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Everything posted by SonicRainb00m

  1. A bit of a stupid question, really, but I'm curious. Has a non-brony ever made an account here just to tell us that "we suck" or that "we're all gay"? I know that there's the intro board to get past, so that's sort of a barrier... But has it ever happened? Please don't hate me for bringing this up but I'm too dang curious.
  2. Welcome to Canterlot! Have a nice stay here! Nice OC, by the way.
  3. Welcome to Canterlot! I know this is a little late, but I can't resist welcoming a new member. So you play Battlefield? Do you have Battlefield 3? Perhaps we can play together sometime... Anyway, enjoy your stay here!
  4. Welcome to Canterlot! I know this is a little late, but that doesn't matter. I really like your username, that's good! Well, have a nice stay and have a nice day! (or night)
  5. Welcome to Canterlot! If only I was taking animation classes I could really put my copy of Flash CS3 to use... Anyway, have a great stay and have a great day (or night)!
  6. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm working on my first fanfic right now, so that kinda makes us fellow writers... Anyway, have a great stay and a great day! (or night)
  7. YES! A LOTR fan!! Welcome to Canterlot, fellow LOTR lover! Enjoy your stay!
  8. Don't mention it. It's what we do. We absorb new members here into the fold like water into a sponge.
  9. Welcome to Canterlot, have a nice stay! Hmm, I wonder if I should learn Javascript... I've always been curious...
  10. Welcome to Canterlot! Have a great stay here!
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! Have a good stay here!
  12. Tell me about it. I get writer's block probably every time I sit down to write.
  13. Welcome to Canterlot! I am also a gamer and I am working on my first fanfic. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. Question: How do you guys usually watch MLP:FiM? I usually watch it on The Hub in the mornings when I don't have internet access, then on youtube when I do have access. Just a curious brony here.
  15. Welcome to Canterlot! Looking forward to seeing some of your art later on! An at least tolerant family for MLP is very lucky... I converted my sister, but my brother is disgusted, my mom doesn't really care (phew) and my dad assumes that all bronies are pedophiles... *sigh* Anyway, have a great stay here!
  16. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you enjoy your stay! I also came here looking to contribute, I should be releasing my first fanfic soon!
  17. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have as much fun here as I have!
  18. Eh, it just came up and we went from there. ThunderCrash, excellent idea! Even his Q-like powers will not be able to reunite himself! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. What will we do with the pieces? A silly question at first, but this is a serious matter. Do we take each piece and seperate them all throughout Equestria? Do we put the pieces in other lands? Or do we give the pieces to John de Lancie?
  20. Oh my god you're right! Discord is skewing the numbers so we all get envious of his supreme number of posts, therefore destroying our friendship with the admin... That's it.
  21. I... I don't know... I thought it was a glitch or something... But you can see it too.... It defies all logic. He must be posting like crazy someplace.
  22. While I respect the enormous amount of posts that you have, I am even more awed by our admin Artax's. I mean, over 800,000?!
  23. Oh, a prankster here... I'm a prankster too. It's soo fun messing with people!
  24. Oh, if you're going to get back into RTS, get Starcraft 2, you will not regret it! Also, I would like to be a specimen I MEAN VOLUNTEER in your experiments... They sound fun, especially the part about going missing, I wouldn't mind that.
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