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Everything posted by Chocoswirl

  1. Oooh! Show me once this trade is done! I'm missing a few from my collection.
  2. Yeah, but wouldn't that give the computer the virus too? *ba-dum-tsh* *crickets* My jokes are always corny... ;~;
  3. Ooh, I didn't even know it caught it as well. XD Here's the strategy I use: Infect all the pokemon in your party. Then, switch out one of your party pokemon with one in a PC box, and infect that one too. You should probably do that with a lot of your PC pokemon. Then keep the PC pokemon in the PC, and only take them out when you want to infect a pokemon.
  4. That's a good thing! You should spread it to your other pokemon! The Mienfoo I gave you had Pokerus. All of my Pokemon had it, ever since my Serperior caught it.
  5. "Really bad! He'll eat other peoples' cupcakes, pinch them, and he'll even talk badly to others! It's terrible! That squirrel is the meanest and rudest squirrel I've ever met. well, actually, I've never really met him before, but if I do, I'm sure he'll be just as mean as everyone says he is!" Pinkie went on. "If I ever see him, I'll be sure to tell everyone to stay away! He might just ruin the camp for everyone! Maybe Twilight might be able to do something about it if it does happen!" Pinkie then raised her arms in the air, mimicking a huge monster.
  6. Hinata~ I have your Ralts! Come out, come out, where ever you are~
  7. -Before Pinkie ran off to see Cloud- "Oh, good! I thought you were really upset!" -Afterwards- "Calm your nerves? What happened? Oh, I bet it was that super giant polka-dotted green squirrel! Did he bite you?" Pinkie frowned, imagining the dastardly squirrel doing his evil deeds.
  8. AJ snorted in annoyance, and turned away to walk towards Twilight. She had enough of this, and didn't want to start an argument around the campers. Pinkie Pie gasped as she spotted the camper who spoke to Rarity. How had she not seen this camper and greeted him before?! Pinkie had to do something about this! She took off like a rocket, rushing to catch this camper, bouncing as she made her way towards the path in which he ran. "Waaaaiit! Come back! I have to talk to you!" It was very hard to lose Pinkie, so she found him quite easily after a few moment. "There you are!" she grinned as she finally spotted him. Pinkie moved closer towards him. "Hiya! I haven't seen you before! How come you didn't say hi?" she spoke rather rapidly. "What're you doing here, silly? The main area's right over there! Want me to bring you back?" She found it rather strange that this camper would run away like that, but she didn't let this ruin her cheerful mood. She wanted to make friends, and that's just what she would do!
  9. "Now how in the world Rarity, would she be able to do that without any birds around? We're also tryin' to help her not just at camp, but anywhere too. If she learns to stand up and raise her volume, she could really up her social skills," Applejack sighed, crossing her arms. She often had a hard time reasoning with Rarity on matters, since they both had different points of view. "Fluttershy can't always rely on the animals all the time." Pinkie Pie soon returned from greeting the campers to see her friends. "Hey guys! What-" Pinkie soon interrupted herself when she saw Fluttershy. "What's wrong Fluttershy? You seem a little down! Did something happen? Did a super giant polka-dotted green squirrel eat your cupcake? Hm, I never seen a super giant polka-dotted green squirrel before. Didja see one? How was it like? Was it friendly?" she quickly asked, getting up in Fluttershy's face.
  10. Applejack sighed a bit as she heard Fluttershy's attempt, before turning to Rarity. "Now Rarity, what Fluttershy wants is fer people to pay attention to her. I think that'll only draw attention to the birds. Though I have to admit, the birds aren't a bad idea. Being louder and prouder is always a good way to attract attention to yourself." Applejack explained. "All she needs is a bit more pushin' and she'll do just fine."
  11. "What?" Applejack urged yet again. "I still couldn't hear ya! Try again!" This would take quite a while, but she wasn't gonna give up yet! "Remember, louder and clearer! Yell if ya have to!"
