night~!
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