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Everything posted by TheSpiderDungeon

  1. TBH, I think I'll stay a rock farmer lol. Reminds me of sandbox games like Minecraft or Terraria.

  2. Oh boy! Just what I've been looking for! FN: TheSpiderDungeon IGN: enzoferrari2009 I'm expecting some funness
  3. It almost never happens on the internet. I only ever make outbursts like that when I'm talking, like this: Me: "OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT?" Friend: "What?" Me: "I like trains." Tourettes is typically made up of three different parts: ADD or ADHD, OCD, and Tics. I have ADD (Thank god lol) and a fairly noticable portion of OCD (Ah crap...). Everypony with TS has Tics. Tics can either be one of two things: Motor tics (Flicking around and flexing muscles like a psycopath), or Verbal tics (Repeating phrases over and over. Sometimes in EXTREEEEEEEEEMELY rare cases, Verbal tics can be swearing, but only 1 in 500 people with TS gets it.) About 1 in 1000 people get tourettes, making it quite a rare condition indeed. Yes, I do enjoy making people laugh. Before I forget, When I was diagnosed with TS, I was also diagnosed with an abnormally high IQ (over 145!), and I tend to use it to my advantage (like manipulating psychology to make someone else do something for me xD)...
  4. Thank you! WoF is easy to beat lol! I killed it with a sword xD
  5. Good. I'm just happy nopony cares about my little problem.
  6. About Myself: Hobbies: I enjoy playing Minecraft and Terraria, and I like papercrafting. Country: Canada. (No I don't say "EH" all the time. Don't mention anything about it.) Intrests: I like trains. (No, not really. I just have Tourettes syndrome (Tourettes Guy is a load of bull.) which not only makes me move around uncontrollably, but makes me say words or phrases repeatedly. Yes, sometimes it annoys me as well as others.) How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking for RP servers (For Minecraft. What else?) and one of the servers that appealed me most was here. Turns out I had to get an account here in order to go on so here I am! How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It's a bit of a novel, but here it goes. I was browsing around on youtube, watching minecraft videos and YTPs, stuff like that, when I came across ponies. Everywhere! I said to myself "How is this so popular? I don't understand it...". After watching a few episodes I said to myself again "Now I get it. This is pretty friggin' awesome!" About 5 months later I had posters, apparel, and I even bought some toys. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie Princess Cadence is my favorite pony ^.^ You guys don't alienate cloppers, do you? If you don't then that's good. I'm still uncomfortable with my... 'Problem'...
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