  12. "Sorry, can't hear ya." Applejack urged her to speak louder. Applejack cupped a hand behind her ear. "You're gonna have to speak louder if you're gonna get mah attention." she spoke in a slightly mocking sort of way. She hoped that speaking in such a tone would urge Fluttershy to act more aggressively.
  13. "Now Sugarcube, maybe you need to speak up a bit more. Sure, there's nothin' wrong with being quiet, but if you want people to notice you, you gotta up the volume a bit." Applejack spoke softly, placing a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Let me hear you speak a bit louder. Introduce yourself to me." AJ spoke, crossing her arms. She was determined to get Fluttershy to loosen up more. However, due to Fluttershy's natural nature, she knew this process would take a while, but she was willing to be patient with her friend if it meant giving her what she wanted. "If we're gonna get people to notice you, you're gonna have to practice being louder and prouder!" AJ grinned determinedly at Fluttershy.
  14. It's true. Even though some people were being a bit hypocritical, we wouldn't want anyone to be upset. Some people are offended by that, and we have to respect that. As much as I didn't like the change, I understood that changing it was the best thing to do, so no one would be upset anymore. Now, let's get back on topic. :3
  15. "Huh? Oh, I've already done mah share of greetin'," Applejack spoke, turning to Fluttershy. "Ah'll let Pinkie handle the rest. Besides, the campers will get to know me a bit more during the orientation." AJ took a look around the camp entrance. Pinkie was rushing from camper to camper, making sure not to miss a single person. Her high-pitched and loud voice stood out from the crowd, and her bouncy and curly hair popped up every few second from the crowd, making it pretty obvious that she was bouncing around. "How's your greetin' goin' so far, Sugarcube?" AJ asked her friend. She knew that Fluttershy wasn't so great when it came to socializing with newcomers, and often tried to help out with this problem.
  16. Just letting others know, that I'm unavailable for battles today, but I am available for trades.
  17. I made another one to reflect my team more, but I still like the one Hinata made! :3 I think I may be using these on the front page, but I'll have to figure out how to fit these in without overdoing it with the pictures.
  18. Camp Entrance Pinkie Pie looked quite happy as she saw the carriages land. Every year she shone with anticipation of new campers and old campers. Camp Whitetail was always fun, and Pinkie wanted it to be like this every year. Immediately, she bounced around, meeting and greeting the new campers with extreme charisma and lots of joy. "Hiya! How are you? My name's Pinkie Pie and I'm the assistant head counselor! Get ready to have loads of fun, 'cause you're gonna have a super-duper time!" she quickly greeted campers. Her excitement was bursting, and she couldn't wait to spend lots of time with new friends and old. Some campers were familiar faces, and were greeted with a bone-crushing hug, while the new campers were greeted the same. "I just love making new friends! This is so exciting, I think I might explode!" Pinkie squeaked with joy as she rushed over to her good friend Twilight. "Tonight's party is going to be amazing! There'll be dancing, and eating, and singing, and-" "Whoa now, hold your horses girl," Applejack cut her off, gently placing a hand to Pinkie's mouth. "First off, we gotta let the campers get settled in first. Then they gotta gather for the orientation, where we'll be teachin' 'em all 'bout this here camp. Then, after a little while, we can finally have your party." AJ explained calmly. She was also pretty excited and joyful about another year of Camp Whitetail, but she always had to try and calm her good friend Pinkie Pie down. She knew Pinkie Pie was just being Pinkie Pie, but she didn't want to scare off any of the more timid campers. "I know that, silly!" Pinkie smiled, poking Applejack. "I just can't wait for the party to start! Who isn't? It's gonna be great!" she bounced around AJ, before rushing off to greet a few more incoming campers, leaving AJ smiling, as she put a hand on her hip and watched Pinkie go off.
  19. DX Unfortunately, I won't be able to post tonight. I will, however, be able to post tomorrow!
  20. Heck yes. Let's throw a party like the one in Katy Perry's TGIF.
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